

*Wendy makes her way across the lawn and to the shop entering seeing if Clint was around there first.*

*Angel goes to the door hearing someone coming up the steps. Opening the door and seeing Clint a smile crosses Angel's lips.*

"Sorry Clint, you just missed her. She went looking for you. I believe she was walking twords the shop."

*Angel leans on the doorframe.*

*As Katie sits with Con and the other she turns her head twords the icecream shop. Geting a mental immage of when her and Jason had been here. As quick as the memorie enters her mind it leaves again as a single tear rolls down her cheek and Con toss a new joke making her smile and laugh again.*

*Nate sits across from Laura teasing her here and there Laughing with the other. Everyonce and a while bumping Laura's foot with his own. Giving her a smile.*

*As Jamie goes to bite her icecream and Con elbows her she thorws him a look and grins. As he goes to bite his own Jamie hits his hand and smushes his icecream into his face. Jamie rours with laughter.*

*Misty sits with the other staying quiet. Now and than chiming in with a joke or a laugh. She dident know these people and she dident want to over do it with being herself.

As Misty hears a truck pull she she looks up from her ice cream. As she studys is she see a family you person get out of he car. Standing she smiles and waves at Carson. Running over to him.*

"You made it after all. Nice ride."


A dirty shirt flies across the bunkhouse room along with Clint’s off-key, mumbled singing. Grabbing the nearest shirt from the closet that looks decent, he throws it on, preceding his good black jeans. After buttoning up the black shirt and tucking it in, he slaps on some cologne, runs a comb through his wet hair and heads out the door, skipping down the steps, a borrowed set of keys jingling in his hands.

Jumping up onto Angel’s porch, he knocks on the door.

The six make their way out of TJY and take Con’s and Nate’s cars, heading for the ice cream place at the edge of town. Arriving, there aren’t too many other people, so it’s quick to order and find a round table with six chairs outside to sit and gab. Talk is kept light, and laughter is frequent. Con sits between Jamie and Katie, teasing them both in turn to bring more laughter.

Taking a lick of his cone, Con elbows Jamie, bumping her arm that holds her ice cream just as she’s trying to take a bite. He looks to Laura with innocence, and she rolls her eyes, though can’t help her giggle.

Reese emerges from his office and scans the main floor, his eyes widening. “Where on earth…”

“Playing hooky,” Wyatt informs dryly as he looks at some papers. A grin tweaks his mouth. “I believe Con was the ringleader, so there’s not a whole lot you can do.”

Reese throws his arms up in the air. “How can I run a place with no staff?”

Wyatt chuckles. “Well I’m here…and Scott… Sapphire… Trish… Hal… Rick… what more do you want?”

Reese rolls his eyes. “Nobody cares what I think. Why do I even need to be here? Everybody just does what they want!” He turns around and goes back into his office.

Wyatt just laughs and shakes his head.

Carson ambles down the sidewalk, heading for the car dealership that’s only about ten blocks away. He takes a deep breath of the outside air, noticing for the first time that his lungs seem to be clearer now…maybe he could resume his morning jogging routine.

Reaching the dealership, it isn’t too hard to find what he’s looking for…there wasn’t much that was in his price range. Within an hour, he’s driving out of the lot in a small two-seat, gray pickup. It had a few miles on it, and it had a lived-in look, but the engine was in good shape, and it would serve its purpose.

Carson heads for his apartment, parking on the curb, but keeps the motor running. For some reason, he doesn’t shut it off. He just sits contemplating…his mind was going a million directions at once, landing on nothing. Why did he keep thinking about the group from TJY? Something pulled him…something was like a magnet, drawing him back. But surely they’d all be dispersed by now…

Disgusted at his own indecision, Carson puts the pickup in gear and pulls back out, doing a U-turn and heading to the edge of town. He was crazy…but ever since he’d met Misty, that seemed the norm.

In minutes, he’s pulling into the gravel lot at the ice cream place. Parking, he shuts off the motor and sighs deeply. It was bad enough he’d been asked to go with the group, if they were still here, he’d be making an entrance – which was worse?

