

*The Doc nods at the chair for Jason to sit down again. He sits down in the chair next to both of them.* " She is alive to say the least. Very lucky as a matter of fact. She had some magor burns on her arms and legs. Her left eye had a small shard of glass in it. We removed it and it dosent look like it will leave anydamage but for now she has a patch over it as to not strain it. We removed the bulit from her shoulder. It dident hit anything major so thats taken care of. Now on to more pressing subject." *The doc lets out a long sigh before he speeks again.* "In the crash Katie's body was jared in such a way it severed her spin. Katie is paralized from the wast down. We were able to re connect the spine together and she is now in a cast but its going to take a VERY long time for it to heal. Even after it heals we dont know if she will ever be able to walk again. It will take alot of pashents for her to learn again. She is going to need all the company, and friends she has to help her. In cases like the the physicle injorys arnt what we are worryed about its the mental. The depresstion someone can sink into." *The Doc stands and lets out a sigh again looking down at Jason and Wyatt.* " I still dont understand how she got from the car to the road. She wouldent have been able to take herself there." *The doc shakes his head trying to figure it out.* " You guys are free to see her. She is pritty doped up at the moment so she can sleep without the pain. But you are more than free to go to see her. Just try not to make to much noise, and not to startle her she is going to be pritty out of it from the meds." *The doc walks off behind one of the desks to talk to the nurse.*

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