
Mi kasai, su kadai

Staying with Scott Hope does not mind at all. She new Scott needed someone to be with him and if that someone was her than so be it. The worst that would happen is She would have to call the office and tell her secretary to cancel her appointments.

Entering the room again Katie gives a smile to Hope. It was nice to see Scott had other friends outside of TJY, and that he trusted someone else. It made Katie feel good to know Scott was opening up again.

"Its nice you came to check on Scott. I am guessing Rick call you?"

Being pulling out of her own thought Hope looks up at Katie and Jason giving a smile and a nod.

"Yeah Rick filled me in on what happened. I tryed to hurry over here as fast as I could because he didn't give me much detail and I wasn't sure how bad Scott was."

Hope looks over at Scott his eyes still closed. Just studying his silent face Hope gives his hand a gentil squeeze before looking back at Jason and Katie again.

"He could of been much worse than he is now, I'm just happy is ok."

Giving a nod Katie was a bit surprised.

She seems offly close to Scott for just being his therapist. I don't know maybe that's just my protective side kicking in.

Looking to Jason and than Hope again Misty quietly excuses herself going out into the hall. Pulling out her phone she dials home quick. Knowing Ryder probley wouldnt pickthe phone Katie continues to wait through the rings till finally the answering masheen picks up.

"Hey Ryder its Katie. I just wanted to let you know I am not sure when I will be home. Have to work late night, but if you want there is some money there on the counter and a whole mess of meus in the second draw from the wall in the kitchen. Also you can help yourself to anything in the fridg and cubord. Mi kasai, sue kasai! If you get bored you can mosey into my room and look at the two whole racks I have full of movies to watch. Anyways just didnt want you to worry. See ya soon."

Misty's own instincts kick in as she see Rick with the young man as he trys to struggle. Going over to him and trying to help Misty trys to stay calm.

"It will make it easyer on you if you just do as we say and dont try to resist."

Going over to the tray that had the differnt items on it Misty gets another saring and preps it. Than moving back to the young man she trys her best to find his vein and stick him though with all his moving it was around. Growing annoyed herseld Misty looks the man in the eyes and in a gruf tone retorts.

"If you dont quit moving I am just gonna shove this needle anywhere and its going to hurt you a whole heck of alot more than it is me."

Trying to get the coffoperation of the prisoner Misty see it is not working and giving up much care she just takes the needle and shoves it in his arm. Though for a moment as the lets the liqued release into his veins her eyes meet his and Misty gets a flash back of when Carson was in this room and hurt himself a long time back. It was a major case of dejavu. The look in his eye was almost the same, the pearcing blue, the hard cold stair. It gave Misty a chill.

I left you nothing, Lis :p

Scott feels like a little boy, trapped and out of control. But it was that feeling that allowed him to not resist Hope's comfort. Feeling her fingers run through his hair, his eyes remain closed, though several more tears escape. Her voice and touch were soothing, and he begins to relax, trying to forget about the evening, if only for a short while. In the morning, his experience at the hospital would be foggy. But the recollection of the thugs in his house would always be vivid.

After finding one of the doctors, Jason questions him about Scott, and they're informed that while the wound itself wouldn't cause the hospital to keep him any longer than overnight, it was his weak condition that had made the doctor decide to keep him at least two days.

Wandering back to the room, Jason looks in the open door, and sees Hope, and how calm Scott seemed to be right now.

She's good. I suppose we should find out how long she's staying so we know what we need to do.

Continuing to work, Rick is finally able to sew up the bullet holes in their patient. While he was dedicated to keeping anyone alive, this man would stay in the holding cell. He might have been a patient, but he was also an Elite prisoner.

Cleaning up, Rick wipes his hands on a towel and looks down at the man after he and Misty were able to get him on the cot. "We can get him another shirt from the closet upstairs," he muses. "I'm keeping his belt and shoes though so he doesn't have anything to hit or strangle somebody with."

Alec's eyes pop open halfway. There were voices he didn't recognize. He felt like he'd been drugged. Maybe he had. Where was he? The last thing he remembered was their target going ballistic. Jaxon... had he been shot too? What had happened to their target? What was this place?

He felt almost like he was moving underwater. Everything was kind of blurry, and his movements felt lethargic. His gaze slowly moves to the door and he sees bars on the small window. The walls were concrete... it was a small room with hardly anything in it. It wasn't a hospital... it wasn't an Agency medical room. Oh no.

