
How is she?

Jason watches the paramedics feeling completely helpless, but having sense enough not to interfere. He feels like he’s trapped in one of his nightmares, except this time he knows he’s not just going to wake up to find everything fine.

He looks at the man lamely and nods. “I’m right behind you.” He’s quick to get back in the pickup, but pauses just before starting it. He stares at his hand that’s smeared with blood. Gritting his teeth, he pushes his grief to the back of his mind in order to stay functioning. He couldn’t lose it now. Turning the truck around, he catches up to the ambulance and follows it to the hospital, dialing his cell phone as he drives. “Yeah. Reese. Katie’s in a bad way. I’m following an ambulance to the hospital now. I don’t know what happened yet, but there was some kind of an accident.” He bites his tongue from suggesting who should come, but he knows it’s only right. “Tell Wyatt to get down to the hospital, but don’t make a big scene. I think there was foul play here and until we find out exactly what happened, we better not draw too much attention. Once we know Katie will be all right, we can decide if her family needs to know any of this…but I don’t know how bad off she is yet.”

When Wyatt hears the news, he wastes no time in getting to his jeep. As he speeds across town, a constant prayer is on his lips. He had no idea what kind of shape Katie was in, whether she would be fine, or if the accident had been severe. “Lord, please be with her. Please help her to be all right.”

Jason follows the paramedics inside, trying to keep Katie in his line of sight. As the doctor stops him, he almost fights, but forces himself to relent, his emotions threatening to spill over. He watches helplessly as the doctor disappears, and finally sinks down into a chair, burying his face in his hands. What had happened? Would Katie be okay? She had to be. Jason could already feel her slipping from his grasp. He couldn’t lose her…not now…not like this.


Jason looks up, not knowing how long he’s been sitting alone. He sees Wyatt, and looks at him grimly.

Wyatt looks around for a moment, stricken with worry, but finally sits down. “What happened? Is she okay?”

“I don’t know yet.” Jason turns his gaze back to the floor. “Her car had gone off the road and was in flames…I found her on the side of the road…I don’t know how she got there…but she didn’t look good, Wyatt. I don’t know how she is.”

Wyatt swallows hard, and leans back in his chair. “They haven’t said anything?”

“Not yet.”

“How did you find her?”

Jason shrugs. “Someone called…I don’t know who it was, but they told me where she was.”

The two men let the silence reign for a long while, each afraid to voice their worries, and each lost in their own thoughts for their friend.
Reese calls twice for updates, but each time, neither have any news.

Jason jumps to his feet as the doctor comes through the doors. He hopes he’s not reading his face correctly, but is afraid to even ask. “How is she?”

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