
Time ticks by...

Starting to eat Dalton takes in everything around him letting Dani talk. He enjoyed listing to her the sound of her voice was soft and soothing. Taking short breaks from his food here and there he adds his two cents in getting to know Dani better and letting her know him.

Taking another spoonfull of her potato salad her felt like he was in heaven as he listened to Dani talk once again this time offering her apologies for this morning. Getting the bref explanation Dalton gives a nod thinking he understood a little more.

"Oh, I'm sorry that happend. I can understand now why you didnt want to drive with me. You hardly know me, and I can be pretty intimanating at time. I think my size alone scairs people let alone my scars."

Dalton trys to give his best smile as he takes a sip of his ice tea. He could only hope Dani felt comfortable now with him. His size might be great, but unless you gave him a reason he would never hurt a fly.

Receving the kiss Misty returns it as everything melts around her once again. The emotions, the feelings washing over her. Everything seemed differnt now but it was a different she liked.

Leaning her head against Carson as the moment ends a grin formed on her face.

"The pizza is...so so.."

Sticking out her toung a little bit the humor danced in her eyes as she razed Carson.

Giving a quick look around the dinner Misty looks back to Carson the look in her eye she was now thinking. Lunch, lunch what did she want for lunch?

"How about a slice of that fine pizza your taking about and a vanilla milkshake extra whip cream?"

Time ticks by...

For some the time seemed to inch as hours went by. The anticipation ran high in the room as as Wes sat with BJ out in the waiting room as Rosetta was in with Angel.

Time ticks by...

Angle had asked Clint to wait out in the waiting area with Wes, BJ and a few others. Wendy was having a hard time and Angel thought it was best.

Time ticks by...

Finally in the still silence where one could hear a pin drop the cry of a baby rings out loud and clear. Anticipation runs high the excitment of a new life into the world, and the next that was to follow. Waiting for the second cry to ring out nothing comes, the silence continues. So they wait on as the time pass and still nothing...all waiting...all hoping.

Time ticks by...

Finally the door to the office opens and Angel steps out holding a small still bundle in her arms. The top of the baby's head poking through the blanke. Strawberry blond wisps of hair moving softly with the air. Tears streak her own face as her eyes held mixed emotions.

"I'm so sorry Clint. I did all I could."

The baby lay quiet and peaceful as Angel held it not sure if Clint would want to see his daughter before she put in the call or not.

Twins are having

Luke was awake from hearing the phone ring, and receiving Angel's wakeup call, he groans into his pillow. "Don't call me that," he grumbles. "It makes me feel old."

Shifting his face so he can see her, he's smiling though. "Have fun. I'll join you soon as I can get this old body out of bed."

Clint gives Wendy a sheepish look before helping her out of the bunkhouse, slowly down the drive, across and to the ranch's small medical building.

Opening the door and helping her inside, he calls to Angel. "Honey, we're home!" Once they're with Angel, he goes for the phone. "Hi, Mom... yeah, yeah, the twins are having - no, I mean, Wendy's having the twins. Yeah we're over here. Okay bye."

Hanging up, he's right back by Wendy's side, his face showing a mixture of excitement and terror.

Dani's smile widens as a look of pleasure crosses her face. "You know, all the other guys who ever wanted to go out with me wouldn't think twice about just diving in. I like that about you, Dalton. I'd be happy to pray for the meal."

As lunch continues, light conversation is picked up. Dani's eyes roam the lake, the beach, the trees, and back towards Dalton's car. As there is a pause in conversation, she feels a pang of guilt. Dalton was one of the sweetest men she knew. She felt right at ease with him, and her instincts said she could trust him. "Hey, Dalton... sorry about earlier. I, um... I know I sorta disappointed you about not riding down here with you."

Her face reddens a little and she eats another chip. "I had a bad experience once and I sorta let it get the best of me sometimes."

Carson looks out from the kitchen and spots Misty. A grin spreads on his face and he ambles over to her, wiping his hands on his apron. Leaning across the counter, he takes her into a kiss, not caring about who's watching.

