

Wendy's words and the return of the embrace send Clint's pulse racing again. Knowing she was okay with his affection, he holds her a little tighter, allowing more passion to influence his kiss. This time he lets it linger, testing the waters of this new adventure with Wendy.

Jim ambles toward the shop, seeing the door open, and assuming he'd find Clint. Stepping inside the dim interior, he squints for a moment, then widens his eyes as he sees his son and Wendy together. A slight smile turns up the corner of his mouth. Not wanting to embarrass anyone, he quietly backs out and takes the return route to the mess hall. He could remember the first time he'd kissed Becky...it was so long ago...he'd been right around Clint's age... The smile on his lips widens as he thinks of his son and Wendy together. They made a good match. Along with that thought, a dull ache still resides in Jim's heart as he thinks of his wife. Soon...how he hoped and prayed that soon she and Rosalynn could return.

Clint gradually pulls back from Wendy, and rests his forehead against hers, a grin forming. "I think you and I need to go on a date tonight, what do you think?"

Laura bites her lip as Nate compliments her and offers to go out. Looking at him, she knows he's trying to make her smile, and she resists at first. She didn't feel like smiling...there were so many things going wrong right now. But his eyes seem to pull without regard to her hesitance, and she can only hang on for so long.

Finally breaking down, the smile emerges and she gives Nate a playful punch to the arm. "You big goon. You're supposed to tell me to go with you, remember? I won't say yes if you keep asking me so politely."

Suddenly she looks away, seeing Con and Katie coming back through the door, and she catches her brother's eye for just a moment.

Con stands up and smiles down at Katie knowingly. He was going to miss seeing her at work too. "Alright. Ice cream it is. Come on." He offers the crook of his arm as a gentleman to a lady. "We shall go."

Back to TJY, they walk slowly, Con taking his time for Katie's sake. Reaching the main floor again, he scans the desks, spotting Laura with Nate and catching her eye, then seeing Jamie. He lets out a shrill whistle through his teeth. "I'm taking my three favorite ladies out for ice cream!" he announces loudly. "That means you," he he elbows Katie, "you," he points to Jamie, "and you," he ends with his sister. "Nobody's allowed to say no." His eyes linger on Nate for a moment, just a little bit of hesitance there, though he lets it pass. "And if you behave yourself, you can come too." He lets a wry grin show. "If anyone dares to oppose this afternoon excursion, you're gonna have to go through me, and I don't think anyone wants to do that."

Laura glances back to Nate with a little laugh. "Now that's how you ask me out for ice cream."

Carson's eyes narrow as a grin slips across his mouth when he sees Misty's necklace and hears her words. "I think I can handle them," he replies with sly confidence. Reaching up, he takes the locket in his hand, fingering it for a moment. She never gave up. Slipping it around his neck, he tucks it under his shirt before spinning his chair around. He grabs Misty by the waist and pulls her onto his lap. "Well, miss Carson's girl, I don't think we can get away with not going out tonight, do you?" He leans in to plant a quick kiss on her lips.

Hearing the commotion of the others on the floor, for but an instant, he longs to join in, but knows he shouldn't. Jamie and Con were tolerating him - he couldn't ask more of them than that.

Without missing a beat, he concentrates on Misty again. "How about that little joint down by the lake? But on the way we're gonna have to stop by that used car lot...'cause this is the last night I'm gonna have to let you do the driving."

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