

Mick watches Dan leave, his own smirk on his face before getting to work. Seeing Katie with her phone, he wonders, but doesn't ask.

Getting a a few of the tools out, he gestures down to some posts. "Well, we need to replace some of this wire here, but we have to remove the old first, so if you wanna grab a hammer and get to work, that's a good place to start."

Moving along to one of the posts, he pauses, throwing Katie a sidelong glance. "So..." His tone is casual. "How long are you planning to stay?"

"Mmm." Gunner taps his temple. "I know what a bump to the head feels like. Thankfully, I came out of it completely normal." He stops a moment, grinning just a little.

Spying a couple pictures on the wall, he wanders over to study them, looking at all the faces closely, almost as if searching for something, or someone.

"Pizza will be half an hour," JT announces. "In the meantime... Gunner... how about you explain why you're here?"

Gunner backs away from the wall and straightens just a little, hooking his thumbs in his pockets. "Well, I'm after some information. It's for a case I'm working on."

JT quirks an eyebrow. "Is this... official police business then?"

"I'm not on the clock at the moment," Gunner admits, "but this is a case I've made a commitment to."

"I see."

"About six months ago, there was a man with a gunshot wound to his shoulder. You helped patch him up. His name was Rex Herschen. Do you remember?"

JT gives Bree a wary glance before looking back to Gunner. "Yes... I believe I remember him. As far as I know, an official report was filed."

"It was. Except parts of the report were apparently lost. Rex is a man I'm looking for. He has some information I need. I know the hospital would still hold the records, and there would be some form of contact there."

JT folds his arms, clearly not liking what he was hearing. "Since you're off the clock... what you're asking for is confidential. The hospital is protected by privacy laws, even if you produced a warrant, which I'm guessing you don't have."

Gunner doesn't even blink. "I'm aware of the laws. I also know that you personally keep records of all the patients you tend to, and you have access to all of those files yourself."

"You're... asking me to get the information for you... to break the rules just because I can?"

"I need to know where to find Rex. I can't find him any other way right now, and that would give me the starting point I need."

JT slowly shakes his head. "I'm sorry but... I can't do that, Gunner. I don't know anything about this case but... I just can't justify that in my mind. You'll have to produce a warrant and go to the hospital administration if you want access to any of the records."

"Going through the right channels, I'll just get the runaround, you know that."

"Then I'm sorry." JT refuses to back down. "There's nothing more I can do."

Disappointment clearly flashes in Gunner's eyes, though he doesn't let his body language show it. "Well, I can't blame you for your moral standards. It was worth a try." He rocks on his heels, knowing JT didn't approve, and now feeling awkward. "I guess... maybe three would be a crowd tonight. How about I just leave you two to your evening and... you can just forget I dropped by?"

Rick sighs and sinks down in his chair, shaking his head. "I don't know what else to do, Misty. I can't give up... I won't give up... but whatever this is... I'm afraid even if we find an answer it might be too late. Jeff is good at covering up... I'm not sure he's even got as much time as I hope he does."

"Hope..." Reese holds his phone to his ear after dialing the number Scott had given him. "This is Mike Reese. When you have time, at your earliest convenience, I'd like to speak with you about a business matter..."

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