
I have too

*Rosetta nods as her head is still leaning on Mick's chest.* " Lets go break the news to the other. They should know Katie is apart of the ranch family."

*Katie fights aganst Jason not wanting to lay back down.* " Its was horrable J...I lost you, and My aunt, all my friends. I dont want to lose you guys I have to fight this." *Katie finally relaxes but dosent let Jason go as she shakes slightly.* " OH Jason...how could this happen, why?" *Finally Katie's crying stops.* " I swair Jason, I'm going to walk again. I'm going to work every day to do it. I have to." *Katie's eyes once again drift close. and her heads lays on the pillow.*

*Wes cant help but laugh* " And I am your knight in shinning armour." *As Wes cuts into his lobster tail he cant help but hold his smile. Every inch of liqued inside of him bubbles. He is so happy, so excited.* "Well I do love to cook. One of these nights I'll have to treat you out to Wes' Dinner and cook ya something good."

It's okay

Mick nods. “I know…but the future is never certain…we don’t know what’s in store for Katie yet….” He thinks for a moment, then agrees. “Things will be find here, no problem. We just have to wait for the OK to go.”

“Yeah…no, I don’t know yet.” Jason shakes his head as he talks on the phone with Reese. “Depends on how long she’ll have to stay. Hmm? No…I’m not sure. Thought I might take Con up on his offer….not right away, depending.” He pauses. “Yeah, swing by the hotel and pick those things up for me, will ya? And have Laura drop off the clothes here instead of there. I want to…hmm? ….yeah. It should be safe. Alright….yeah, call Con and tell him to let the others know… Right. I…” Jason stops his sentence short as he hears Katie. “Reese, I gotta go.” He hangs up and dashes back across the hall. His heart breaks all over again, seeing Katie sitting up and crying. Without hesitating, he goes to her and sits on the bed beside her, taking her in his strong arms. “Hey, shhh….Katie, it’s okay. You’re all right. Was it a bad dream?” He gently tries to lay her back down. “Just try to relax.”

Cindy hugs Wes tight, finally able to stop crying. As she sits back down, she looks down at her hand, the biggest smile on her face. “Wow,” she breathes. “I can’t believe it.” She looks up at Wes, her eyes dancing. “I feel like a fairytale princess.”
She laughs as the food arrives. “If you dare to claim culinary expertise as this, you can bank on doing all the cooking from here on out!”


*Rosetta still clings to Mick her tears starting to stop.* " I just feel so helpless Mick. Katie had her whole lige in front of her. She was so Excited and ready to go out and down things. This has to be crushing her. As soon as we can I'd like to go see her. Maybe the kids, and Angel, and Cindy can hold down the fort. We can bring BJ with us."

*As Katie lays still in bed her mind still races. The gun shot, the fire, someone pulled her out of the car but who? Katie dreams she is back at the ranch not being able to walk keeps her home bound. Looking up at a figure she asks what she can do to help only yo get a reply of nothing. "You did this to yourself" the voice tells her. " You dident even try. You gave up before you even started. You friend was there to help and you pushed him away. Now you lost him forever." *Katie shoots up from the hospetal bed giving a small scream. The tears, the emotions. Katie cant take it anymore her tears flow over. She wasent sure if she was crying for herself, for her pain, or for the pain this will put on others to have to take care of her. No matter what Katie had to get through this. She had to try and be stong. No matter how Katie tryed could couldent stop the tears.*

*Wes cant help but beam anymore. The tears now coming down his face. Slowly Wes fumles with the ring taking it out of the box and sliping it on Cindy's finger.* "Perfect fit." *Wes stands and embraces Cindy.* " Your wonderful. Thank you...thank you so much." *Wes sits back down in his char as the food comes to the table. Wes beams.* " Dinner is served I hope you like it I slaved over the stove all day." *A silly grin on Wes' face.*


Mick holds Rosetta tight as she cries, wishing he had the right words to say. "It's not your fault," he states with emphasis. "You know that. Katie made up her own mind to go, and we don't even know yet all the details. It was a terrible thing to happen, but it was NOT your fault." He slowly guides her into the other room, and eases down on the couch, still cradling her in his arms. "It's going to be alright. We're just going to wait and hear from Reese about any changes or when we can go see Katie." Mick plants a tender kiss on her head. "God's not going to let us down...we've been through things like this before, and we'll get through this too."

