
Doped up

"Mm.... I... think I c'n... h'ndle tht..." Axel squints at Misty, wondering if he'd made any sense at all. "Uh... I better.... stay hereawhile, huh.... dr'vng could be.... zastrous."

He tries to wiggle his fingers, but finds it too painful to continue, so he just lies still again, feeling quite tired all of a sudden. "Hey wouldya... call Jess an' tell'er I'm alive?"

Sparky just nods to Rosetta, really not knowing what else to say. He didn't hold her responsible for anything... and on a certain level, he felt a bit responsible for what had happened, even though deep down he knew it wasn't his fault.

Left alone with Angel, he sighs deeply. "I think it's time for me to move on, Angel." His voice was quiet and defeated. "I think I've served my purpose here and... maybe it's time I found a new route."

Mick doesn't look up as Rosetta joins him. He knew it was her without looking, and he was not surprised. His hand rests on his leg, his fists clenching and relaxing in rhythm. His eyes stare at the blank computer screen.

"Sparky overstepped his bounds, that's what happened," he replies evenly. "Dan has gone after my daughter, and my daughter has willingly disobeyed me in regards to him. Their behavior is unacceptable and I have told Dan to leave. Sparky deserved what he got when he challenged me in front of Dan and Jade. He has no respect for the decisions I have made, and I got tired of it."

Leaning forward, Mick folds his arms on the table, leaning his head down to hide his face. He'd felt lost before, but he'd hoped he'd never have to feel it at this level again. But everything was falling apart. He wasn't communicating well with anyone here anymore, he was losing his daughter, and his son was about as far from him as he could be.

Aw crap... I didn't count on druggies.

Jason's gun sweeps the room, walking at an angle to work as a team with Katie.

"Hey... dude, what's up with the gun?"

Jason rolls his eyes at the one of the guys near the window.

We could have come in here without any cover at all and Dylan wouldn't even know us.

"Not a sound," he barks.

Get them just nervous enough to stay back but not panic.

"You!" He points to Dylan. "Up!"

Dylan doesn't move, and just rolls his eyes up at him. "Easy on the volume... What's your problem?"

"You." Jason shakes his head in disgust. "Up. Now!"

Dylan grunts and closes his eyes, swearing as he tells Jason just where to go.

Jason grits his teeth. "Alright, that's it." He moves towards Dylan.

The young woman shrieks and goes for a lamp to swing in Jason's direction, but a gun pointed in her face makes her stop. The other two men shrink back in the corner, very scared, but of what, they weren't sure. They weren't sure of anything at this point, and were in no frame of mine to fight off anyone, let alone try. But even so, their fear was more than it should have been, without explanation on their part.

Good job, Hero, just keep 'em at bay.

Jason moves to the couch, not needing to worry about the others, now that Katie had a hold on their fears. Reaching down, he grabs Dylan's collar and yanks him up off the couch.

Dylan stumbles to his knees, tearing a hole in his jeans and cursing again. Jason pulls him by the arm, forcing him to his feet. "Get out of here," Jason growls.

Dylan grunts his disapproval as he hits the door. Everything was spinning, and he felt like flopping down right where he was to rest on he cloud that he'd been on for the last hour. But a swift shove gets him out of the apartment.

"Wyatt, we're coming down. Start the engine."

Katie, you coming? Just shut the door behind ya and lets get out of here. We'll call the cops on them a soon as we're gone so they get busted for whatever it is they're taking.

Back to the van, Dylan is still struggling, but he's no match for Jason's skill and size. Slammed up against the side of the van, he yells his resistance, still having no idea who these people were. He was too far gone to be too scared though, giving him an edge dumb enough to be shoved into the back of the van.

Wyatt doesn't have to be told twice to get out of there as soon as the three are in the van, and he picks up his phone to call in an anonymous tip.

Dylan sprawls on the floor of the van, his glazed eyes looking up at Jason and Katie. His face was pale, and his hair was damp with sweat. It seemed all that could come from his mouth was profanity. He doesn't even bother trying to sit up - it wasn't worth the effort.

Jason sits back and shakes his head.

Nice. Real nice. You know we have to call Mick. I don't think pretending this was a kidnapping is going to have any impact on our little friend here at all.


Hearing Axel's voice Misty looks up and gives a soft smile looking up from her paper work. Standing and going over to Axel Misty checks his vitles, and than his wrist before backing up a little.

"It went well, no problems and you should heal just fine."

Moving back to her desk for a second Misty write up a script quick before going to Rick.

"Pain pills for Axel if you can fill this for me."

Misty gives a smile before going back to Axel.

"Going to give you some pain killers. And you will be ok. Once your wrist heals again I should have my last bits of tests done, and than we can re damge it all over again but this time we can hope you will at least have mobility again in your hand. The only thing you will have to deal with is pain every now and again kind of like you have tendentious."

