
Would You

*Rosetta is greatful for Con confort but is happy Mick shows up when he does. Being with Mick always made Rosetta feel better. Still crying Rosetta burrys her face into Mick's shoulder.* " Mick how could this happen? Why Katie? I shouldent have let her go. I shouldent have." *Rosetta clings tighter to Mick.*

*A nurse comes into Katies room and gives her another shot of pain killers.* "There ya go doll that should help the pain. You need to rest."

*Katie trys to comprehend the words Jason is speaking, trying to let them sink in but her mind is still in to much of a fog. Katie turns to look at Jason again. The compation in his eyes, the friendship. Katie eyes slowly start to close as the pain meds kick in and make her feel drozy.* " Promise you wont leave me J. Its comforting to know your there."

*Wes smiles back at Cindy.* " Non really other than I am with the prittyest lady in the world and she deserves the best." *Wes orders there food than sits and makes small talk with Cindy. Finally the waiter brings the wine and pours it for both Cindy and Wes. Wes nods at the waiter and smiles alittle. Within a matter a minutes a small band sets up alittle ways behind them starts to play some soft slow music. Wes trys to calm his nerves as he takes Cindy's hand a serouse look on his face.* "Cindy, I know we havent known eachother for very long but I feel like Its been years. Your so easy to talk to...and you...well your just wonderful. I feel so happy when I am around you. I've never felt this way before. I feel complete..like you were the puzzle peace in my life I was missing and I enjoy spending time with you and would like to spend alot more. So...ummm...all in all Cindy.." *Wes reaches into his pocket and pills out a small black box. inside in contains a small simple silver ring with 1 dimond in the middle.* "....would you like to spend the rest of your life with me, and become Ms. Cindy Henson?" *Wes waits in antisapation for Cindy's answer a smile on his face, and the nervusness in his eyes showing. The last time he did this. It dident go well. He hoped this time would be better.*

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