

Wendy cant help but bring a hand to her lips as she gives a little giggle between her own pain. Clint was trying to hard she could tell and for that she was thankful.

"Oh watch out, I dont need you in the hospital the same time I am."

Finally getting up with Clint's help Wendy is on her way.

Receiving the phone call Angel jumps up out of bed looking over at Luke. Getting a grin on her face she gently shakes him.

"Hey Grandpa its time to wake up we got some baby's on the way."

Gathering her cloths and hopping into the shower she makes quick of it knowing Wendy and Clint where on there way. Once done she gives Luke a kiss and than heads over to the office getting things preped and ready for the two new members on the family.

Giving his own deep chuckle Dani had saprised him with everything she brought but she did good in what she choose.

"You've seen the size of me right? I dont think there is much I wont eat. How ever you did pick some of my fav food."

Continuing to help, make the sandwiches, and dish out the rest of the food Dalton looks around the nice beach. He was happy the clouds were staying away for now. He didnt want this to end to soon because it was nice to have someone to shair time with.

"I think we are gonna need to walk off all this food or at least you can roll me."

Taking glass from his head Dalton folds them and puts them at the corner of the blanket making sure they stayed out of the way. Sitting up a little straghter he folds his hands in his lap before eating and turns to Dani with as soft of a smile he can muster.

"Would you do the honors of saying grace?"

Entering Mom and Pop's Misty makes her way over the counter and gives a small wave to Aerith. Sitting down in one of the stools she gives a little wave to let Aerith know she was ok for now and to help her other customers. Turning her head a little to catch Carson's attachen she teases.

"So, I heard somewhere this is the best place in town to eat but not because of the food but because of the cook? But they do also say the pizza is the best ever."

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