Waiting outside the door her own gun drawn Katie nods to Jason. There was no plan, there was no position it was all being played by ear.

As the shot goes off, and Jason enters Katie follows her gun at the ready. Entering Katie's eyes scan the room taking in to where everyone was and they layout. Moving quickly to the left of Jason closer to the people by the window.

"Get down on the ground, now."

Continuing to watch around the room Kaite doesn't feel right and something seemed off. Taking in a deep breath the smell in the room was unreal and it seemed to gage Katie for a moment. and looking cloeser the glased looking eyes would confirm it.

They are high, watch yourself. One can be very unpredictable when like this. Dylan is the worst of them.

Katie's heart seemed to break for the cousin she hardly new. Even if it was his own stupid fault it still hurt to think of the road he had taken.

Stick with the plan, just watch it.

Placing her hand on Sparky's shoulder Rosetta gives a sigh but a smile at the same time. It hurt to hear the way Mick had reacted. What was wrong with him latly?

"You dont need to be sorry Sparky! You have any right here as Mick does and you know that. Thank you for telling Dan to stay. I dont know whats gotten into Mick latly. If anything I am sorry he socked you."

Letting out another sigh and shaking her head Rosetta new she had to go talk to Mick and see if she could get something out of him, or at least calm him down.

"I better go find Mick and talk to him while BJ is busy with Jeff. When you go to the dentist send me the bill. I got it covered for you."

Turning and giving a nod to Angel Rosetta makes her way out of the house and across the yard. She new where Mick more than likly was and headed to the dinning hall.

Entering and seeing Mick staring at the small computer Rosetta just stands in the doorway watching him for a long moment. Finally entering Rosetta walked slowly to a chair next to Mick and sat down just looking at him. She wanted to be mad, but she was going to controlle her temper till at least Mick had a change to talk.

"Mick, I saw Sparky while BJ and I were at Angel's for his check up. Whats going on?"

Break in

Jade nods and swallows hard, wiping her eyes. "Okay." She tries to smile. "If I don't see you before, I'll see you behind the barn."

Watching Dan leave the barn, she bites her lip and just stays by herself for a few minutes before wandering across the ranchyard and down the lane. Maybe Cindy could use some help around the house for a couple hours.

Sparky sits on a stool to let Angel clean him up, wishing he were somewhere else. Wincing a little, he tries to sit still until she's finished. For now, he'd have to eat carefully, then determine if he'd need a dentist.

Remaining seated, Sparky looks down, not answering Rosetta right away. He didn't want to tell her, but he knew he had to.

"Mick caught Dan and Jade kissing." He looks up, lifting his eyebrows momentarily. "Er...making out. I guess at the same time, Mick heard Dan confess his past to Jade. He flipped."

Sparky shrugs. "Told Dan to pack up, and I stepped in. I informed Mick that all Dan's information was in his file and I guess Mick must've thought he read it but never did. I... reminded Mick that Dan wasn't the only one with, um, shortcomings and he socked me. Told Dan again to leave, then walked out to take a phone call."

He stops, his eyes begging for Rosetta's forgiveness. "I told Dan not to leave. It just didn't feel right. Mick won't be happy, I know but..." His eyes drop down. "I just didn;t want to see Dan suffer anymore, or Jade for that matter. I know I probably overstepped my bounds though, so I'm sorry."

Jason snickers at Katie's idea. "I think I like it."

Wyatt quirks an eyebrow. "We could get in trouble for that method, you realize this."

"From who? Mick? Your dad? They'd agree."

Wyatt smirks. "Alright. But let's not take it too far, huh? Just go in, get him out and hightail it to the ranch."

Jason nods. "Agreed. Lets call Mick. We shouldn't need cameras or anything, so we'll just tell him that we'll call him back when we've got Dylan."

It doesn't take long to notify Mick, pack up and leave the hotel. Wyatt drives while Jason and Katie decide on full gear so they'd hardly be recognizable. Holstered guns and the whole bit, they were ready for a kidnapping.

A forty-five minute drive and a map from Scott brings the small team to the apartment complex Reese had directed them to. It wasn't the greatest looking place, but not the worst either. Finding the right apartment is easy.

"Well..." Jason looks up to the second floor. "Ready?"

...to go play mommy and daddy.

Wyatt yawns. "Just go get him. Keep your mics on. I won't stop anybody coming out unless it's Dylan or unless you tell me to stop someone."

Jason grins and pats his arm. "Don't fall asleep."

"Yeah, yeah. Go on, git before I kick you out."

Exiting the Elite vehicle, Jason waits for Katie, pulling his cap down low and cocking his gun.