Drawing back, his grin is still there. "I would hope you like it here because of the cook. But we do have good pizza too."

He straightens up and nods to a nearby customer before his attention goes back to Misty. "So... what'll it be today, Missy?"


Wendy cant help but bring a hand to her lips as she gives a little giggle between her own pain. Clint was trying to hard she could tell and for that she was thankful.

"Oh watch out, I dont need you in the hospital the same time I am."

Finally getting up with Clint's help Wendy is on her way.

Receiving the phone call Angel jumps up out of bed looking over at Luke. Getting a grin on her face she gently shakes him.

"Hey Grandpa its time to wake up we got some baby's on the way."

Gathering her cloths and hopping into the shower she makes quick of it knowing Wendy and Clint where on there way. Once done she gives Luke a kiss and than heads over to the office getting things preped and ready for the two new members on the family.

Giving his own deep chuckle Dani had saprised him with everything she brought but she did good in what she choose.

"You've seen the size of me right? I dont think there is much I wont eat. How ever you did pick some of my fav food."

Continuing to help, make the sandwiches, and dish out the rest of the food Dalton looks around the nice beach. He was happy the clouds were staying away for now. He didnt want this to end to soon because it was nice to have someone to shair time with.

"I think we are gonna need to walk off all this food or at least you can roll me."

Taking glass from his head Dalton folds them and puts them at the corner of the blanket making sure they stayed out of the way. Sitting up a little straghter he folds his hands in his lap before eating and turns to Dani with as soft of a smile he can muster.

"Would you do the honors of saying grace?"

Entering Mom and Pop's Misty makes her way over the counter and gives a small wave to Aerith. Sitting down in one of the stools she gives a little wave to let Aerith know she was ok for now and to help her other customers. Turning her head a little to catch Carson's attachen she teases.

"So, I heard somewhere this is the best place in town to eat but not because of the food but because of the cook? But they do also say the pizza is the best ever."

Lets go

Still in a fog, Clint frowns. "Children.... wha.... oh..." His eyes grow wide. "Ohh.... ohhhh!" Now he understood. "Right, like now? Like now, now?"

Spinning around on the bed, he sees Wendy and he knows. His eye still wide, he stands up quickly. "Uhh.... your mom." He nods. "I'll help you. She said it would be better in the doctor's office so... yes..."

He blinks and steps around the corner of the bed. Like he did almost every time he took the corner, he catches his foot on the leg. But this time he does more than just stub his toe. Hitting the leg of the bed, his ankle twists around, his foot seeming to grab hold of the bed, sending him to a sudden halt. The rest of his body doesn't stop though, and with a little cry, he crashes between the table and the bed, gaining some rugburn on the elbows and all.

Groaning, he picks himself up and shakes his head. "Yeah that ought to wake me up..." Crawling over to Wendy's side of the bed, he fumbles for the phone, having to dial three times before getting the short number right. "Angel? I'm bringing Wendy over, if I don't kill myself first. I think she's going into labor." He doesn't even let his mother-in-law respond as he hangs up the phone.

Managing to get to his feet, he's finally awake and reaches down to help Wendy to her feet. "Okay... you ready? I'm ready. You ready? Let's go."

Jason smirks as he rounds the corner and ambles up to Katie. "Yes. I took a wrong turn twice and had to ask Rick for directions. It was very humiliating."

He slings an arm over her shoulders and teasingly pulls her through the door and into the elevator. "I'm starving. Rick would kill me if he knew I'd skipped breakfast."

Dani wears a pleasant smile, getting everything set up with Dalton. "Well... I brought fixings to make turkey sandwiches..." She giggles. "I wasn't sure what you liked so I brought way too much, but at least we have choices for cheese and bread and spreads. And..." She pulls out a plastic bowl with a lid. "We have my famous potato salad, or...." She pulls out a smaller bowl. "Pasta salad and... some chips if you want them and.... I brought some bottles of water or iced tea because I didn't know what you liked to drink either. You'd think I would have remembered to ask on the phone but yeah... my brain sometimes."

