
Ice Cream

*As Wendy and Clint second kiss continues the feeling inside Wendy bubble as her tummy gets butterflys and does flip flops. After the kiss is finished and there forheads are rested together Wendy trys to catch her breath that was lost. So fast Clint had come into her life, become her bestfriend and stole her heart. Lifting her up into the clouds making her feel as though she was floating. Finally finding her voice Wendy speaks softly her head still wrested agasnt Clint as she gently moves it up and down to nod.*

"If you promise no chairs will attack us I think a date would be great."

*Wendy's eyes stay locked with Clints as her heart still twitters. Oh how everything seemed perfect and wonderful.*

*Nate smiles and nods his head to Con. He new Con was still leery of him and now that he understood why he dident blame him he only wanted to protect his sister. Looking back at Laura he gives a grin.*

"I guess I'll have to work on telling you to come out with me."

*Nate gives alittle grin and holds his hand out to Laura as if offering her to take it. Stoping to think for a moment Nate takes a step closer and just interlocks his fingers with her.*

"Come on let go get that ice cream with the others."

*As Carson takes Misty in his lap she wraps her arms around his neck receving the kiss. Drawing back Misty smiles up at her eyes burning.*

"I think dinner at the place by the lake would be great."

*As Carson mentions about geting a car she cant help but throw her head back alittle and laugh loudly.*

"You just cant handle a woman driving you around can you? Alright Alright I guess we can stop and get you a car, but be warned I might make you play taxi for a while as payback."

*Misty laughs again as she leans in and gives Carson another quick kiss.*

*Jamie stands from her desk as Con enters and orders them all out for ice cream. Seeing Katie with him she smiles. It was nice to see Con braught a little bit of peace to Katie. Jamie new Katie did look up to Con alot and was happy that this girl thats words was turned upside down and sent spinning could find the comfort she needed.

As Jamie steps out of the cubicle to join the other she hears Misty's laugh a few places over and thinks for a long moment. Jamie throws a look to Con trying to convay something and hoped he was ok with it. Slowly she walks over to where Carson and Misty were and lets out a sigh pushing a few emotions that still remained away. Clearing her throt to get there attachen off eachother she smiles.*

"Carson, Misty...A bunch of us are going out to get Ice cream and I know you both are still pretty new and havent really had a chanse to get to know more people yet. We would really like it if you both would come to get ice cream with us. So we can all mingle and get to know eachother better."

*As Jamie clears her throt Misty looks up at her and listens to the offer. Misty herself was a bit saprised. Since she had goten here not many people had talked to her. And now this woman was standing in front of them and asking them to come out with the group. Misty's gaze falls from Jamie to Carson she smiles only fading a bit.*

"I'll go if you go Carson. If you dont than we can keep out planes to go to the lake. I am cool eather way."

*Misty keeps her arms wraped around Carson neck as she waits for his reply. Misty new Carson needed more friend but she dident want to push. He would when he was ready.*

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