
Gunner the Stalker

Shaking her head with a serous look only her eyes still sparkle while no other emotion shown.

Walking over to Gunner's cup for a moment Bree searches his eyes looking deep into them like she was perching the hard shell. A moment ago she could sense a change almost as if something just didn't add up. But trying to brush the feeling away Bree new it was none of her business and figured to just stay out of it. Finally breaking her gaze Bree takes Gunner's cup.

" You have to make it hard don't you? Its easy to take the fee out but didn't you know its hard to put it back in?"

Giving Gunner a grin Bree dumps the coffee out in the sink only to pour more into the glass from the same pot this time just adding a little bit of sugar and handing it back to Gunner. Turning she heads to the other side of the table to sit across from him. Taking a sip of her own coffee she inquired.

"So Gunner the Stalker when your not harassing waitress and guessing where people work what do you like doing?"

Sitting down in the chair across from Reese Hope just blinks at him for a moment. From the second he had come in the office to now, he never stopped to take a break from talking or even let her get a word in. For a moment she felt over welled and wasn't sure what to say only just being able to blink at Reese.


Finally a chuckle comes from Hope as its really all she can do at the moment. Everything happened fast but she could help the small warmth that entered her heart. No names were said on the person who would have quit, but Hope already new.

"Yes, I'd like to give it a shot. When God gives us a blessing, who am I to say I don't want it. Thank you Reese."

Stopping for a moment and grabbing the hankercheaf she had in her back pocket Katie rolls it up before tieing it around her head to catch the sweat that was forming.

Giving Mick a smile Katie gets back to work as she talks.

"Yeah, I still like it. Its nice catching the bad guys, and helping people. Its nice being able to watch over people and know your keeping them safe."

Looking up at Mick again Katie's eyes held a strange glint to them. Maybe that was one reason she hated not hated not having the connection with Jason, she couldn't be there to when he needed her.

Though she was worn out now and maybe tired, and her brain was scrambled she did miss her job and couldn't wait to have a clear head again so she could get back.

"I have to have a clear head though, so...some time and rest away will be good."

Threatened to quit

Gunner weighs his options, not having really expected Bree to suggest he still stay. He'd invaded their evening, no doubt, and had just offended her uncle. She hadn't lost any humor over it though.

He cocks his head, then glances to JT. "You want someone like me hanging around?"

JT sees Bree trying to get Gunner to stay, and he forces himself to relax, letting his own small smile form. "Someone like you? You're just trying to get your job done. I know what it's like trying to meet quotas and having to report to the big guys. I've never been on the police force myself, but... I can imagine solving any case is pretty good in the chief's eyes, even if it is just to earn a few extra points."

JT couldn't have been further from the truth, but Gunner forces a little chuckle anyway. "Got me all figured out, eh? Chief's been breathing down my neck, the judge keeps putting off that warrant and well, you know." Gunner shrugs, letting his act play out. "Your name came up, and I wanted to see you sometime anyway just for old time's sake so..."

"Killing two birds with one stone?"

"Yeah, something like that."

JT nods. "Well that's alright. I'm glad you stopped by. I always like seeing old patients, though I guess you really weren't mine at the time... Did you... ever regain your memory?"

"No... no." Gunner shakes his head. "Guess I wouldn't want to find out I was a butthead the first eighteen years of my life anyway."

JT laughs. "That might be a bit of a downer." He sighs and looks back to his niece, then to Gunner again. "Well, can't say I haven't cut a corner or two myself. I won't be offended you asked for information off the books if you won't be offended I said no."

Gunner grins a little. "Sounds good to me."

"Good. Then you'll stay for supper. I don't want to endure Bree's antics here all by myself anyway."

Gunner chuckles and moves to sit down at the kitchen table. "Hey, Bree..." He looks over to the coffee pot. "I changed my mind. Can you put the fee back in there?"

Reese busies himself with work until a while later when Hope shows up at TJY. Having her sit in his office, he leans back in his chair, obviously having been thinking very hard about something.

"Hope, I have a proposition for you... for two reasons. One, because it might be one of the answers to something I've been wanting, and two, because I have an agent who has threatened to quit if I don't give you a chance."

He taps his leg absentmindedly. "Now I'm aware of your present situation, but let's leave that aside for now. You see... even after you evaluations of several of the men here, we're in constant need of someone like you. We're in the process of finding a place for Gage to live, Phinox to live, and we're also looking for some kind of a program for Alec. However, they still need more help than we can give, and so do others around here. People like them who need to be reintroduced into society... people like Scott who have been through trauma and need to work things through..."

Reese pauses and leans forward with his hands on the desk, clearly excited about the possibilities. "Here's my dream... that we can provide the best help for these people. I... I can't just leave a man behind, no matter what his past is. The people here... they're like my family and I feel responsible for all of them. But we can't offer help, unless we have the people that can do it. We need a counselor, Hope... we need someone like you. We also need a facility where we can send people like Alec and get them into a rehabilitation program. I don't know where that is yet, but we have to work on the first step first. And that first step is you."

He pauses again, making sure Hope is following him. "I know this isn't what you're used to... it's not your own practice. But as I understand it, that's part of the agreement from your court hearing. Here, you would be under the board of the Elite, funded by the state. You would be ranked as an Elite agent, supervised by myself, whom you would report to. We would provide a place for you to see clients, either here or offsite, whatever we decide later. Things would start out slowly but... you would be put on salary so you wouldn't have to worry about exact hours and... well..." He shrugs. "This plan was presented to me several days ago and I can't ignore it. What are your thoughts?"

