
The Battle Just Started

*As Katie lays asleep her mind reels with dreams, Memories. Images of her mom, and her little baby brother. Her aunt and the ranch. Wyatt...good old Wyatt. And Jason. Many throught run though of Jason. How they laughed, and talked. Joked around and shaired many special moment together. Deep in her dream Katie hears Jason's voice. "You can make it your strong." Confused Katie trys to makes sence of everything. Feeling Jason's presence and her hand in his her eyes flutter open and a small amout of pain corses through her.* "J...whats...whats going on? Where am I? Why does it hurt so much?"*Katie trys her best to smile but winces in pain. Slowly everything that happend starts to come back to Katie.*

*Seeing the look on Con's face Rosetta starts to feel panic inside herself. Something happend but to who. Con's eyes could tell no lie disaster had striked. Siting down at her desk Rosetta looks across at Con.* "What is it Con? What's happend?"

*Wes smiles at Cindy as they drive.* " Your looking pritty good yourself." *After a few more minutes they arrive at the restront. Geting out of the truck Wes lets out a long sigh trying to calm his nerves. Going over to Cindy's side of the car Wes opens the door and helps her out. How she looks raident, Wes beams as they walks arm and arm into the Restront. Lean in as they walk Wes says.* " I am so proude to have you on my arm tonight going in here." *Wes beams*

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