Getting out, he shuts the door and scans the outside tables, unsure if anyone is even still there.

The Talk

*Wendy giggles as she steps away from Clint her eyes having a certin twinkle in them.*

"Well I will have to keep in mind when Cindy and Wes get back about asking for an assistents assistent job."

*Wendy takes a few steps back from Clint and smiles.*

"I am gonna go wash up and than we can go out. I think you should do that same. Some how you got grease on your face."

*Wendy giggles and heads out of the shop aiming for her house.*

*Misty looks down at Carson as he declines. A certin sadness and hesatence showing in her eyes. She dident want to go by herself but Carson's own eyes reflected that he would be upset if she dident. *

"Ok...I'll go."

*Misty bends down and gives Carson a hug whispering.*

"You better come see me tonight."

*Misty smiles and runs her hand along Carson's face as she turns to leave and join the others.*

*Katie stays close to Con and Jamie trying her keep her spirits high. The should be a fun time and she wanted to make the best of it. Ice Cream always helped everyones problems right. Katie could only hope that maybe a bit of laughing would do her good.*

*Wendy runs about though the differnt rooms franticly looking for something to wair. In and out of the bathroom trying to make her hair look ok. In and out asking Angel is she looked ok.

Angel watches her daughter run around between the rooms. A questioning look on her face. Finally she cant take it any longer.*

"Wendy...its not like you havent gone out places with Clint before whats so differnt this time."

*Wendy enters the bedroom again and than out to the bathroom.*

"Nothing mom...nothing at all."

"Than why on earth are you so frantic? and acting like a chicken with your head chopped off"

"I'm not."

*Wendy comes out of the bedroom with a pale blue sundress on and white sandles.*

"Hows does this look?"

*Angel eyes her daughter.*

"You look the same as the last 4 you tryed on you look fine."

*Wendy runs back into the bedroom. A few moment later the sound of draws slamming.*

"MOM...I cant find it where is that white shall?"

*Angel rolls her eyes. Something was differnt with her daughter but she couldent put her finger on it.*

"Wendy you dont need the shall you look fine how you are."

*Wendy comes out of the room again looking at her mom.*

"But mom...."

*Angel holds a finger up to her daughter as she stands and walks over to her puting her hands on her shoulders. Looking her in the eyes a smile forms on Angel's lips. So thats what it was.*

"Mom...why are you looking at me like that?"

"hmmm...oh..sorry. I was just remembering."

"Remembering what?"

"The first time I was kissed."

"How did you know? Am I that obveouse?"

"Hunny I am your mother I am ment to be able to tell these things. Not to mention just everything about you seems...brighter."

*Wendy's cheeks turn a slights shade of red.

Angel steps away from her daughter for a moment and goes into her own bedroom. After a few moment she emerges with a string od pearls she puts around Wendy's next.*

"You look wonderful and Clint is going to think so too. He's liked you this far just be yourself and he will like you even more. Now go have fun."

*A smile forms on Wendy's face as she gives her mother a hug.*

"Thanks mom."

*Wendys exits the house and goes to find Clint. Giving a sigh Angel walks back over to her desk and sits down. Picking up a picture from her desk Angel smiles. It was a picture of Wendy at age 4. How she had been unexspected, and so little. And how Angel loved every moment with her. God truly did work mericles. It seemed like just yesterday Angel was holding Wendy in her arms and now....now her baby was grown up and making her own choises. Angel was confadent that Wendy would always make the right chooise. And Clint was a great guys. She couldent think of anyone alse she would rather see Wendy with.*

Eat a scoop

Clint gives a hearty laugh, pulling Wendy into a rambunctious hug. “I can’t promise there won’t be any attacking chairs, but I’ll be there to defend my fair lady, how’s that?”

After pulling back, he gets a silly grin on his face and reaches into his back pocket for his rag. Bringing it to Wendy’s face, he wipes off a smudge of grease that had transferred from his own face to hers. “You’re looking more and more like an assistant to the assistant every minute,” he teases. “You better get out of here before you look like me! We don’t want to go to town looking like two grease monkeys.”