Jason reassures Katie with a squeeze to her hand. "I'm not going anywhere, Hero. You just sleep...rest now." As he sees her eyes drift shut, he slowly lets her hand go, letting it rest by her side. Standing up, he goes to the door to lean on the frame for a minute, taking a deep breath. This really was a nightmare. In his mind, he still sees Katie on the side of the road. He feels the horror all over again...her body mangled and bloody... He shuts his eyes for a moment, before heading across the hall to the bathroom. He splashes cold water on his face, trying to gain his strength back, but his body refuses to resist the emotional strain. Before he can stop it, his lunch comes back up, throwing him into a brief but severe convulsion before his stomach is empty. Back to the sink, he's now exhausted and tries to regain control. He couldn't let this get to him like this. Not now. Not this time. He had to stay on top of this...he had to be strong. He couldn't let Katie down.
Mustering up his courage, he goes back out into the hall, staying close to Katie's room, lest she wake. He had no plans to leave right now. Picking up a nearby phone, he dials Reese to give an update and start making plans. It was going to be a long next few days...he could feel it.

Cindy's eyes fill with tears a she stares at the ring, barely hearing Wes' words. Her hand trembles as she reaches out to admire the ring. Her lower lip quivering, she can barely speak. "Oh, Wes...." She sniffs, trying to compose herself, but she can't stop crying. She's felt so rejected all her life... ever since Derek...she'd never had hope for anything else...she'd never dreamed of any man loving her again, let alone wanting to spend the rest of his life with her. "I....I'm so undeserving..." She sniffs again, the tears still streaming down her cheeks as she fingers the diamond. "You're so.....it's so.... it's all too good to be true!" A smile makes its way to the surface, despite her crying, though she can't look up to see Wes' eyes for fear she crumble even more. "I...I would...." She stops, blinking and still unable to stop the tears, her hands shaking uncontrollably now. "I would love to be Mrs. Henson."

Would You

*Rosetta is greatful for Con confort but is happy Mick shows up when he does. Being with Mick always made Rosetta feel better. Still crying Rosetta burrys her face into Mick's shoulder.* " Mick how could this happen? Why Katie? I shouldent have let her go. I shouldent have." *Rosetta clings tighter to Mick.*

*A nurse comes into Katies room and gives her another shot of pain killers.* "There ya go doll that should help the pain. You need to rest."

*Katie trys to comprehend the words Jason is speaking, trying to let them sink in but her mind is still in to much of a fog. Katie turns to look at Jason again. The compation in his eyes, the friendship. Katie eyes slowly start to close as the pain meds kick in and make her feel drozy.* " Promise you wont leave me J. Its comforting to know your there."

*Wes smiles back at Cindy.* " Non really other than I am with the prittyest lady in the world and she deserves the best." *Wes orders there food than sits and makes small talk with Cindy. Finally the waiter brings the wine and pours it for both Cindy and Wes. Wes nods at the waiter and smiles alittle. Within a matter a minutes a small band sets up alittle ways behind them starts to play some soft slow music. Wes trys to calm his nerves as he takes Cindy's hand a serouse look on his face.* "Cindy, I know we havent known eachother for very long but I feel like Its been years. Your so easy to talk to...and you...well your just wonderful. I feel so happy when I am around you. I've never felt this way before. I feel complete..like you were the puzzle peace in my life I was missing and I enjoy spending time with you and would like to spend alot more. So...ummm...all in all Cindy.." *Wes reaches into his pocket and pills out a small black box. inside in contains a small simple silver ring with 1 dimond in the middle.* "....would you like to spend the rest of your life with me, and become Ms. Cindy Henson?" *Wes waits in antisapation for Cindy's answer a smile on his face, and the nervusness in his eyes showing. The last time he did this. It dident go well. He hoped this time would be better.*


Con immediately gets to his feet, feeling completely helpless. He squats down next to Rosetta, putting an arm around her shoulder, knowing he’s awkward at this kind of thing. “It’s okay, Rosetta…it’s going to be okay… she’ll be alright…”

Mick suddenly appears in the door, skidding to a halt as he sees Con and Rosetta. His face is grim and tight, proving Austin had just spoken to him.

Con looks up and stands, letting Mick take his place. They exchange no words as Con backs off, leaving the two alone. He takes a deep breath as he steps down off the porch, and stuffs his hands in his pockets. Dear Katie…how could something like this have happened to such a sweet girl? It wasn’t fair.

Mick reaches down and pulls Rosetta up out of her chair, drawing her into his strong arms. “Shhh, shh.” He rocks her back and forth, rubbing her back. “It’ll be okay.”

