
Lets go

Still in a fog, Clint frowns. "Children.... wha.... oh..." His eyes grow wide. "Ohh.... ohhhh!" Now he understood. "Right, like now? Like now, now?"

Spinning around on the bed, he sees Wendy and he knows. His eye still wide, he stands up quickly. "Uhh.... your mom." He nods. "I'll help you. She said it would be better in the doctor's office so... yes..."

He blinks and steps around the corner of the bed. Like he did almost every time he took the corner, he catches his foot on the leg. But this time he does more than just stub his toe. Hitting the leg of the bed, his ankle twists around, his foot seeming to grab hold of the bed, sending him to a sudden halt. The rest of his body doesn't stop though, and with a little cry, he crashes between the table and the bed, gaining some rugburn on the elbows and all.

Groaning, he picks himself up and shakes his head. "Yeah that ought to wake me up..." Crawling over to Wendy's side of the bed, he fumbles for the phone, having to dial three times before getting the short number right. "Angel? I'm bringing Wendy over, if I don't kill myself first. I think she's going into labor." He doesn't even let his mother-in-law respond as he hangs up the phone.

Managing to get to his feet, he's finally awake and reaches down to help Wendy to her feet. "Okay... you ready? I'm ready. You ready? Let's go."

Jason smirks as he rounds the corner and ambles up to Katie. "Yes. I took a wrong turn twice and had to ask Rick for directions. It was very humiliating."

He slings an arm over her shoulders and teasingly pulls her through the door and into the elevator. "I'm starving. Rick would kill me if he knew I'd skipped breakfast."

Dani wears a pleasant smile, getting everything set up with Dalton. "Well... I brought fixings to make turkey sandwiches..." She giggles. "I wasn't sure what you liked so I brought way too much, but at least we have choices for cheese and bread and spreads. And..." She pulls out a plastic bowl with a lid. "We have my famous potato salad, or...." She pulls out a smaller bowl. "Pasta salad and... some chips if you want them and.... I brought some bottles of water or iced tea because I didn't know what you liked to drink either. You'd think I would have remembered to ask on the phone but yeah... my brain sometimes."

Getting everything out of the basket, Dani takes a rubberband from her wrist, pulling her hair back into a quick ponytail. "Mmm... you picked a perfect spot," she muses. It was warm, but not too hot as a light breeze blew. "I'm gonna have to be careful not to get too comfortable or I won't want to go for that walk."

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