Laura can’t help her laugh as Nate takes her hand. “Alright. You both win. I’ll go.”

Carson grins mischievously at Misty. “Playing taxi for you? Mm, now that doesn’t sound so bad.”

As Jamie comes up with her offer, Carson’s hand slowly slides from Misty’s back, his concentration shifting. He looks at Misty as she makes him do the choosing.

Swallowing hard, he glances back to Jamie, daring to look her in the eye. Not only had she come to him…offered a hand to him…forgiven him…tolerated his presence here… but now she was inviting him to go along with her and the others on a fun outing. The last time Carson had been invited to anything in a group it had been to a bar, and only because he was the one with the wallet. This was so different…it was almost a little scary.

Carson was a strong individual…he could take a man down in the blink of an eye, say what he wanted when and where he wanted without remorse, handle just about anything in the heat of battle, and could throw is weight around with confidence. But here…around these people…there was a part of him, deep down that was constantly coming to the surface…and that was the little boy that had never found his place. He could feel the childlike longing to belong…the silly little desire to have someone give him a pat on the back for an accomplishment…the timidity when facing those he’d wronged.

His eyes fall from Jamie’s as confusion rises within him for the heat in his face. Why he felt so intimidated by this, he wasn’t sure. He finds himself declining. But he didn’t want to take the fun away from Misty.

“Eh, I’ll probably head on down to the car lot, actually.” He gives Misty a nudge. “But you should go.” He nods to her with insistence, indicating that he’d be upset if she didn’t. “If I get a set of wheels, maybe I’ll stop on by your place to see you tonight.” He throws her a wink and slides her off her lap. “Go on. Eat an extra scoop for me.”

Ice Cream

*As Wendy and Clint second kiss continues the feeling inside Wendy bubble as her tummy gets butterflys and does flip flops. After the kiss is finished and there forheads are rested together Wendy trys to catch her breath that was lost. So fast Clint had come into her life, become her bestfriend and stole her heart. Lifting her up into the clouds making her feel as though she was floating. Finally finding her voice Wendy speaks softly her head still wrested agasnt Clint as she gently moves it up and down to nod.*

"If you promise no chairs will attack us I think a date would be great."

*Wendy's eyes stay locked with Clints as her heart still twitters. Oh how everything seemed perfect and wonderful.*

*Nate smiles and nods his head to Con. He new Con was still leery of him and now that he understood why he dident blame him he only wanted to protect his sister. Looking back at Laura he gives a grin.*

"I guess I'll have to work on telling you to come out with me."

*Nate gives alittle grin and holds his hand out to Laura as if offering her to take it. Stoping to think for a moment Nate takes a step closer and just interlocks his fingers with her.*

"Come on let go get that ice cream with the others."

*As Carson takes Misty in his lap she wraps her arms around his neck receving the kiss. Drawing back Misty smiles up at her eyes burning.*

"I think dinner at the place by the lake would be great."

*As Carson mentions about geting a car she cant help but throw her head back alittle and laugh loudly.*

"You just cant handle a woman driving you around can you? Alright Alright I guess we can stop and get you a car, but be warned I might make you play taxi for a while as payback."

*Misty laughs again as she leans in and gives Carson another quick kiss.*

*Jamie stands from her desk as Con enters and orders them all out for ice cream. Seeing Katie with him she smiles. It was nice to see Con braught a little bit of peace to Katie. Jamie new Katie did look up to Con alot and was happy that this girl thats words was turned upside down and sent spinning could find the comfort she needed.

As Jamie steps out of the cubicle to join the other she hears Misty's laugh a few places over and thinks for a long moment. Jamie throws a look to Con trying to convay something and hoped he was ok with it. Slowly she walks over to where Carson and Misty were and lets out a sigh pushing a few emotions that still remained away. Clearing her throt to get there attachen off eachother she smiles.*

"Carson, Misty...A bunch of us are going out to get Ice cream and I know you both are still pretty new and havent really had a chanse to get to know more people yet. We would really like it if you both would come to get ice cream with us. So we can all mingle and get to know eachother better."

