

Hearing Axel's voice Misty looks up and gives a soft smile looking up from her paper work. Standing and going over to Axel Misty checks his vitles, and than his wrist before backing up a little.

"It went well, no problems and you should heal just fine."

Moving back to her desk for a second Misty write up a script quick before going to Rick.

"Pain pills for Axel if you can fill this for me."

Misty gives a smile before going back to Axel.

"Going to give you some pain killers. And you will be ok. Once your wrist heals again I should have my last bits of tests done, and than we can re damge it all over again but this time we can hope you will at least have mobility again in your hand. The only thing you will have to deal with is pain every now and again kind of like you have tendentious."

Waiting outside the door her own gun drawn Katie nods to Jason. There was no plan, there was no position it was all being played by ear.

As the shot goes off, and Jason enters Katie follows her gun at the ready. Entering Katie's eyes scan the room taking in to where everyone was and they layout. Moving quickly to the left of Jason closer to the people by the window.

"Get down on the ground, now."

Continuing to watch around the room Kaite doesn't feel right and something seemed off. Taking in a deep breath the smell in the room was unreal and it seemed to gage Katie for a moment. and looking cloeser the glased looking eyes would confirm it.

They are high, watch yourself. One can be very unpredictable when like this. Dylan is the worst of them.

Katie's heart seemed to break for the cousin she hardly new. Even if it was his own stupid fault it still hurt to think of the road he had taken.

Stick with the plan, just watch it.

Placing her hand on Sparky's shoulder Rosetta gives a sigh but a smile at the same time. It hurt to hear the way Mick had reacted. What was wrong with him latly?

"You dont need to be sorry Sparky! You have any right here as Mick does and you know that. Thank you for telling Dan to stay. I dont know whats gotten into Mick latly. If anything I am sorry he socked you."

Letting out another sigh and shaking her head Rosetta new she had to go talk to Mick and see if she could get something out of him, or at least calm him down.

"I better go find Mick and talk to him while BJ is busy with Jeff. When you go to the dentist send me the bill. I got it covered for you."

Turning and giving a nod to Angel Rosetta makes her way out of the house and across the yard. She new where Mick more than likly was and headed to the dinning hall.

Entering and seeing Mick staring at the small computer Rosetta just stands in the doorway watching him for a long moment. Finally entering Rosetta walked slowly to a chair next to Mick and sat down just looking at him. She wanted to be mad, but she was going to controlle her temper till at least Mick had a change to talk.

"Mick, I saw Sparky while BJ and I were at Angel's for his check up. Whats going on?"

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