Getting everything out of the basket, Dani takes a rubberband from her wrist, pulling her hair back into a quick ponytail. "Mmm... you picked a perfect spot," she muses. It was warm, but not too hot as a light breeze blew. "I'm gonna have to be careful not to get too comfortable or I won't want to go for that walk."


Looking at her husband Wendy gives a blink before she shakes her head and a small giggle comes from her lips before she winces in pain agan.

"Both your children are not going to wait any longer thats who you goof. I need my mom, or you need to take me to my mom."

Wendy trys to stand again but cant. The pain from the contractions was to much not to mention the size of her belly from two babys made her a little more heavy.

Letting out a small sigh Katie gathers some of her things into neat piles so when she returned they would be waiting for her.

Standing Katie makes her way to the door to wait for Jason. Not seeing him anywhere in sight she razzes him.

Get lost did you? Because I know its a long way from your office to the front door.

Walking with Dani over the sandy beach Dalton is quiet. Looking for a nice spot that looked to be dry and have a nice view.

"How about here?"

Dalton asked as he sets down the blanket he had been carrying. Helping Dani onto it he lets her sit down first before sitting down next to her his legs spread out in front of him.

Reaching into the basket Dalton gentily help Dani take some of the things out and set everything up for them. Giving a small smile he questions.

"So what is on the menu for today?"

You pick

Dani's smile remains and she turns to her car. "Great. I'll follow you."

It doesn't take long for them to get to the lake. The weather was nice and the traffic was light. Pulling into the parking lot, Dani parks next to Dalton's car and gets out, scanning the area. They had this corner all to themselves.

"Looks like everyone was afraid of those clouds rolling in!" she calls to him.

Ducking into the back seat, she grabs the basket with lunch in it and shuts and locks her door. Ambling onto the grass, she hefts the basket on her hip, not having realized she packed such a heavy load. "You get to pick where we sit." She grins, scanning the sandy lake beach.

Jason grins as he types.
For you? I'm ready all the time. Meet you at the door.

Clint yawns as he laces up his works boots, sitting on the edge of the bed. He'd had a restless night between being hot, rubbing Wendy's back for her, and having bizarre dreams whenever he closed his eyes.

His mind was in a fog this morning, not yet having had a good dose of coffee to wake him up. He barely hears Wendy.

"Mm hmm..." he answers groggily. "Who's not gonna wait, babe?"

Not gonna wait

A small glint of disappointment shows in Dalton's eyes as Dani mention's take her own car. He couldnt help but feel disppointed he was hoping they would rid together to have more time but what could he do.

"Well I was hoping we could ride together but...I guess...I guess it would be fine. Not like I can stop you anyways."

Giving a nod Dalton turns to go back to his own car the though of them riding together disappearing.

Mom and Pop's would be fine...

Katie flips through a few papers as she continues to talk with Jason. She new what Jason was doing using normal ways to communicate but she wasnt going to do the same. If she was going to be getting ride of there connection sooner or later she was going to get all the use she could now.

..and thats fine about picking me up. Let me know when your ready to go to lunch.

Exiting the bathroom Charlotte takes the cloth she had and whips her face once again. What a worse time for morning sickness to want to kick in. In the middle of the afternoon and while she is at a hospetil non the less with lots of people to listen to her stomach revolting against her.

Feeling ok for the moment Charlotte takes her place once again by the bed taking Bret's hand in her own again giving it a gentil kiss.

"Good Morning Sweetheart."

She talked to Bret as often as she could to let him know she was there. Maybe the sound of her voice would bring him back.

Sitting on the edge of the bed it had been a hard morning for Wendy. She was several days past dew and she just wanted this to be over with now.

Standing to go try and get ready for the morning Wendy only sits down again quickly wincing in a little bit of pain.

Looking over to Clint as he was getting ready for work she whispers not being able to help the smile on her face between the wincing of pain.

"Clint, I dont think they are going to wait any longer. Its time!"