Once we barge in, latch onto their fear and drive 'em nuts. I'll grab Dylan. If we're lucky, they'll all be so confused that we'll get in and get right back out again.

Slinking up one flight of stairs and to the apartment door, Jason draws his gun, both for show, and in case anyone inside did happen to have a firearm.

Giving a nod to Katie, he turns quickly and gives the door a swift kick. Knowing right where to aim, the door flies open with a bang. "Everybody freeze!"

The first line of sight shows two men, a woman and Dyaln, in the living room. Dylan and the woman were on the couch, the two guys talking near the window. All freeze, though they seem strangely lethargic.

We startled them. Play with it so I can get to Dylan.

Gunner just stands in Hope's doorway, listening. He doesn't come and sit, but it's obvious that he really is listening and not just pretending. His finger still flicks the pop can tab, indicating he wasn't very comfortable with the subject, but he'd been brave enough to come anyway.

Her suggestion makes his eyebrows rise. Funny. A wry grin surfaces. "I do have an offer. You know Bree... her uncle... the one I..." He shrugs, his face one of regret. "Yeah, well, he invited me to stay. Fed me a line about not wanting the house empty when he works nightshift, but the offer was nice. Maybe he saw the same thing you do."

Looking down, he runs the toe of his shoe on the floor. He was glad that she didn't think he needed to go back to Northside. That was a bit of a comfort in itself. "I guess... maybe I never lived a normal life," he admits. He hadn't really thought of that before, but maybe it was true. Being wrapped up in one mission only all of his life... maybe it wasn't so strange now that he was having difficulty adjusting.

Thinking for a couple quiet moments, he finally nods, glancing back up to Hope. "Thanks. I'll... figure it out."

Nodding again, he turns to head back to his cubicle, opening his pop on the way.

Axel lies on his side, the meds starting to wear off. His eyes gradually open, everything around him seeming a little blurry. It takes him a few minutes to move, blinking and looking around the infirmary to get his bearings.

Licking his dry lips, he rolls over just a little, finally spotting Misty. Mumbling something incoherent, a little grin surfaces. Gibberish wasn't what he was planning to say, but his tongue didn't seem to want to work.

Moving his hand slightly, he sees the bandage. There was a numbing pain, but he'd known that surgery on the nerves could be painful. Finally he's able to get his mouth to work enough to say something, though it's a bit slurred. "Hey, Doc... howsthe... thing... surgery... go?"

Slice and Dice

Letting out a long sigh as Sparky walked away Dan just stood there with Jade for a long moment. Everything was so messed up that Dan didnt even know where to start. He wouldnt be leaving after Sparky told him to stay but still there was a sense of akwardness that would reside here for a while.

"I guess I better go back to my bunk and just stay out of the way for now."

Cocking his head a little Dan puts his finger under Jade's chin tilting it up just a little bit. Giving a soft smile to show things would be ok even if things didn't look like it now.

"Maybe tonight after everything is settled down we can take up our old hay bail and take a look at the sky."

Looking up at Sparky comes into the infermary Angel and Rosaetta seem a bit surprised to see him, and what happend to his lips once again.

"Sparky, you cant keep your self out of trouble can you?"

Angel gave a little laugh as she came over to him and took a look before heading to get a few items she would need to clean the lip and get it to stop. Returning back to him with some stuff to clean out the cut and to look at his tooth.

Seeing the look in Sparky's eye Rosetta lets out a long sigh. Mick and Sparky had been at it again for what reason this time, she wasnt sure. But take his advise she looks down at BJ and gives a smile.

"Why dont you run along, and find Uncle Jeff mmm? I think if you ask nicly and tell him you were good at the Dr he might have a special treat for you."

BJ's eyes light up as he hopes down from the chair. One of his favorite pass times was being with Jeff. He was so wonderus to the things around him, and learning new stuff that he never tired of seeing a person more than once. Throwing his arms around Rosetta and smile up at her BJ turns to run out the door.

"Love you mom."

Followed after him as the door fell shut and he was on his way.

Looking back at Sparky Rosetta comes a few steps closer as she leans on one of the tables. Waiting for Angel to get done with his tooth she he could talk back with her.

"What happened Sparky?"

Being able to pray with other people was nice and Karla enjoyed it. It felt good to have a circle of friends who had the same faith as she did. maybe it had been something she longed and never really noticed she missed having till now.

Enjoying the food, music and people who chatted back and forthKarla had a great time, and couldnt help a bit of sadness that the movie was now over. It was differnt having people around her, but it was nice at the same time. Better than her crappy apartment anyways.

Looking to see what time it was Karla didnt want to be to late having to walk home in the neighborhood she lived in but seeing it was only a little past she smiled to Kip.

"Ok, I'll stay a little while longer and play some games. But not to late."

