

Working almost all night and checking Angel contently an hour sleep is all that found Misty. Dedicating her time to try and help Angel sleep was not an option for Misty. After running tests, beaking down formulas, and rechecking over again Misty still was coming up empty handed. Not giving up though she continues.

Looking up as Carson enters Misty give the best smile she can though she eyes show she is tired and has not slept at all.

"Thanks Carson for coming I know you have to get to work and all. Well Angel is real sick, she is..."

Misty looks to Jeff, and than Luke letting out a sigh. She didnt want to say it in front of them but she new she had to one way or another. She couldnt hide it from them.

"...fading fast. I am trying to do all I can to figure this out and I havent come up with anything yet. I found the fourn agents but I havent been able to identify them yet. This is like something I have never seen before. Anyways..We are pretty sure The Agency has had something to do with this and we were hoping maybe if you gave her a look over you might be able to help us out at all. If even a little bit that would be a great help."

Giving a soft moan Angel turns her head to the side to where Luke sat. Giving him a small smile as reachs to touch his hand. Her face pale, and she was weak but knowing Luke was here helped her stay stong.

"You should get some sleep you know we both dont need to be sick."

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