

Feeling Scott's hand on hers and his fingers wrapping around her own Hope is a little sapriseddosnt let it show. Insted she meets his stair with a kind smile. Tighting her own fingers just a little she was glad Scott trusted her, and this was a sign of it.

A pain stricks Hope's heart as she hears about Domino. She new that had been Scott's best friend not to mention she had liked the little fer ball as well.

"I'm so sorry about Domino Scott, I know she ment alot to you."

Seeing Scott was getting upset again Hope takes her other hand and gently runs her fingers over top of Scott's fingers. Today she didnt feel like Scott's therapist but his friend and she felt honered to get that privlage.

"Scott, its not a bad thing you killed them. They attacked you and you were just protecting yourself. No one is going to blame you for that. I am very proud that you were strong enough to protect yourself Scott."

Hope new that Scott would have to learn a few differnt things, and weagh through his mind, finding his way of protection without killing. But right now she new it was not the time for repramand, and correction but comfort and consoling.

Reacing back just a little bit Hope pulls a chair over to the bed and sits down. Bringing her free hand to Scott's head and just gently running a hand through his hair in a soothing manner.

"I wont leave you Scott. I'll stay right here with you for as long as you want."

Working quickly to help Rick Misty cant help the smerk as Reese leaves the room for a moment feeling bad for him but soon it pass.

Continuing to help Rick Misty cant help but jump just a little as she hears Ty's voice not exspecting him. Quickly to recover though Misty does as told and starts to get a seditive ready.

Going over to the young man she quickly finds the vain to inject him.

"Its sad to say your right about the Agency. They will take whoever regardless."

Looking down at the boy Misty felt a stang feeling, almost like she new this boy somehow. Something was familure about him but she couldnt place her finger on it.

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