Stumbling a little through the door that joined the two hotel rooms Katie rubs her eyes. Walking slowly over to the chair she does her best to wake up and be alert to what Reese had to say.

Hearing that Dylan had been located Katie sits up straight. Her cousin had been found? Knowing it was merly a case of running away Katie let out a frustrated sigh.

"This sound be fun. I can garinte he's not coming to come without a fight."

Continuing to listen hearing that Jason and Katie would be going on the inside while Wyatt would be out. Slumping a little Katie shakes her head even though she new they had to do it.

We get to play Mom and Dad, Woot!

Once the call is ended Katie stands and heads to the small counter where there was a coffee pot. She need coffee to be able to function. Hearing Wyatt's comment Katie cant help but laugh.

"Just because he is my cousin doesn't mean I know him. I only met him once..."

Katie thinks back to the first day she met Jade and Dylan. It was less than perect.

"...it wasnt the greatest of experiences."

Letting out another sigh and come back over to where Jason and Wyatt where Kaite sits down on the bed next to Jason and leans back letting her head fall on the pillow.

"I think asking nicly it out of it. If he did run away thinking it was funny, maybe giving him a taste of his own medicen would be good. We could go in and kidnap him but not him know we are friendly. Keep him blindfolded till he gets to the ranch or something."

Looking up as Gunner entered the room a small smile forms on Hope's lips though looking into his tired eyes she could tell something else was there and maybe Gunner wasnt all the great. Listing to him Hope gives a small nod. She has seen them much in the past with many people. As stange as it sounded this was normal.

"You have to train your own self not to think about it so much Gunner. It was easy being in the hospetil because you had a goal, you wanted to get out. Now you have to find a new goal to focus on and do it on your own."

Searching his eyes Hope new he was hurting still it was only normal. But the look she saw was deeper still some where there was a fear of having to go back to Northside.

"Gunner, as long as you dont try to take your own life, I wont send you back to Northside. Being here, just talking to me about it on you own proves you don't need to be there. You just need to relax and remember how to live a normal life again"

Thinking for a long moment Hope wonders about a few suggestions.

"How about staying with someone for a few days? Just so you can be independent but not alone yet. It very well might help you get use to life again."

"Hey hey Axel. Glad you made it. Ready for he slice and dice?"

Misty gives him a side long glance before shaking her head and laughing.

"Ok, I have everything set up already if I can just have you sit up here we can prep you and than start the mini surgery."

Time seems to fly once Axel was preped and the sugary started. It wouldnt take long to do what Misty had to do and she could do it alone. It was just teatus to get the nerve cut, put back together and into a liquest before it became useless.

Another hour goes by and Misty was finally done. Wrapping Axel's hand and bring the veil over to the fridge to keep it inside. Axel would soon wake from being knocked out and Misty would be able to talk to him a little more. Having him stay just a few hours to let his hand rest.


Jade is all too willing to let Dan hold her. Resting her head against him, her shoulders shake as she cries. What had happened? How had it gotten this far? Fifteen minutes ago, she would have been satisfied with just being friends with Dan forever. Now she'd realized she really did want more than that, and it had been shot down all in the same moment.

Sniffing, her arms wrap around Dan's waist and she tucks her head into his chest. She didn't even have time to process what had just happened between them. She'd wanted to soak up the moment and think about the feelings that had fluttered in her stomach. But instead, she was dealing with an irate father.

Sparky wipes his lip, but any pressure didn't seem to help the bleeding. His lip had just healed from the last time Mick had punched him, and now it had been split wide open all over again. He could feel one of his teeth wobbling too, and was afraid to see what damage there was.

He looks to Dan, wiping away more blood. "Well, you're not leaving. I'm the closest thing to a foreman around here without it being official, and I'm ordering you to stay. Mick has no right to throw you out. If he didn't want you, he should have been smart enough to find your file."

He pauses, finally going for his bandanna and pressing it to his lower lip. "Just hang loose and play it cool. If you want to take the night off, go ahead so Mick doesn't catch you in the barn. And Jade, just stay out of his hair for now - don't approach him when he's this hot."

Jade manages a nod and another sniff.

"I gotta go take care of this," Sparky mutters as he draws more blood. He looks at Dan and Jade, compassion and hurt in his eyes. "Don't give in... not like this."

Turning, he leaves Dan and Jade alone, making his way to Angel's office. Entering, he stops short, seeing that Rosetta and BJ were there, chatting with Angel. He dabs his lip again, rethinking his plan of action. "Hey... sorry to barge in on the party." He manages a smile for BJ's sake, and looks to Angel. "I can't get this stupid thing to stop bleeding and I think I may wind up needing a dentist."