*As Jamie clears her throt Misty looks up at her and listens to the offer. Misty herself was a bit saprised. Since she had goten here not many people had talked to her. And now this woman was standing in front of them and asking them to come out with the group. Misty's gaze falls from Jamie to Carson she smiles only fading a bit.*

"I'll go if you go Carson. If you dont than we can keep out planes to go to the lake. I am cool eather way."

*Misty keeps her arms wraped around Carson neck as she waits for his reply. Misty new Carson needed more friend but she dident want to push. He would when he was ready.*


Wendy's words and the return of the embrace send Clint's pulse racing again. Knowing she was okay with his affection, he holds her a little tighter, allowing more passion to influence his kiss. This time he lets it linger, testing the waters of this new adventure with Wendy.

Jim ambles toward the shop, seeing the door open, and assuming he'd find Clint. Stepping inside the dim interior, he squints for a moment, then widens his eyes as he sees his son and Wendy together. A slight smile turns up the corner of his mouth. Not wanting to embarrass anyone, he quietly backs out and takes the return route to the mess hall. He could remember the first time he'd kissed Becky...it was so long ago...he'd been right around Clint's age... The smile on his lips widens as he thinks of his son and Wendy together. They made a good match. Along with that thought, a dull ache still resides in Jim's heart as he thinks of his wife. Soon...how he hoped and prayed that soon she and Rosalynn could return.

Clint gradually pulls back from Wendy, and rests his forehead against hers, a grin forming. "I think you and I need to go on a date tonight, what do you think?"

Laura bites her lip as Nate compliments her and offers to go out. Looking at him, she knows he's trying to make her smile, and she resists at first. She didn't feel like smiling...there were so many things going wrong right now. But his eyes seem to pull without regard to her hesitance, and she can only hang on for so long.

Finally breaking down, the smile emerges and she gives Nate a playful punch to the arm. "You big goon. You're supposed to tell me to go with you, remember? I won't say yes if you keep asking me so politely."

Suddenly she looks away, seeing Con and Katie coming back through the door, and she catches her brother's eye for just a moment.

Con stands up and smiles down at Katie knowingly. He was going to miss seeing her at work too. "Alright. Ice cream it is. Come on." He offers the crook of his arm as a gentleman to a lady. "We shall go."

Back to TJY, they walk slowly, Con taking his time for Katie's sake. Reaching the main floor again, he scans the desks, spotting Laura with Nate and catching her eye, then seeing Jamie. He lets out a shrill whistle through his teeth. "I'm taking my three favorite ladies out for ice cream!" he announces loudly. "That means you," he he elbows Katie, "you," he points to Jamie, "and you," he ends with his sister. "Nobody's allowed to say no." His eyes linger on Nate for a moment, just a little bit of hesitance there, though he lets it pass. "And if you behave yourself, you can come too." He lets a wry grin show. "If anyone dares to oppose this afternoon excursion, you're gonna have to go through me, and I don't think anyone wants to do that."

Laura glances back to Nate with a little laugh. "Now that's how you ask me out for ice cream."

Carson's eyes narrow as a grin slips across his mouth when he sees Misty's necklace and hears her words. "I think I can handle them," he replies with sly confidence. Reaching up, he takes the locket in his hand, fingering it for a moment. She never gave up. Slipping it around his neck, he tucks it under his shirt before spinning his chair around. He grabs Misty by the waist and pulls her onto his lap. "Well, miss Carson's girl, I don't think we can get away with not going out tonight, do you?" He leans in to plant a quick kiss on her lips.

Hearing the commotion of the others on the floor, for but an instant, he longs to join in, but knows he shouldn't. Jamie and Con were tolerating him - he couldn't ask more of them than that.

Without missing a beat, he concentrates on Misty again. "How about that little joint down by the lake? But on the way we're gonna have to stop by that used car lot...'cause this is the last night I'm gonna have to let you do the driving."