All of Jason’s emotions scream at him as he watches Katie. His heart feels as if it’s being torn from his chest, and it takes all he has not to allow his tears to come back. It was his turn to be the support – he had to be…for her.

“Hey, hey, Katie, shh…” He puts a hand gently on her shoulder to keep her rested on the bed without trying to rise. “It’s going to be alright. You just need to rest right now and not think about anything else, okay?” He bites his lip, forcing another smile to reassure her. “We’re going to take this one step at a time…the future isn’t written yet. You don’t worry about me or anyone else right now….you just focus on what you need, and you need to rest.” Her question of who would want her now cuts him deeply. Suddenly he realizes that if given the chance, he would gladly take her place. He stares her in the eye, a soft sternness forming. “You’re a fighter, Katie, remember that. No matter what happens, no matter if this is permanent or not…you will get through this, and there is a future for you.” He grits his teeth. “And don’t you ever think someone wouldn’t want you, Katie.”

Cindy’s eyes widen just a little. “Mmm…nice restaurant….dressing up…wine…what’s the occasion?” Her eyes twinkle with mischief before she lowers them to her menu again.

Ever Again?

*For a moment Rosetta is stuned not sure what to say or what to do. The news...Was this a dream she was stuck in. A single tear rolls down her cheek making a splashing sound in the silence conferming this wasent a dream. In a horse whisper she reply.* "No....Katie." *Before anymore words can be said, Rosetta cant help but break out crying histaricly as she sinks lower in her chair.*

*For a moment Katie is stuned. Jasoon words faiding in and out of her mind. Walk, never again. How was she to protect Jason if she could never walk again, how would she be there when he needed her. Katies whole life planed out, at TJY, the missions she would go on with Jason, the work she would do, the hope to someday have an office like Jason's was now crushed. Katie turns her head and looks at Jason her eyes filling with tears.* "Jason how...why. I dont..." *Katie trys to sit up, trys to move her legs but cant relizing what Jason said must of been true.* " Will I even be able to walk again J? Or is this permanint?" *Katies voice raises alittle bit as panic starst to set in.* "How can I prtect you if I cant walk, how....how am I going to drive me car if I cant walk, How will anyone want me when I cant do anything for myself anymore..." *Katie's head falls back on the pillow as she gets a sharp pain.*

*As Wes and Cindy make it into the restront Wes tells the hostest.* "We had rezorvations for Henson please."

*The hostess nods.* "Right this way Mr. and Ms. Henson."

*Wes smiles and leads Cindy to the table.* " You can order anything you want sweetheart. Today is your day." *Wes orders a small bit of red wine for the both of them. Than scans over the menu to see what he wants. Everyone and a while looking up at Cindy admiring her.*

Breaking the news

Con sinks down in another chair an takes a moment to regroup. He himself was upset about the whole thing and wanted to go to Katie...how much worse it would be for Rosetta to receive this kind of news. "It's Katie." He looks Rosetta in the eye, trying to convey that it will be okay. "She was in an accident. But she's alive and stable, and that's the main thing, alright?" He takes a deep breath. "I'm not sure about all the details or how anything happened yet, but...her spine was injured. And...the doctor informed Jason that..." Con closes his eyes for just a moment. "Katie may never walk again, Rosetta. She's in the hospital now...I don't know for how long or anything, or if she can even see anyone yet. We'll have to get a hold of Reese again to find out details a little later."

Cindy rests her head against Wes' shoulder for a minute as they go into the restaurant. She was used to his compliments, but they still always made her blush. "You're too good to me Wes." A smile breaks forth. "I'm proud to be here with you, too."

Jason immediately tries to compose himself, stopping the tears and forcing a smile. "Hey, Hero, welcome back." He reaches over to brush her cheek with the back of his hand. "Just take it easy, okay? Relax." A short laugh comes out. "Me, sad? You just had me scared to death is all...but you're going to be alright." He moves back to resume holding her hand in both of his, and keeps his voice quiet and gentler than ever. "You're in the hospital, Katie. There was some kind of an accident, and the ambulance brought you here." He searches her weary eyes, inwardly cringing as she winces in pain. "Katie, there's something you need to know..." He swallows hard, forcing himself to master his emotions if only for this moment. He had to tell her. If he didn't, she would awake later and either panic or be told by a stranger, and he didn't want that. He knew she'd want to know as soon as possible. ...But how on earth could he tell her?
Jason runs his thumb through the palm of her hand. "You're alive, and that's a miracle in itself...and that's what you have to focus on, okay?" His eyes plead with hers to listen and to understand. "The doctor worked on you for a long time...and he said that your spine was injured." He pauses again, trying to convey comfort and reassurance through his hand's grip. "The injury caused some paralysis, Katie...and...right now you're not going to be able to walk."