His eyes drift in Rosetta's direction. He couldn't blame Mick outright in front of BJ. "Your husband thought I could do with one less tooth anyway." He keeps his tone casual, but his eyes tell her a very different story. "Might wanna have BJ go see Uncle Jeff before you head on over to the dining hall," he hints.

Everyone tries to make Karla feel welcome, even Erik. Though he keeps a close eye on her and
Kip, he treats her as any friend, making sure she was as comfortable as possible.

Sitting with Karla on the floor, Kip leans back against a chair. He nods to her question. "We'll pray together."

Once everyone was settled, Theo was the volunteer to pray, thanking God for both the food and their guest. Soon, food was being eaten, and a comedy was being watched on the large screen. Laughter rippled through the room, and sometimes a teasing potato chip would fly. Once or twice, the banter and laughing was so much that Twila had to rewind parts of the movie that they'd missed. And when the credits roll, it felt too soon.

Kip swings his head around and looks at Karla. The others would be staying up late playing games. She was invited, but he didn't know if she would stay or not.

Beep, beep, beep, beep...

Wyatt groans and rolls over to slap his alarm. But as his hand gropes on the bedside table, he realizes that this is not his room, and it was not his alarm going off. He slides from the bed at the same time Jason does. "What in the... what time is it?"

Jason fumbles for a shirt, pulling it over his head. "Five-fifteen," he mumble. Stumbling to the door between rooms, he raps on it lightly.

Rise and shine. Incoming.

Wyatt takes a seat at the table situating the computer and speaker phone that was still beeping. "Yeah?"

"How long does it take for someone to answer a call?"

Wyatt grins at his father's voice. "As long as it takes to get out of bed. You said to be on alert, not on watch. What's up?"

Jason listens as he runs a hand through his hair and waits for Katie to join them.

"We got a location on Dylan."

Wyatt's eyes widen. "What?"

"Yeah. He was located this morning at an apartment building about thirty miles from you."



Wyatt exchanges a look of confusion with the others. "Alive?"


"Did the police take him?"


"Well, why not?"

"Dylan refused to go. Said he was of age to be on his own, and told them to leave. He was with three others - two men an a woman."

"Aw, nice," Jason grumbles. "We came all this way for nothing."

"No," Reese answers, "I want you to go get him."

"But he was obviously just being retarded and wanting to prove something, and if he doesn't want to leave, then we could be charged with kidnapping."

"Then I'll take the heat. I spoke to Mick, and he wants his son taken to the ranch, against the will of Dylan's mother, of course. He still thinks there's foul play - not sure if I agree, but I'm not willing to risk it like the local police are."

Jason sighs. "So you want us to take him by force."

"As if that will be hard for you."

"No, just a royal pain."

"Well, do it anyway. I don't want anyone hurt, but I trust you and Katie can handle about anything."

Wyatt rolls his eyes. "Thanks."

Reese chuckles. "They couldn't do it without a lookout, so don't have a pity party - no one will join you. Now you all have your orders. I don't want to hear from you until you have Dylan in custody. He's in Collinsville at the Maple Heights apartments, number thirty-five. I'll have Scott send you the map."

"Alright. Talk to you later." Wyatt ends the call and looks up to the other two. "Looks like we got our work cut our for us." Dealing with a stubborn teenager wasn't going to be fun. "We need a plan of approach though. Got any theories here?" He glances to Katie. "He's your cousin now - he the type to run off without word? File says he's left before, but not like this."

Gunner groans as his alarm goes off. He'd just gotten to sleep twenty minutes ago and already it was time to get up. He'd hit the snooze if he believed an extra five minutes would really do any good. But he didn't. It had been a long night... a very long night with many thoughts he wanted to ignore.

Showering and downing a cup of coffee managed to wake him up enough to drive to work, though the foggy atmosphere didn't help much. Once he's at TJY, he finds paperwork waiting on his desk. But after half an hour of trying to concentrate, he gives up.

He heads to the break room for a can of pop, hitting the button for Mountain Dew. not getting the can though, he growls at the machine. Taking hold of it, he slips around the side, feels the back panel then gives it a hearty whack. He was the only one who had ever been able to conquer the pop machine's quirks and sure enough, his Mountain Dew is deposited. But as he heads back to his cubicle, he stops. The caffeine might help his tiredness, but it wasn't going to let him forget the thoughts that had run through his mind all night.

Stopping in the hall, Gunner just stands for several moments before finally turning around. Getting to Hope's open door, he knocks lightly. Something close to a smile accents his tired eyes. "Hi, um... I... I just... um..." His shoulders drop and his gaze is lowered as his finger fiddles with the pop can tab. Click, click, click. He looks back up at Hope. He was too tired to fight today. "I had a bad night. I keep... I mean... I don't want to, but I keep thinking about ending it again... and I don't know how to make it stop."