Again Please

*As Clint's lips brush her own her heart races even faster, the nervouce feeling making her hand go cold. As Clint's hand goes to her face and she feels his lips press aganst her more this time her boyd turns from the nervouse cold to a warm feeling. A new feeling fills Wendy something she had never felt before. Her arms go around Clint to hold him accepting his kiss and kissing gently back. As Clint draws away Wendy opens her eyes. Eveything now seemed to be brighter, and everything around her was spinning. Her eyes focus on Clint, looking deep into his eyes. A smile forms on Wendy's face. Clint was so gental, soft and sweet Wendy's nervouse feeling melt away replaced with the feeling of comfirt and protection. Softly Wendy whispers.*

"I dont think a kiss was the only thing the thief stole. I think he made off with my heart too."

*Wendy herself leans in and press her lips softly to Clints her arms still wrapped around him.*

*Katie smiles up at Con. The first true smile she has hand in a while. As fast as it comes it goes. But non the less it was still there.*

"Thanks Big Brother for being there for me."

*Slowly Katie stands streching alittle.*

"I..dont think I want to go home. Maybe we can go get some ice cream? Maybe Laura and Jamie, maybe even Nate would like to come too. I've been so focused on myself and being sad about Jason I havent even thought about anyone alse. I bet she could use some comfort too."

*Katie could go for some ice cream, but somewhere in her heart she new she was asking to stall Con's leaving. She new it would happen anyways but if she could stop it for the moment she could get use to the though before he left.*

*Nate smiles at her see Laura walks across the floor. Standing he makes his way over to her puting a playful arm yet gental arm around her shoulders. She looks down in the dumps and he wanted to cheer her up. Where did this yurning come from to reach out to want to make her smile. Nate dident know but he couldent deny the feeling of wanting to help her.*

"Laura, Laura, Laura its a nice day out, you look nice as always, and I was wondering if you would like to grab some ice cream with me. I'll deal with Reese, its just to nice to be stuck inside."

*Nate remove his arm from Laura's. Cocking his head to the side a bit to look Laura in the eyes his smile holds searching her eyes for the smile he so longed to see.*

*Misty re-enters the infermary going over to her desk she sits down. Her mind on a million other things her face in a book again. As her arm moves along the desk it bumps into comething cold. Puting the book down Misty see the braclet and the note. A smile crosses her face as her fingers run of the steel and Carson's name. Picking the braclet up Misty puts it around her write and facens it in place. Misty stairs at it for a long moment thinking of a way to tell Carson she accepted it. Standing her grabs something from her desk and walks out of the infermary. Slowly Misty walks up behind Carson who is at his desk. Bringing her hand ove his head she let her locket dangel from her fingers and slowly float in front of Carson's face it was on a thicker and longer chain now. One fit for a male other than the locket that hung on it. As she dangles the locket in front of him she bends down and rests her chin on Carson's shoulder her lips close to his ear.*

"As long as you think you can handle me and my adventures I'm all yours too."

*Misty draps her free arm over Carson's shoulder revealing she had the braclet on.*


Clint's heart begins to race as Wendy stares into his eyes. He knew that if he were the thief, she would allow it, and the thought sent a tingle down his spine.

Slowly, cautiously, he cocks his head, leaning his face towards hers. Closing his eyes, he lets his lips brush Wendy's, feeling her breath on his skin. His hand drifts to the side of her head to cradle her gently. Tenderly, he moves back to press his lips softly on hers, only for a moment. He draws back just slightly, his face still almost touching hers. He searches her gaze for her desire for him to break the moment or to return, his own question reflected in his eyes.

Con gives Katie a squeeze. "I know, Kat...I know. It's a long road. But I know you can do it." He looks at her with compassion. "The pain just doesn't go away that easy, does it... but God won't give you anything more than you can handle. It hurts...but you have strength enough to endure. When this is over...and I promise you it will be...you'll be stronger and you'll look back, seeing good things that happened."

He offers her a small smile. "Now...I don't want you walking home, so either I drive you, or we go back to TJY where we both can keep a stiff upper lip."

Laura pauses in the doorway of Con's office, her eyes seeing the box...seeing the emptiness on the walls. Her heart sank. Con really was leaving. He'd said he was...but just about everyone here had said that at least once and had always returned. But it was obvious that Con really was serious.