Desperate, Alec gives a groan and tries to sit up, though only makes it halfway before rolling onto the floor. The sedative hadn't fully worn off yet, and his legs felt like rubber.

"Whoa, whoa." Rick is quick to move in, trying to get him back up onto the cot.

"Leave me alone," Alec mumbles, his speech slightly slurred. "Let me go."

"I can't do that."

"You can't keep me here." Alec struggles against Rick's force, but his own weakness makes it difficult, as does the pain in his chest and shoulder.

"Actually, we can." Rick forces the man back down into the cot, holding him down. He glances to Misty with annoyance. "Why can't we ever have an easy case?" he grumbles. Looking down at the patient, his eyes narrow. "What's your name."

"Shove it."

"Oh, nice."

"Get off of me!" Alec tries to push Rick off, but it's no use. All he does is break out into a sweat, his body under so much strain.

Rick shakes his head. "Misty, get another sedative. I don't have time for this. Reese can deal with him later."

Ryder crumples up the wrapper from his sub and tosses it across the kitchen, landing it in the waste basket. Wandering to the front window, he peers out onto the street. There were lights everywhere. A car passed. A horn honked somewhere. Another car passed. A streetlight made it impossible to see the night sky clearly. He missed the open space of home already.

Ambling back to the living room, he takes up his place on the couch once more, trying to sit in such a way that his shoulder didn't hurt. Henry jumps up with him, now even more his friend after Ryder had fed him supper.

Ryder flips on the tv, unfamiliar with the shows, and finding it difficult to land on something of interest. He wanted to stay up though so he'd know when Katie got back, if she was even coming back tonight.


Feeling Scott's hand on hers and his fingers wrapping around her own Hope is a little sapriseddosnt let it show. Insted she meets his stair with a kind smile. Tighting her own fingers just a little she was glad Scott trusted her, and this was a sign of it.

A pain stricks Hope's heart as she hears about Domino. She new that had been Scott's best friend not to mention she had liked the little fer ball as well.

"I'm so sorry about Domino Scott, I know she ment alot to you."

Seeing Scott was getting upset again Hope takes her other hand and gently runs her fingers over top of Scott's fingers. Today she didnt feel like Scott's therapist but his friend and she felt honered to get that privlage.

"Scott, its not a bad thing you killed them. They attacked you and you were just protecting yourself. No one is going to blame you for that. I am very proud that you were strong enough to protect yourself Scott."

Hope new that Scott would have to learn a few differnt things, and weagh through his mind, finding his way of protection without killing. But right now she new it was not the time for repramand, and correction but comfort and consoling.

Reacing back just a little bit Hope pulls a chair over to the bed and sits down. Bringing her free hand to Scott's head and just gently running a hand through his hair in a soothing manner.

"I wont leave you Scott. I'll stay right here with you for as long as you want."

Working quickly to help Rick Misty cant help the smerk as Reese leaves the room for a moment feeling bad for him but soon it pass.

Continuing to help Rick Misty cant help but jump just a little as she hears Ty's voice not exspecting him. Quickly to recover though Misty does as told and starts to get a seditive ready.

Going over to the young man she quickly finds the vain to inject him.

"Its sad to say your right about the Agency. They will take whoever regardless."

Looking down at the boy Misty felt a stang feeling, almost like she new this boy somehow. Something was familure about him but she couldnt place her finger on it.


Ryder looks up at the clock again. He'd dozed off on the couch. His shoulder hurt. He was still hungry. And it was even later now. He was beginning to wonder if something was really wrong. Or maybe everybody here worked late.

Getting up, he wanders to the kitchen, searching for some numbers. Finding TJY's, he dials.

Wyatt is just getting in to the office. He'd left earlier, but then had been called back to help with someone who had attacked Scott. His blood boiled... his friend had been attacked yet again. He wanted to go to the hospital, but his father had asked him to come in instead.

Just as he's passing his cubicle, he sees the main phone line ringing. A quick glance to the back proved Susanne had gone home for the night. Deciding to answer it, he catches it before the answering system. "Yeah, TJY."

Ryder hesitates. "Um, yeah, this is Ryder Billings..."

Wyatt knew the name, though hadn't met him yet. "Oh yeah. What can I do for ya?"

"Well, I spent the night over here with Katie and... I was just surprised she hadn't gotten back tonight is all."

Wyatt's eyebrows shoot up. "You what?"

Ryder realizes his mistake. "I borrowed the couch," he clarifies quickly.

"Oh... of course." Wyatt rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well she's at the hospital right now. Scott - one of our guys - he got attacked and so she and Jason went with him over there."

