
A new day

Mick opens one eye wearily and straightens his neck from the crooked position it’s been in all night. He glances down, to his chest, BJ’s warm body still covered in a blanket, and still lying peacefully. He hadn’t moved once…poor kid must have been completely exhausted.

Trying to shift his weight a little, Mick realizes just how stiff he’s become. Looking up at the clock, he knows people will start stirring soon. Moving carefully, he takes BJ in his arms to lower his legs back to the floor, standing up just a little unsteadily as his blood circulation starts to flow again. He takes the boy into the living room, setting him down quietly on the couch, then heads to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

Jason stares into the gray light with no motivation to get out of bed. There’s something unfinished…unsettling, that will not allow his mind to rest. All night he’d tossed and turned, wanting just to sleep, but dreams continued to invade his mind.

Laura rolls out of bed, slapping her own alarm clock with a groan. Rising, she showers and dresses quickly, heading for the kitchen. After feeing Henry, she puts a pot of coffee on, and puts a light breakfast on the table, having heard Katie already up.

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