

Carson grows solemn as he hears what the problem is, and he approaches the bed to look down at Angel's still form. Though resting, it was apparent that her body was at war.

He glances over to Luke. "You her husband?"

"That's right."

"Is she away from you a lot?"

Luke shakes his head. "No." They'd been over this several times already. "She hardly ever leaves the ranch, she's hardly ever out on her own... I can't think of a think out of the ordinary. I've thought all night."

Carson gives a little sigh. "She around people on a regular basis? You're from the ranch, right?"

"Yeah. She's a doctor, so she's always around people in and out. We have visitors all the time - I don't keep track or anything."

"But so she's close to strangers then."

"Sure. I guess."

Carson wanders to Misty's desk to look down at all the paperwork. He was far from anything even close to a doctor, but some things he did recognize. He looks back to Angel, just watching quietly for several minutes. "You think it's the Agency, huh?"

Backing up, he leans against the counter, folding his arms across his chest. This was crucial. The woman lying sick in bed was dying - that much was clear. But even if it was the Agency's doing, how could he help? He didn't know anything.

Rick watches him closely. "We only think it's the Agency because it doesn't appear to be anything natural. Can you think of anything that would cause this? It's not the same as the poison they've passed around before."

Carson shakes his head slowly. "No..."

"If we don't get a handle on it, we're going to lose her," Rick replies grimly. "Is there any way we can find out more? Get feelers out there? I don't know - anything?"

Carson remains quiet, racking his brain. He'd been with the Agency for so long, but even so, trying to remember everything was sometimes difficult. He went out and killed people, he didn't ever know much about what went on in the lab. Or did he? "Lab rats."

Rick looks at him with question. "What?"

"Lab rats," Carson repeats. Maybe that was it. "Angel's been tired? Lethargic?"

Luke nods. "She told me a bit on the phone. She's been extremely tired, sore, dizzy... last night she was coughing up some blood."

Carson purses his lips grimly. "Number two-sixty-seven."


"It's an agent... a chemical. The Agency was testing it a few years ago on rats. They were trying to create something that couldn't be traced... something that there was no natural cure for. I think they were using that other poison until they'd refined this other stuff."

"So..." Rick fishes for more information. "Do you know anything else? A cure?"

Carson shakes his head. "I was never involved with lab studies. I just remember being at one of the bases once and someone took me through the lab where Medridge kept a batch of rats for testing. Half of 'em looked about dead. But they were only testing two things there - the poison we've already encountered, and two-sixty-seven."

"What makes you think it's that one?"

"It's a shot in the dark," Carson admits. "It's the first thing I can think of though, that matches up. I have no idea how many things the Agency has tried out or what all they've developed. I've killed guys with poison they've had me inject. But those were the two main ones."

Rick looks to Misty, then back to Carson. "What about an antidote?"

"I'm sure that one exists. They never start using a substance on anyone unless they've already developed an antidote."

"Would it be the only way to cure Angel?"

"Probably." Carson doesn't think there's a more positive answer to that one. "They don't play games with this stuff. They want it to kill."

"Then..." Rick shrugs. "We have to find the antidote."

Carson quirks an eyebrow. "That easy, huh?"

"Well do you have any better suggestions?"

Carson shakes his head. "No, but the first place I'd look would be that lab I was in."

"Then let's figure out how to go in."

"No, you don't understand..." Carson hesitates. "It's in Australia."

Hearing Angel's voice, Luke is quick to turn and take her hand. Though he was glad she was awake for a short time, she looked so pale... so weak. "Don't you worry about me," he chides gently. "I got enough other people keeping me in line."

He runs a palm down the side of her face, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "You're the one that needs to rest. You're going to get better... I know it."

Jason lets Trooper out ahead of him, then aims for his truck, fishing for his keys.

Why couldn't I get some gift like flying or something? These gas prices are eating me alive.

Getting in the truck, he turns on the engine.

Hey, Katie... JetStream's got an early morning practice today, since Phil and Mike both have to work tonight. Reese let me take the time off to do it. You gonna come down to Mike's with me, or go in to work?


Working almost all night and checking Angel contently an hour sleep is all that found Misty. Dedicating her time to try and help Angel sleep was not an option for Misty. After running tests, beaking down formulas, and rechecking over again Misty still was coming up empty handed. Not giving up though she continues.

Looking up as Carson enters Misty give the best smile she can though she eyes show she is tired and has not slept at all.

"Thanks Carson for coming I know you have to get to work and all. Well Angel is real sick, she is..."

Misty looks to Jeff, and than Luke letting out a sigh. She didnt want to say it in front of them but she new she had to one way or another. She couldnt hide it from them.

"...fading fast. I am trying to do all I can to figure this out and I havent come up with anything yet. I found the fourn agents but I havent been able to identify them yet. This is like something I have never seen before. Anyways..We are pretty sure The Agency has had something to do with this and we were hoping maybe if you gave her a look over you might be able to help us out at all. If even a little bit that would be a great help."

Giving a soft moan Angel turns her head to the side to where Luke sat. Giving him a small smile as reachs to touch his hand. Her face pale, and she was weak but knowing Luke was here helped her stay stong.

"You should get some sleep you know we both dont need to be sick."