
Not gonna wait

A small glint of disappointment shows in Dalton's eyes as Dani mention's take her own car. He couldnt help but feel disppointed he was hoping they would rid together to have more time but what could he do.

"Well I was hoping we could ride together but...I guess...I guess it would be fine. Not like I can stop you anyways."

Giving a nod Dalton turns to go back to his own car the though of them riding together disappearing.

Mom and Pop's would be fine...

Katie flips through a few papers as she continues to talk with Jason. She new what Jason was doing using normal ways to communicate but she wasnt going to do the same. If she was going to be getting ride of there connection sooner or later she was going to get all the use she could now.

..and thats fine about picking me up. Let me know when your ready to go to lunch.

Exiting the bathroom Charlotte takes the cloth she had and whips her face once again. What a worse time for morning sickness to want to kick in. In the middle of the afternoon and while she is at a hospetil non the less with lots of people to listen to her stomach revolting against her.

Feeling ok for the moment Charlotte takes her place once again by the bed taking Bret's hand in her own again giving it a gentil kiss.

"Good Morning Sweetheart."

She talked to Bret as often as she could to let him know she was there. Maybe the sound of her voice would bring him back.

Sitting on the edge of the bed it had been a hard morning for Wendy. She was several days past dew and she just wanted this to be over with now.

Standing to go try and get ready for the morning Wendy only sits down again quickly wincing in a little bit of pain.

Looking over to Clint as he was getting ready for work she whispers not being able to help the smile on her face between the wincing of pain.

"Clint, I dont think they are going to wait any longer. Its time!"

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