"Oh." Ryder was sorry to hear about that. He'd learned just a little bit about this Scott's history, and knew that this couldn't be good. "Well, um, I don't want to startle, um... what's her name... Katie's roommate, when she gets back either, so could you..."

"She won't be back for a bit," Wyatt interrupts. "She got roughed up the other night by a guy so she's staying somewhere safe for a while."

Now Ryder felt like he was just being a pain. "I see. Okay, um... well I guess I'll just sit tight then."

"Can I get you anything? Have you eaten?"

Ryder glances around and spies a jar of spare change on the counter. He could pay it back later. "Know any places that have good take away?"


"Ah..." Ryder thinks. "Take out."

"Oh, right right. Yeah, Eddie's downtown has some good subs. They're in the phone book and they'll deliver."

"Perfect. Thanks, mate."


Hanging up, Ryder goes for the phone book and begins thumbing through the pages. Suddenly Henry jumps up on the counter next to him, looking into the book. "And what are you doing?" Ryder reprimands, though he scratches Henry's head. "You hungry too?"

Scott swallows hard, his focus still on the ceiling above. He knew Katie was speaking to him, but no words of his own wanted to come. He felt so many things at once right now, it was hard to sort through them. Though the two biggest clashed on the surface, creating an unbearable turmoil. He didn't know which to confront first.

Suddenly, there is a new voice. Scott has to turn his head to see that it's Hope, and he feels her hand on his arm. If she hadn't spoken, it might have taken him a moment to recognize her, dressed so casually. But instead of responding to her gentle humor, he turns his head the other way. He hated her seeing him like this. She'd already seen him at his lowest, and now it was just adding salt to that wound. He wanted to be strong again. To face this thing and be like all the other TJY agents who could stand up to anything. But for the first time, he had... and what had he done...? He sees those lifeless bodies again... the ones that he had taken down with his own hands.

Jason watches, feeling no danger, though this woman was a stranger to him.

This must be Scott's therapist... the one Rick's been having him see.

Seeing Scott's reaction, he knows it must not be typical. None of this was. Not his silence, or apparent dislike of seeing anyone.

Let's leave him alone for a few minutes... maybe he'll talk to her.

Holding out his hand, he waits for Katie to stand, then goes with her out into the hall. "Let's go find the doctor to see what he says... I can't sit and do nothing."

Scott can hear the footsteps of his two friends leaving. Part of him was glad. Part of him felt more lonely. All he wanted now was to feel better... just to feel better.

Without thinking, he shifts his arm up so his hand meets Hope's. He curls his thin fingers around hers in a sign that he just needed someone who understood... someone who wouldn't leave. He trusted her. He knew she wouldn't abandon him.

"They killed Domino," he whispers. A silent tear runs out of his eye to trickle down to the pillow. "They just..." The scene flashes in his mind again. That little dog had been his partner for the last several years. She'd been his friend. She'd been his pride and joy. And now...

Scott turns his head back again to see Hope's face. "And I killed them."

His gaze aims to the ceiling again, and he closes his eyes. "I didn't mean to... I was just... so mad and..." His words are cut off as a sharp pain reminds him of his injury. His eyes still closed, he whispers again. "Don't leave me... please?"

Hearing Misty enter the holding cell, Rick turns around, relieved to see her. "You're a life-saver."

Reese smirks. "What? I wasn't doing a good enough job?"

Rick works to stop the bleeding on the right side of the man's chest. "You were until she came. Now you can go."

Reese rolls his eyes. "I'm being dismissed by my own employee. What is this office coming to?"

Rick tries not to let his humor show as Reese walks away. "Thanks, Misty. This bullet went clean through, and amazingly didn't hit anything major. We just need to sew him up."

He sighs as he works. "Though unfortunately, part of me would like to just leave him here without helping him." He grits his teeth, returning to Misty's question. "Two guys went to Scott's tonight. We don't know the story, but the other guy is dead."

Suddenly, Ty appears in the doorway. "You wanted me?" His eyes widen. "Whoa, what happened?"

"Later," Rick directs. "Go out to my car. You'll know what to do."

Ty lifts his eyebrows. "Wha.."


"Alright, alright!"

Rick makes sure Ty is on his way before turning back to his patient. "This guy can't be a day over twenty-five," he mutters. "The Agency takes them younger every day."

All of a sudden, the man gives a groan and starts to move.

"Shoot." Rick works faster. "I was hoping that bump on his head would keep him out longer. Give him a sedative would you?"