The Battle Just Started

*As Katie lays asleep her mind reels with dreams, Memories. Images of her mom, and her little baby brother. Her aunt and the ranch. Wyatt...good old Wyatt. And Jason. Many throught run though of Jason. How they laughed, and talked. Joked around and shaired many special moment together. Deep in her dream Katie hears Jason's voice. "You can make it your strong." Confused Katie trys to makes sence of everything. Feeling Jason's presence and her hand in his her eyes flutter open and a small amout of pain corses through her.* "J...whats...whats going on? Where am I? Why does it hurt so much?"*Katie trys her best to smile but winces in pain. Slowly everything that happend starts to come back to Katie.*

*Seeing the look on Con's face Rosetta starts to feel panic inside herself. Something happend but to who. Con's eyes could tell no lie disaster had striked. Siting down at her desk Rosetta looks across at Con.* "What is it Con? What's happend?"

*Wes smiles at Cindy as they drive.* " Your looking pritty good yourself." *After a few more minutes they arrive at the restront. Geting out of the truck Wes lets out a long sigh trying to calm his nerves. Going over to Cindy's side of the car Wes opens the door and helps her out. How she looks raident, Wes beams as they walks arm and arm into the Restront. Lean in as they walk Wes says.* " I am so proude to have you on my arm tonight going in here." *Wes beams*

So sorry

Jason sits down numbly, hoping for the best, but bracing himself for the worst. Wyatt is on the edge of his seat to listen. As the doctor begins to explain, things don’t sound all that bad…but Jason picks up on the concerned tone and the pause, and he swallows hard. Something isn’t good.

As the doctor expresses the worst part of the news, Jason feels as if he’s had a blow to the gut. His muscles weakening, he’s glad he’s sitting down, and can barely concentrate on what else the doctor has to say. This just can’t be happening.

When the doctor leaves, Jason slowly turns his head to Wyatt, stunned. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing wants to come.

Wyatt lets out a long breath, unsure how to take all of this in. He was so thankful Katie was alive…but she didn’t deserve this…how would she take the news that she might never walk again? It wasn’t fair.

Jason finally swallows hard and nods to Katie’s room. “Go on. I know you want to see her.”

“What about you?”

“I’ll wait my turn.” Jason looks at Wyatt, conveying that he’d like a moment alone.

Understanding, Wyatt stands and enters Katie’s room. His heart goes out to her as he sees her lying in bed. The machines and lines hooked up make her look so helpless. She appears to be sleeping, so he doesn’t say anything, but just stands watching over her for several moments, prayers running through his mind. He cared for her, no doubt, and seeing her like this was a new kind of pain. He wasn’t sure what to do with it. Though wanting to stay, he musters up his courage and turns to leave the room, knowing that other tasks must be done.

Jason is standing and waiting. “Wyatt…you need to go back to TJY and let everyone know what’s going on. And…unless your dad thinks otherwise, someone needs to call Con or Austin and have them tell Rosetta. It’s only fair she knows what’s happening.”

Wyatt sighs, relenting. “Okay. I don’t want to leave…. But if anything changes, you know to call.”

“I will.” Jason nods. “You have my word.” Only when Wyatt has disappeared around the corner does Jason dare to enter Katie’s room. He knows his emotions are being stretched to the limit, and would much rather be alone when they spilled over, than with outside company, especially Wyatt.
Katie’s still form sends a stab straight to Jason’s heart. He walks numbly up to the bed, and pulls a chair up beside it, just staring at Katie’s face, and wishing beyond all hope that this really was just a nightmare.
He leans over and reaches out slowly, more gently than he ever has before, and he takes her hand in both of his, cradling her fingers against his cheek as a tear finally falls. He knows there was no accident. He knows that this had something to do with the Agency – it had to. “I’m so sorry, Katie,” he whispers. “I’m so so sorry.” Drawing in a ragged breath, he raises his head to plant a kiss on her hand, unwilling to let her go.