Mick just keeps right on working, nodding casually at Katie's response. "This place is quite a place to miss... seems like it touches everybody in a different way, and nobody ever forgets it."

He keeps working for a few minutes, quiet until he speaks to her again. "How have things worked out with you and the Elite? I remember when you left here, how much you wanted to go... still enjoying that kind of work?"

Go to Wast

Giving a nod to Mick Katie goes over to the pile of tools and grabs herself a hammer than back to the posts where she starts to work.

Its quiet before Katie answers Mick playing his question in her mind. There really was no answer for it, but Katie tried to form on anyways.

"I don't really know. It wont be forever, but I wont be leaving tomorrow eather. It feels nice to be back I've missed it here."

Continuing to work Katie gives Mick a sidelong glance, wondering if his question had a reason to it, or it really was just a question for conversation.

Listening to her Uncle and Gunner talk Bree kept quiet. This was really none of her business, and it would be best to just stay silent. Seeing the disappointment flash in Gunner eyes Bree couldn't help but feel sorry for him even if she did understand her Uncles reason and wouldn't have done it differently herself.

Watching Gunner ready to leave Bree places two cups of coffee on the table and going back for a third. Her eyes following him for a moment before she speaks.

"We could forget you were here but, that would take alot of work to try and forget a big guy like you..."

A twinkle forms in Bree's eye to show she was in no way picking on Gunner just simply stating a fact.

"... Not to mention I have an extra coffee here without the fee. It will just got to wast if you don't drink it."

Rubbing her eyes as she brings the phone to her ear, Hope was still half asleep. Since she was out of a job she seemed more tired than normal and just had a lack of energy. This time she must have fallen sleep on the couch.

Not sure if she hear Reese right Hope is silent for a moment wondering what kind of business matter he could want to talk to her about. Thinking maybe it had something to do with Scott Hope sits up.

"Yeah, give me about an hour and I will be there."


Mick watches Dan leave, his own smirk on his face before getting to work. Seeing Katie with her phone, he wonders, but doesn't ask.

Getting a a few of the tools out, he gestures down to some posts. "Well, we need to replace some of this wire here, but we have to remove the old first, so if you wanna grab a hammer and get to work, that's a good place to start."

Moving along to one of the posts, he pauses, throwing Katie a sidelong glance. "So..." His tone is casual. "How long are you planning to stay?"

"Mmm." Gunner taps his temple. "I know what a bump to the head feels like. Thankfully, I came out of it completely normal." He stops a moment, grinning just a little.

Spying a couple pictures on the wall, he wanders over to study them, looking at all the faces closely, almost as if searching for something, or someone.

"Pizza will be half an hour," JT announces. "In the meantime... Gunner... how about you explain why you're here?"

Gunner backs away from the wall and straightens just a little, hooking his thumbs in his pockets. "Well, I'm after some information. It's for a case I'm working on."

JT quirks an eyebrow. "Is this... official police business then?"

"I'm not on the clock at the moment," Gunner admits, "but this is a case I've made a commitment to."

"I see."

"About six months ago, there was a man with a gunshot wound to his shoulder. You helped patch him up. His name was Rex Herschen. Do you remember?"

JT gives Bree a wary glance before looking back to Gunner. "Yes... I believe I remember him. As far as I know, an official report was filed."

"It was. Except parts of the report were apparently lost. Rex is a man I'm looking for. He has some information I need. I know the hospital would still hold the records, and there would be some form of contact there."

JT folds his arms, clearly not liking what he was hearing. "Since you're off the clock... what you're asking for is confidential. The hospital is protected by privacy laws, even if you produced a warrant, which I'm guessing you don't have."

Gunner doesn't even blink. "I'm aware of the laws. I also know that you personally keep records of all the patients you tend to, and you have access to all of those files yourself."

"You're... asking me to get the information for you... to break the rules just because I can?"

"I need to know where to find Rex. I can't find him any other way right now, and that would give me the starting point I need."

JT slowly shakes his head. "I'm sorry but... I can't do that, Gunner. I don't know anything about this case but... I just can't justify that in my mind. You'll have to produce a warrant and go to the hospital administration if you want access to any of the records."

"Going through the right channels, I'll just get the runaround, you know that."

"Then I'm sorry." JT refuses to back down. "There's nothing more I can do."

Disappointment clearly flashes in Gunner's eyes, though he doesn't let his body language show it. "Well, I can't blame you for your moral standards. It was worth a try." He rocks on his heels, knowing JT didn't approve, and now feeling awkward. "I guess... maybe three would be a crowd tonight. How about I just leave you two to your evening and... you can just forget I dropped by?"

Rick sighs and sinks down in his chair, shaking his head. "I don't know what else to do, Misty. I can't give up... I won't give up... but whatever this is... I'm afraid even if we find an answer it might be too late. Jeff is good at covering up... I'm not sure he's even got as much time as I hope he does."

"Hope..." Reese holds his phone to his ear after dialing the number Scott had given him. "This is Mike Reese. When you have time, at your earliest convenience, I'd like to speak with you about a business matter..."