Axel makes his way through TJY, waving to a few faces that had become familiar. Making it to the infirmary, Rick greets him and points him to Misty. Axel thanks him and wanders to Misty's desk, not wanting to interrupt her. He was a few minutes early.

He knocks on the corner of her desk, giving her a little grin. "Your patient has arrived."


Being stoped by Sparky Dan was a little surprised. Turning to follow Dan was a little confused but did as he said anyways. Coming back to Jade, and Mick again Dan was hoping for an explanation or something.

Listing to Sparky's words with Mick, and hearing the way he talked about him Dan felt hurt, and didnt know what to do. Everything hurt, and seeing the fear in Jade's eyes across the barn his heart acked more. He didn't want it this way, it was ment to be a lot easier.

Seeing Mick reach out and strike Sparky Dan's eyes widen a little. In a few quick steps Dan is next to Sparky to see if he was ok. Looking up at Mick again Dan's own anger seemed to form but he kept his words to himself.

Watching Mick leave and hearing he needed to back one more time Dan just didnt know what to do. Looking at Sparky who told him to stay Dan felt so lost. But looking up and seeing how scared Jade was Dan leaves Sparky's side taking the few short steps to her. Reaching out he gently puts his arm around her shoulder and draws her near to him. Resting his own head down on her for a long moment.

After a few moments had gone by still holding Jade Dan looked up at Sparky. He didnt know what to do. He'd remembered what happend with Becca, but still he refused to do that with Jade. There had to be a middle somewhere.

"Now what happens?"

Second time

Jade clings to Dan's hands, looking over his shoulder to her father. Cold chills ran down her spine. She'd intentionally disobeyed him, and he was not happy. Him terminating Dan's job only proved to be the final blow. There was nothing worse. Her father had obviously been pushed to his limit.

A whimper sticks in her throat as Dan speaks. She knew he was trying to comfort her, but she didn't want that. She didn't want him to leave at all. But as she slid back to the floor, his hands were lost from her grasp, and she could only stand helplessly as he walked away.

"No!" Tears streamed down her face and she starts to go after Dan, but Mick's arm stops her short.

He looks down at her with a sternness never seen. "You let him go," he orders. "I'll not have someone like him working here, let alone trying to seduce my daughter."

"He wasn't trying to seduce me!" Jade almost screams. "Don't you understand anything?!"

"You listen to me," Mick barks, taking her by her shoulders. "I knew there was something about him, and now I know. How you can look past what he's done is beyond me, but whatever you've got stuck in your head, you better forget it now, because this is over. Do you understand?"

Before Dan can make it outside, Sparky suddenly steps out of the shadows, grabbing Dan's arm to stop him and turn him around. His gaze was angry, but it was not an anger towards Dan. "You leave, and you'll regret it the rest of your life," he warns quietly. "Now is not the time to run."

Taking a couple steps backward towards Mick and Jade, Sparky motions for Dan to trust him and follow. Then turning back around, he addresses his brother. "Mick, let her go."

Mick whirls around with a glare. "Stay out of this Tyler. This is none of your business."

Being called by his given name stung and Sparky almost winces. "It is too," he replies calmly, keeping his temper at bay. "These kids don't deserve this and you know it."

"He's a murderer!" Mick points in Dan's direction. "And he admitted it!"

"It was an accident!" Sparky's voice finally raises a notch. "He made a mistake! We've all made mistakes, and he paid for his dearly!"

"I don't care how it happened! He's not going to do the same to my daughter!"

"He's changed, Mick!"

"How do you know?!"

"He's served his time! He's been on the right path! Go look at his file, for crying out loud!" Sparky points to the office outside. Seeing a look of shock cross Mick's face, Sparky's own eyes widen. "You never read it, did you?"

"Of course I read his file," Mick snaps. "I read all of them."

"But you didn't know any of this."

"So he's been lying to us."

Sparky shakes his head. "I don't know what you thought you read, Mick, but all of what he told Jade is in his file. You just didn't know it."

Mick takes a step back, his eyes jumping from Dan to Jade to Sparky and back to Dan.

Jade's teary eyes are wide. "If... if you didn't know, then... then why do you hate him so much."

"I didn't hate him!" Mick throws up his arms. "But I knew there was a reason not to trust him, and now it's been proven."

Sparky crosses his arms. "Dan wasn't the one that came home drunk the other night."

Mick's gaze snaps to his brother as his anger boils. Without even thinking, he lashed out. The smack echoed in the barn as his knuckles met Sparky's mouth.

Sparky's head whips to the side, blood spurting from his lip. He manages to stay on his feet, but stays bent, staring at the floor.

Jade gives a shriek and puts her hands to her mouth, her face paling in shock. She wanted to run to Dan, but her father stood in between them.