Con sinks down into a chair as he holds the phone up to his ear, hearing Reese’s voice on the other end. “Oh no…” The news of Katie rushed over him like a title wave. “How…what…..” He was at a loss for words, and numbly received the information.
After the call is over, he takes several minutes to pull himself together. Katie was alive, and that’s what really mattered at this point. Questions would be answered later. Right now, he had to stay strong…he had a job to do.
Rising from his seat in the living room, he goes to Rosetta’s office and knocks on the door. Once she answers, he looks at her grimly, knowing that the look on his face will give away the urgency of the situation. “Rosetta…sit down a minute, okay? I have something I need to tell you.”

Cindy sits back in the passenger seat of the car, sighing with content. He looks over to Wes, having noticed his clothing, but hadn’t yet commented. “You look awfully handsome tonight.”


*The Doc nods at the chair for Jason to sit down again. He sits down in the chair next to both of them.* " She is alive to say the least. Very lucky as a matter of fact. She had some magor burns on her arms and legs. Her left eye had a small shard of glass in it. We removed it and it dosent look like it will leave anydamage but for now she has a patch over it as to not strain it. We removed the bulit from her shoulder. It dident hit anything major so thats taken care of. Now on to more pressing subject." *The doc lets out a long sigh before he speeks again.* "In the crash Katie's body was jared in such a way it severed her spin. Katie is paralized from the wast down. We were able to re connect the spine together and she is now in a cast but its going to take a VERY long time for it to heal. Even after it heals we dont know if she will ever be able to walk again. It will take alot of pashents for her to learn again. She is going to need all the company, and friends she has to help her. In cases like the the physicle injorys arnt what we are worryed about its the mental. The depresstion someone can sink into." *The Doc stands and lets out a sigh again looking down at Jason and Wyatt.* " I still dont understand how she got from the car to the road. She wouldent have been able to take herself there." *The doc shakes his head trying to figure it out.* " You guys are free to see her. She is pritty doped up at the moment so she can sleep without the pain. But you are more than free to go to see her. Just try not to make to much noise, and not to startle her she is going to be pritty out of it from the meds." *The doc walks off behind one of the desks to talk to the nurse.*

How is she?

Jason watches the paramedics feeling completely helpless, but having sense enough not to interfere. He feels like he’s trapped in one of his nightmares, except this time he knows he’s not just going to wake up to find everything fine.

He looks at the man lamely and nods. “I’m right behind you.” He’s quick to get back in the pickup, but pauses just before starting it. He stares at his hand that’s smeared with blood. Gritting his teeth, he pushes his grief to the back of his mind in order to stay functioning. He couldn’t lose it now. Turning the truck around, he catches up to the ambulance and follows it to the hospital, dialing his cell phone as he drives. “Yeah. Reese. Katie’s in a bad way. I’m following an ambulance to the hospital now. I don’t know what happened yet, but there was some kind of an accident.” He bites his tongue from suggesting who should come, but he knows it’s only right. “Tell Wyatt to get down to the hospital, but don’t make a big scene. I think there was foul play here and until we find out exactly what happened, we better not draw too much attention. Once we know Katie will be all right, we can decide if her family needs to know any of this…but I don’t know how bad off she is yet.”

When Wyatt hears the news, he wastes no time in getting to his jeep. As he speeds across town, a constant prayer is on his lips. He had no idea what kind of shape Katie was in, whether she would be fine, or if the accident had been severe. “Lord, please be with her. Please help her to be all right.”

Jason follows the paramedics inside, trying to keep Katie in his line of sight. As the doctor stops him, he almost fights, but forces himself to relent, his emotions threatening to spill over. He watches helplessly as the doctor disappears, and finally sinks down into a chair, burying his face in his hands. What had happened? Would Katie be okay? She had to be. Jason could already feel her slipping from his grasp. He couldn’t lose her…not now…not like this.


Jason looks up, not knowing how long he’s been sitting alone. He sees Wyatt, and looks at him grimly.

Wyatt looks around for a moment, stricken with worry, but finally sits down. “What happened? Is she okay?”

“I don’t know yet.” Jason turns his gaze back to the floor. “Her car had gone off the road and was in flames…I found her on the side of the road…I don’t know how she got there…but she didn’t look good, Wyatt. I don’t know how she is.”

Wyatt swallows hard, and leans back in his chair. “They haven’t said anything?”

“Not yet.”

“How did you find her?”

Jason shrugs. “Someone called…I don’t know who it was, but they told me where she was.”

The two men let the silence reign for a long while, each afraid to voice their worries, and each lost in their own thoughts for their friend.
Reese calls twice for updates, but each time, neither have any news.

Jason jumps to his feet as the doctor comes through the doors. He hopes he’s not reading his face correctly, but is afraid to even ask. “How is she?”