
Breaking the news

Con sinks down in another chair an takes a moment to regroup. He himself was upset about the whole thing and wanted to go to Katie...how much worse it would be for Rosetta to receive this kind of news. "It's Katie." He looks Rosetta in the eye, trying to convey that it will be okay. "She was in an accident. But she's alive and stable, and that's the main thing, alright?" He takes a deep breath. "I'm not sure about all the details or how anything happened yet, but...her spine was injured. And...the doctor informed Jason that..." Con closes his eyes for just a moment. "Katie may never walk again, Rosetta. She's in the hospital now...I don't know for how long or anything, or if she can even see anyone yet. We'll have to get a hold of Reese again to find out details a little later."

Cindy rests her head against Wes' shoulder for a minute as they go into the restaurant. She was used to his compliments, but they still always made her blush. "You're too good to me Wes." A smile breaks forth. "I'm proud to be here with you, too."

Jason immediately tries to compose himself, stopping the tears and forcing a smile. "Hey, Hero, welcome back." He reaches over to brush her cheek with the back of his hand. "Just take it easy, okay? Relax." A short laugh comes out. "Me, sad? You just had me scared to death is all...but you're going to be alright." He moves back to resume holding her hand in both of his, and keeps his voice quiet and gentler than ever. "You're in the hospital, Katie. There was some kind of an accident, and the ambulance brought you here." He searches her weary eyes, inwardly cringing as she winces in pain. "Katie, there's something you need to know..." He swallows hard, forcing himself to master his emotions if only for this moment. He had to tell her. If he didn't, she would awake later and either panic or be told by a stranger, and he didn't want that. He knew she'd want to know as soon as possible. ...But how on earth could he tell her?
Jason runs his thumb through the palm of her hand. "You're alive, and that's a miracle in itself...and that's what you have to focus on, okay?" His eyes plead with hers to listen and to understand. "The doctor worked on you for a long time...and he said that your spine was injured." He pauses again, trying to convey comfort and reassurance through his hand's grip. "The injury caused some paralysis, Katie...and...right now you're not going to be able to walk."

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