
If you don't...

Clint jerks away from Wendy's hand but isn't quick enough, and receives the smudge on his face. He laughs, straightening up to grab Wendy's wrist, and without even thinking, he draws her close to him with a teasing look. "Well you got the getting dirty part down pat, though it's not me you're supposed to get the grease all over..."

As his eyes lock with hers, suddenly his teasing fades. He lefts go of her wrist to move to her shoulder in a gentler grip, his other hand finding her waist. He's held her before, but today it's with a subtle passion that up until his point had remained subdued. His voice lowers to a soft tone. "...but would you allow that stolen kiss?"

Con wraps his arms around Katie, enveloping her in his tall frame. His hand rubs her back as he tries to soothe her. "Shh...it's alright, Kat. It'll all be alright." Emotions pool behind his eyes and he lifts them to the sky, unafraid to to speak in his mind his frustrations. Why? Why are you letting this happen? This girl doesn't deserve this... please...just take this pain away.

After just holding Katie for several minutes, he pulls her away, though keeps one arm around her, steering her down the sidewalk a little ways to a secluded little spot under several trees where there was a park bench. Sitting down, he pulls her down next to him, keeping her close to offer himself as a shelter.

"You can't let this get you down, Katie...you cant let it stop your life." Con racks his brain for something he could say...something that could bring comfort, but nothing seems good enough. "And you're certainly not alone," he chides gently. "What are Laura and Wyatt? Chopped liver? And Nate? And who knows the million and one reasons why the band hasn't come to see you - they probably don't know what to do or how to act in a situation like this, with TJY being on the line."

He gives her shoulders a squeeze. "Do you think Jason would want you to be down like this, hmm? I know it's hard...and I know it hurts... your pain is doubled because you're feeling his too, and I can't imagine the weight that must be on your heart."

Pausing a moment, he wonders if maybe he can relate just a little...but when he'd lost the one he'd loved, he'd turned to anger, not sorrow. But he still remembered the feeling of dread...the wonder if he'd ever see Jamie again...the unknowns...

"Katie, you've got to be strong...if not for you, then for Jason. Reese told me just today that he's been in touch with Lockheart, and in a little over three weeks, Jason's gonna have a short window when he can see somebody."

Con cocks his head and leans forward a little to try and see Katie's face. "If you don't hold on, who's going to go see him?"

Jason slouches on the bench in the corner of the weight room, staying away from the other inmates. He'd already had a run-in with Tucker this morning and had the bruise on the side of his face to prove it.

All he wanted to do was sleep, but rest just wouldn't come. His nights were spent either thinking of his family and friends, or being tormented with nightmares. He had no way of knowing if anyone was alright... His mom was married now...he'd missed the wedding...he had a stepfather now... What about those back at TJY? What was happening? Where was Con? How was Katie?

Jason glances over to Leroy. They said he could get anything from the outside. If you had enough to barter with, he'd get you what you wanted. All Jason wanted was to sleep, and he knew Leroy had already slipped some of the others something to help with that...

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