Turning around, she slowly ambles back out onto the floor. She missed her brother...All the years they'd spent together, him taking care of her...then they'd moved apart, but at least they still worked together and hung out constantly. Then he'd been assigned to the case in Texas....things at TJY got rough...Jamie was now in the picture...he was leaving TJY... it felt almost like she was losing him. She knew she really wasn't...but she just wasn't sure she was ready for this change yet.

Carson leans back in his chair, thinking for several minutes. He'd been thinking a lot the last couple days...maybe it was time he really made up his mind. Standing, he swaggers toward the infirmary in search of Misty. Finding the room empty, he goes to her desk, a sly grin on his face. He takes a piece of paper and pen, jotting a quick note. 'I'm yours.' Setting it down, he reaches into his pocket, pulling out his steel ID bracelet that had CARSON engraved on it. He lays it on top of the note and leaves it, turning on his heel and heading back towards the main floor.


*As Clint draws Wendy close she can feel her face turn probley 2 more shades of red. Sure she had been close to Clint before to dance, or to even give him a hug. But this time it was differnt the embrace and the look in Clint's eyes told Wendy this was a whole new ball game. As Wendy stairs back into Clint's eyes her pulse quickens a sence of nervouseness running through her. She had never been this close to a guy before let alone had one ask outright to kiss her. A Smile creeps across her face and her eyes show a certin softness.*

"I guess it would depend on who the thief was that was stealing the kiss."

*Wendy can feel her heart flutter with antisapation of what was to happen next.*

*As Katie sits down with Con her tears slow alittle but they are still there. Heer body tired, her heart in pain and the feeling of being sick in her tummy again.*

"I know they are all there for me Con, I know they are my friends. But this feeling of being alone is there anyways. and No, I know Jason wouldent want me to be sad. I dont want this to get me down, I want to be myself again I just dont know how to make the pain stop."

*Katie draws silent for a moment and her tears finally stop for now. Katie ears perk up and her eyes gain alittle glint at the sound of hearing Jason will be able to visiters. Katie sperits try to lift at the feeling of seeing Jason. The darkness still in her heart but that tiny ray of life pounding at the wall waiting to break free.*

"I'll try big brother to stay strong. For Jason, For you, and for all my friends. I just dont think I will be myself for a long time."

*Katie goes silent for a long while just stairing at the grass swaying in breeze. Katie new her statment was true she wouldnet be the same for alone time. The darkness had taken over, and though there was a ray of light, a shine of hope that she would see Jason again the darkness was still looming like a blanket.

In a bref moment Katie thinks of something that she puts in the back of her mind to bring up later. She would have to ask Wyatt if this sunday he could swing by her apt and pick her up for church. Katie had been going to her own church with in walking distince of her apt but this week Katie dident want to go alone. But she did want to go. If there was one person that could help sooth her pain and chanse away the shadows Katie new it would be God. With God and her friends Katie hoped it would be what she needed to make this long road alittle less painful.*

If you don't...

Clint jerks away from Wendy's hand but isn't quick enough, and receives the smudge on his face. He laughs, straightening up to grab Wendy's wrist, and without even thinking, he draws her close to him with a teasing look. "Well you got the getting dirty part down pat, though it's not me you're supposed to get the grease all over..."

As his eyes lock with hers, suddenly his teasing fades. He lefts go of her wrist to move to her shoulder in a gentler grip, his other hand finding her waist. He's held her before, but today it's with a subtle passion that up until his point had remained subdued. His voice lowers to a soft tone. "...but would you allow that stolen kiss?"

Con wraps his arms around Katie, enveloping her in his tall frame. His hand rubs her back as he tries to soothe her. "Shh...it's alright, Kat. It'll all be alright." Emotions pool behind his eyes and he lifts them to the sky, unafraid to to speak in his mind his frustrations. Why? Why are you letting this happen? This girl doesn't deserve this... please...just take this pain away.

After just holding Katie for several minutes, he pulls her away, though keeps one arm around her, steering her down the sidewalk a little ways to a secluded little spot under several trees where there was a park bench. Sitting down, he pulls her down next to him, keeping her close to offer himself as a shelter.