After a horridly silent moment, Sparky straightens up. Never had he worn such a look of hurt on his face as he stares at his brother. "You're wrong, Mick... you're wrong, and you know it."

"Mick!" someone shouts from outside. "Telephone."

Mick tenses, knowing that it was probably related to Dylan. A mixture of anger and guilt formed knots in his stomach as he stared at the three sets of eyes. Gritting his teeth, he turns to leave, giving Dan one last glare as he goes. "I told you to pack up," he hisses before continuing out of the barn.

Sparky looks to Dan and shakes his head when Mick is out of earshot. "Don't you dare pack."

Jade stands trembling, so utterly confused that she doesn't even think she can move.

Sad :(

Just looking back into Jade's eyes Dan felt like he could get lost. His world had stopped losing one, and than started again finding the unexceptionable only to losing her as well. Life was crule and played a mean game.

But feeling Jade's hand run through his hair Dan felt the warmth, and it gave him hope. Hope that there were brighter days, and the sun would always rise.

But as quick as the hope came, it was broken once more, Mick's words causing Dan to jump. Not because he was scared of him, but because it was unexpected. Turning around Dan's hand falls behind him taking Jade's into his own. His heart thumped now, the look in Mick's eyes chilled him to the bone.

Dan wanted to say more, but he'd just been caught making out with Mick's daughter. There was nothing he could say that would make anything better. Giving Jade's hand a squeeze Dan looks over his shoulder and gives her a smile. He had one kiss, that would last him a life time. It would go in the box of memories and be cherished.

"Its going to be ok Jade. Just remember what I told you about family."

Giving Jade's hand a gentile squeeze Dan steps forwards and lets her hand slip from his. His heart being ripped in to, but trying his best not to let it show. Slowly starting to make his way out of the barn to pack.


As Dan speaks the truth, Jade whirls around, her eyes wide. She had suspected there was more to his story, but not this. Her hand goes to her mouth to try and cover her shock. But the tears that form in her eyes were not from anger or hate for what Dan had done - they were from sorrow. The man that stood before her was a soul more tormented than she had imagined. Becca had been more than a mere girlfriend. She had been pregnant... with his own child. And he had lost them both.

Jade's stomach churns as she tries to process the information. She felt sick, now realizing what Dan was going through, becoming angrier with her father, and feeling her heart being ripped in two. There were feelings inside of her that were upset to find out Dan had had another so intimately. That he would have had a family. That he would have had love. Yet he'd shattered his own dream. But greater were Jade's feeling of sorrow for him, and further hatred towards her father for treating Dan like this, when he was obviously still recovering from a tragic past.

She felt like she should be more angry with Dan, yet as she stared up into his eyes, the pain was deeper than that. She wasn't angry with him. As much as it didn't make sense, she just couldn't be. Her mouth opens slightly as tears stream down her face. But she didn't know what to say. Finding this out... the shock didn't want to leave, yet she felt like falling into his arms to grasp for any comfort that might be left. It was a conflicting feeling, but it was there nonetheless.

And looking into those deep eyes as he spoke through his pain, Jade knew... He was more than just a friend to her.

But what could she possibly say to something like this? There was nothing but her stare... her stare of shock, pain and longing. She didn't want to hurt him anymore though. She couldn't say anything, for fear of making his own pain worse. Her heart breaking even more, she turns to leave, only to have Dan pull her back around.

Drawn close to him, Jade could feel his warm strength and her pulse quickened. Like magnets, his eyes drew her in, making it impossible for her to look away. Her mouth had gone dry and she found herself trembling for no explainable reason.

Taken into his kiss, she doesn't even have time to react. For a split second, she finds herself almost struggling, but too quickly, his kiss brings a warmth over her she'd never known. Her eyes close and she could feel her knees starting to buckle.

Feeling herself being picked up, she wraps her arms around him, letting him move her to the workbench. Feeling his hands in her hair made her heart race as butterflies filled her stomach. She could hear her own pulse beating inside her temple as her hands slide up to cradle Dan's neck and head.

Completely overcome with the moment, she doesn't stop to think about who she was kissing and why. It didn't seem to matter anymore. All she knew was this incredible feeling that she didn't want to end.

As Dan ends the exchange, Jade blinks, trying to catch her breath, her arms still slung around his neck. Swallowing hard, a rebel tear escapes to follow the path down her cheek. Dan's words hurt. Not because of him, but because she suddenly saw that they were more than friends, and he was stating the fact that it couldn't be.

As her lip starts to quiver again, her eyes just search his as she takes her hand and runs her fingers through his hair. She wanted to say so much, but the words got caught in her throat. "Dan, I..."

"Alright, Dan." Mick's cold tone shatters the warmth of the barn. He stood before them, his arms crossed, and his eyes blazing. One could only guess how long he'd been standing there. "Step away from my daughter and go pack your bags. You're finished."

