

Mick holds Rosetta tight as she cries, wishing he had the right words to say. "It's not your fault," he states with emphasis. "You know that. Katie made up her own mind to go, and we don't even know yet all the details. It was a terrible thing to happen, but it was NOT your fault." He slowly guides her into the other room, and eases down on the couch, still cradling her in his arms. "It's going to be alright. We're just going to wait and hear from Reese about any changes or when we can go see Katie." Mick plants a tender kiss on her head. "God's not going to let us down...we've been through things like this before, and we'll get through this too."

Jason reassures Katie with a squeeze to her hand. "I'm not going anywhere, Hero. You just sleep...rest now." As he sees her eyes drift shut, he slowly lets her hand go, letting it rest by her side. Standing up, he goes to the door to lean on the frame for a minute, taking a deep breath. This really was a nightmare. In his mind, he still sees Katie on the side of the road. He feels the horror all over again...her body mangled and bloody... He shuts his eyes for a moment, before heading across the hall to the bathroom. He splashes cold water on his face, trying to gain his strength back, but his body refuses to resist the emotional strain. Before he can stop it, his lunch comes back up, throwing him into a brief but severe convulsion before his stomach is empty. Back to the sink, he's now exhausted and tries to regain control. He couldn't let this get to him like this. Not now. Not this time. He had to stay on top of this...he had to be strong. He couldn't let Katie down.
Mustering up his courage, he goes back out into the hall, staying close to Katie's room, lest she wake. He had no plans to leave right now. Picking up a nearby phone, he dials Reese to give an update and start making plans. It was going to be a long next few days...he could feel it.

Cindy's eyes fill with tears a she stares at the ring, barely hearing Wes' words. Her hand trembles as she reaches out to admire the ring. Her lower lip quivering, she can barely speak. "Oh, Wes...." She sniffs, trying to compose herself, but she can't stop crying. She's felt so rejected all her life... ever since Derek...she'd never had hope for anything else...she'd never dreamed of any man loving her again, let alone wanting to spend the rest of his life with her. "I....I'm so undeserving..." She sniffs again, the tears still streaming down her cheeks as she fingers the diamond. "You're so.....it's so.... it's all too good to be true!" A smile makes its way to the surface, despite her crying, though she can't look up to see Wes' eyes for fear she crumble even more. "I...I would...." She stops, blinking and still unable to stop the tears, her hands shaking uncontrollably now. "I would love to be Mrs. Henson."

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