"You can't let this get you down, Katie...you cant let it stop your life." Con racks his brain for something he could say...something that could bring comfort, but nothing seems good enough. "And you're certainly not alone," he chides gently. "What are Laura and Wyatt? Chopped liver? And Nate? And who knows the million and one reasons why the band hasn't come to see you - they probably don't know what to do or how to act in a situation like this, with TJY being on the line."

He gives her shoulders a squeeze. "Do you think Jason would want you to be down like this, hmm? I know it's hard...and I know it hurts... your pain is doubled because you're feeling his too, and I can't imagine the weight that must be on your heart."

Pausing a moment, he wonders if maybe he can relate just a little...but when he'd lost the one he'd loved, he'd turned to anger, not sorrow. But he still remembered the feeling of dread...the wonder if he'd ever see Jamie again...the unknowns...

"Katie, you've got to be strong...if not for you, then for Jason. Reese told me just today that he's been in touch with Lockheart, and in a little over three weeks, Jason's gonna have a short window when he can see somebody."

Con cocks his head and leans forward a little to try and see Katie's face. "If you don't hold on, who's going to go see him?"

Jason slouches on the bench in the corner of the weight room, staying away from the other inmates. He'd already had a run-in with Tucker this morning and had the bruise on the side of his face to prove it.

All he wanted to do was sleep, but rest just wouldn't come. His nights were spent either thinking of his family and friends, or being tormented with nightmares. He had no way of knowing if anyone was alright... His mom was married now...he'd missed the wedding...he had a stepfather now... What about those back at TJY? What was happening? Where was Con? How was Katie?

Jason glances over to Leroy. They said he could get anything from the outside. If you had enough to barter with, he'd get you what you wanted. All Jason wanted was to sleep, and he knew Leroy had already slipped some of the others something to help with that...


*As Wendy listen to Clint her smile grows. As she cross her own arm and brings a finger to her mouth thinking. As once again her face turns red at the mention of a kiss. Wendy never told anyone but she had never kissed anyone before. Just thought made her heart race with wonder and a bit of shyness.*

"Well...thats sounds kind of intresting. It seems like something I could handle. Except for the geting dirty part..."

*Wendy keeps her finger to her mouth as her other finds a bit of grease from the car with her other hand. With one quick movement she bring her grease hand to Clint's face making a smudge mark on his cheek. Wendy brings her clean hand to her mouth and lets giggle out.*

"....on second thought maybe I can handle the geting dirty part too."

*As Katie feels Con's touch and hear his words. Her heart clings despretly to them wanting to believe and be pulled from the darkness. Katie keeps her eyes to the ground for a long moment. The darkness, the sadness, the pain was so great her mind just wouldent let her believe what he heart new. Katie cant take it...everything piled up. Con was the next person in line from Jason that Katie cared so much about and felt safe with. Breaking down Katie throws her arms around Con embrassing him.*

"Oh Con...I tryed to stay happy, to be me...but I cant it hurts so much and I feel so long and alone even if I know I have people there. I feel like I am losing people left and right. What do I do Con? How do I make the pain go away? I feel like I am falling and I cant grab onto anything to pull me through. I miss him so much and it hasent even been that long yet."

*Katie clings to Con like a child would a teddy bear after a nightmare. Katie once so strong, now felt so valnrable and scaired...so fragel her emotions running rampid. It felt like a rollercoast she could not controll.*


Clint laughs at the mental image Wendy paints. “Well if I stop, I’d have to hold all this inside and then I’d burst, and you’d be sad then too, so we better find a better solution.”

He straightens up and turns around to lean back against the car, half sitting on the hood, and folding his arms across his chest. “Hmm, well, the assistant to the assistant would lend a hand with tools…keep the assistant company so he didn’t get lonely…they’d probably get just as dirty…” Clint glances at his filthy hands and arms. “But that would be okay because then the assistant wouldn’t feel so bad about his greasy hands if he ever decided to steal a kiss.” He still refuses to look at Wendy, the corner of his eye the only thing keeping track of her face.