No One!

At Jade's words Dan could feel his emotions bubble inside. The emotions left dormant for so long seemed to find there way back and Dan felt the guilt all over, He saw the images of Becca lifeless next to him in the car.

Taking Jade by the shoulders Dan looks her in the eyes. The pain written all over his face He did care and thats why he tryed.

"Jade I am doing your friend went I tell you not to do that. I care and thats why I am telling you not to break ties with your dad like that."

Dan felt like his words were going in one ear and out the other with Jade. And it made him frustrated more. He had to do something to get her to not do the unthinkable. Maybe...if it was the truth she wanted to hear and maybe he should tell her.

Taking a few steps back from Jade Dan holds his arms out just a little was to the side, his tone seemd cold, but not for Jade but for his own pain.

"You want to know why your dad hates me? Because Jade, I am a murder thats why!"

It cut his heart, and ripped open his scars just to stay it out loud again. His emotions seemed to flair but pain was the greatest.

"I go to bed every night only to see Becca's bloody face in my dreams, and know I killed out unborn child. I wake to escape those nightmares only to relizes they are true."

A hot tear seemed to form in Dan's eye. He felt so messed up all over again, yet there was a tug at his heart...something....

"Before coming here Jade, I spent 4 years in prison because I made a mistake and had one to many before getting behind the wheel of my car after having a fight with Becca's parents forcing her to choose them or me."

Dan is quiet for a moment as he tryed to catch his breath before speaking again.

"Your Dad hates me Jade because I am...a murder. And I cant ask another person to give up everything for me when I dont deserve it."

The tugging...it was here, just looking at Jade the tug continued trying to sooth his pain. Her mear presence, He was in love with Jade. She did something to him from the moment he met her, and now if confused him more. Seeing her to start to turn away, Dan didnt want her to go, Dan didnt know what to do.

Reaching out Dan took Jade by the am bringing her close to him. His eyes linked with her for a long moment, and he didnt what he had wanted to do a few times before. Bringing his lips to her quickly Dan's own eyes fall shut as a million emotions seem to rush over him.

Drawing Jade closer and wrapping his arms around her gently lifting her off the ground to sit on the small works bench that was at the one side of the barn so she was level with him Dan kept Jade close his arms still wrapped around her as his one hand finds the back of her head and his hand ran through her hair.

Finally pulling away Dan's own breath seemed heavy but looking Jade in the eyes once again his words seemed soft, and maybe even a little sad.

"It's a shame he hates me too because no one has been able to fill the hole in my heart till you came along."

I just...

Jade looks to Dan quickly, surprise and anger flashing in her eyes as another tear slips out to travel down her face and melt between Dan's fingers. It was the first time she'd glared at him.

"Don't you dare do that to me, Dan Palmer." Her lower lip quivers, but anger takes over the sorrow. "Don't you try to tell me what's more important. I didn't want your friendship just to turn my back on it, so don't make me." A tear drops onto her shirt. "At least you care - my dad doesn't, or he'd see what he was doing. I don't care if you say he really cares or not - he obviously doesn't want me here. He's just finding a way to push me away from him. Well... so be it."

Jade's on her feet, pacing as she swipes at her eyes. "He's being ridiculous, and you know it! Stop trying to be the nice guy and just... just be my friend!" She throws up her arms. "He can shove his ideas up his butt for all I care! I'm gonna pack up and I'm gonna find my own place in town and if he tries to sic my grandmother on me, I'll just give her a piece of my mind. I don't care if life isn't fair... this time, I'm not gonna back down! I can't... I just... I can't."

She leans her hands against the wall, breathing heavily. "I just want to know what he has against you. And if he's not willing to tell me, then he can just deal with the fallout."


Leaning against the barn wall Dan lets out a long sigh. It hurt to know Mick still wanted Jade to have nothing to do with him. And it broke his own heart to see his friend this hurt over it.

Oh how this had happened before and ripped a family apart.Becca had left the world her parents hating her, and herself never seeing them one last time. It had all fallen apart because of her, and it just seemed to be happening again. How could he let that happen to Jade? If he cared than he should let her go. She deserved her family.

"Life...many times is not fair, and we are not always ment to understand."

Pushing off the wall Dan walks a little closer to Jade, and sits down on the hay.

"You only have one family Jade, and your dad loves you very much. Thats why he is doing this because he cares. Dont lose your dad over this Jade, its really not worth it."

Bringing a hand to Jade's face it was hard to find the words to say this as he looked her in the eye.

"Because I care, I cant let you do that. You need your family more than you need my friendship."

Dan hurt and he was sure he had a look of pain for his friend on his face, but what he spoke he ment. He couldnt tear another woman for there parent. He just couldnt.