Con looks up from his box and sees Katie in the doorway. The look on his face warns him not to even hope for a happy reunion. As her words are hurled in his direction, they feel like a kick to the gut. His shoulders drop as he listens, and for a moment he feels like dirt. He’d left at the worst time possible, then he had returned just to leave again. The look in Katie’s eyes stung…the tone of her voice cut him to the quick…and he can’t even think of a single thing to say.

As Katie walks away, Con desperately tries to understand everything. “Katie, wait…” But it’s too late. She’s already gone. Con lowers his eyes to the box on his desk. “Dang it,” he mutters. It wasn’t supposed to be this hard. He’d made up his mind…it was something he had to do…he couldn’t turn back now…

Glancing at the last photo on the wall, it’s one of him, Jason and Laura several years prior…when things had been simpler. He sighs deeply. He couldn’t let another friend just walk away…not like this.

Leaving his packing, he heads out onto the floor and looks around for Katie, but doesn’t see her. He spies Laura, who points to the exit. “Aw, no…” Con quickens his pace, barely pausing at Jamie’s desk. “I’ll be back,” he informs over his shoulder.

Once outside, he squints in the sunlight, and just makes out Katie already leaving the parking lot. “Katie!” he yells, but he’s too far away. Not allowing himself to give up, he sprints into a run. Skidding around the corner as he hits the sidewalk, he catches up to Katie, skirting in front of her and stopping to face her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “Kat, look at me,” he orders sternly. “Don’t do this to yourself. Just because I’m leaving TJY does not in any way, shape or form mean that I’m walking out of your life. Do you understand me?” He bends lower to see those tear-filled eyes that cause him pain. “I know you’re hurting like mad right now, and I know that me leaving isn’t helping matters any, but it has nothing to do with you. You are not alone, and you are not being abandoned. Don’t fall into that lie.” His eyes beg Katie to understand. “Please…”


*Wendy leans in a bit closer touching a few things trying to look like she knows what she is doing when she had no idea what so ever.*

"And what would this assistent of the assistent do? I know how to change the oil in a car...and put gas in thats about it."

*Wendy can feel her face turn red again at Clint's comment. Wendy always felt so comfortable with Clint. He was her best friend and she really enjoyed every moment spent with him. There never had been a bad moment in time. Teasingly she leans in again and gives Clint alittle shove trying to knock him off balance.*

"Well I've never met anyone like you eather. and if you dont stop your gonna give me a big head and I will flot away and never see you again and THAT would make me sad."

*Wendy's cheeks stay slightly flushed.*

*Misty gives a laugh as she hugs Carson before pulling away. Her heart races like it always did when she looked into Carson's eyes. Her own showing her sassy firey side.*

"Mmmmm....I think I can handle seeing you after work again. After all I am sure you will need a ride home. "

*Misty turns at a sounds and see Con. Her own wave of fear running through her. Last time she herself saw Con he was beating the crap out of Jason. But now...now something was differnt. After the exchange in words with Con and Carson Misty look to Carson herself.*

"For a moment there I was actully scaired I was gonna have to break up a fight. I guess today is just full of excitment after all huh?"

*Kaite looks up from her cubicle as she see Con disapear into his office. For a moment Katie feels a bit of joy. The first bit in a while. Standing her hurrys to Con's office but stops in the doorway her heart sinking again as the joy is gone as fast as it came. Katie knows Con dident hear her and watching him for a moment it dosent take rocket science to see what he is doing and whats going on. Knocking loudly on the door so Con hears Say speaks in a cold lifless tone. Her eyes holding the emptyness.*

"So big brother your leaving to now? I guess thats just what happens around here huh? Jason's gone, now your going to be gone, my friends or the people I thought were my friends from Jason's band havent even tryed to contact me since he's been gone eather."

*Katie shakes hear head.*

"I guess thats just the story of my life. That in the end, I'm ment to be alone."

*Katie turns from the door and heads back across the foor. Passing by Laura's desk.*

"I'm going home Laura. I'll walk."

*Katie keeps heading for the elavator alittle limp in her walk. Finally making it outside her tears break free and she starts her lonly walk home.*