

“Dang it!” Wyatt tosses his phone into the passenger seat, and slams his palm down on his steering wheel. He leans over to rest his forehead on the wheel. “Lord, what am I doing?” This had to stop…was it time he just admitted he’d been wrong? Katie had been a spot of sunshine in his life ever since she’d started to work at TJY. He’d found her to be a loyal friend that offered compassion and fun. He’d taken a chance with his heart that had already been burned once, confident that maybe this time he had a real shot. And then Jason had come into the picture. Everything had been fine until he’d been hurt in Alaska, then had come back to TJY. After that, it had been nothing but tension. Both Jason and Katie would deny any form of relationship other than friendship between them, and yet their actions seemed to prove otherwise.
Wyatt didn’t believe either was outright lying…and Katie was not the sort of person to do anything behind his back or to ever be deceitful. But Wyatt had seen how she’d clung to Jason the last few weeks at the hospital…he’d seen how she depended on Jason…cared for him… Whether she recognized it herself or not, Wyatt was beginning to. Was what Jason and Katie had something that could be dissolved, or would it always exist? If it was to continue, Wyatt wasn’t sure he could keep trying like this.
Turning his jeep around, Wyatt heads back towards TJY. He’d give up on tailing Jason for now…and he wouldn’t try to do anything that might upset Katie right now…she had enough problems to worry about without him making it worse. When he felt she was ready, he would approach her about these things. In the meantime, he would continue to show the affection that he felt.
Halfway to TJY, he stops at a flower shop.

Jay’s eyes are slightly wide as Katie turns her attention back to him. “Wow…you’re right, I didn’t expect this, but it’s okay…” Finally, ever so small, a smile surfaces. “I guess maybe I need to stop trying to apologize for the past and simply try to get to know you again, if you’ll let me. I know it’s not easy for you because of the way I acted so long ago…and nothing I can say will erase that…I have to live with the consequences every day of my life.” He stops to sigh deeply. “So…tell me about yourself. You started talking about the guy who was in here…Jason…is he your boyfriend?”

Mick cleans up the kitchen counter, ready to leave the hotel. “All aboard who’s going aboard!”

Laura is just drying her hair from the shower after getting up late, and is trying to get some breakfast when the doorbell rings. “Oh, now what?” she grumbles. Trudging to the door, she opens it with annoyance. Her eyes widen, a delighted shriek erupting. “Con!” She stands on her tiptoes to throw her arms around him.

Con laughs and gives her a bearhug. “Hey, sister. Don’t mind I dropped in unannounced do you?”

“Mmm, never!” Laura lets him go and backs up, smiling from ear to ear. “I knew some of the others were come up to see Katie, but I wasn’t sure if you were or not. “So how are you? How have things been…”

Running Circles.

*Katie starts to grow a bit irrotated not with just Wyatt, but with them both. Kaite lets out a long sigh.* " Its nothing....its nothing...I HEAR ITS NOTHING FROM EVERYONE NOW DAYS. Both are you are running circles around me. Having me worryed sick than telling me its nothing. When you feel like telling me something you know where I am Wyatt, Why cant you trust me enough to tell me." *Katie hangs up the phone on the verge of tears. Looking over at Jay she shakes her head.* "I'm sorry I know this is not what ou exspected. but I'm all yours not."


“Me?!” Wyatt’s eyes widen. “You just…Jason?” He groans inwardly. Was this really going to work? Jason was everywhere. No matter what Wyatt did, there was Jason again. How was Wyatt supposed to tell Katie that he’d just slugged him? “I didn’t…” He shakes his head, keeping his voice even and calm. “Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing.”

What is going on

"Wyatt Reese, what did you do? I just got off the phone with Jason. What on earth is going on now?" *Katie trys to not sound angry.*


Jason flips his phone shut with a sigh and tries to refocus. He’s got to get himself clean up before meeting with Sheriff Brown again.

Wyatt picks himself up off the ground and slides into his jeep, angry at this whole thing. He rolls his eyes as his phone goes off. “Now what?” He takes a moment to start his jeep and pull it off to the side at a better angle for any traffic to go around him, and finally looks at his phone. Katie? That was a bit coincidental. He takes a deep breath to calm himself. “Hey, Katie. What’s up?”


*Katie eyes widen.* "Wyatt...what?" *Katie lets out a sigh.* "No I'm ok. I'll give Wyatt a call and see whats up thx J. Be safe." *Katie once again hangs up the phone than dials Wyatt's number. once again Waiting.*


Jay looks at Katie, confused. He doesn’t understand what she’s trying to say, and is left hanging once again as she goes back to her phone. This wasn’t exactly what he’d imagined their talk being like.

Jason grimaces as he holds the phone to his ear, driving with one hand. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he answers, with just a bit of disgust. “Just a little sparring session gone wrong. I’m across town and am late for my meeting – you have your boyfriend to thank for that.” He rolls his eyes at himself, knowing he needed to watch his tongue. “You need anything?”

Are you

*Katie lets out a sigh as she closes her phone. Looking over at Jay.* " I guess I should explain to you of my uniqe abilitys huh. That guy you met Jason. Since I met him I have had a connection with him. I know when he is hurt or in danger. I ccan just tell. Its....." *Katie gets cut off as her phone ring. Pucking it up she answers.* "Jason where are you? Whats going on? Are you ok?"


Jay’s eyes fall. “I know…but I want to know you, Katie…I know I can’t gain back the time that’s gone, but I’d like to…” His voice trails off as Katie goes for her phone, a perplexed look crossing his face.

Wyatt and Jason stare each other in the eye. Suddenly Jason’s phone on his belt rings. He automatically glances down.

Wrong move.

Wyatt’s fist connects with his mouth. Jason is thrown backward into the side of the truck, wincing as his shoulder hits, and the taste of blood hits his tongue. Instincts overtake his logic and he lunges at Wyatt, ramming him against the bumper of his jeep. Crying out, Wyatt swings his elbow around, catching Jason’s left eye. Jason backs off to recover, just to be brought to the ground, forced to block more punches before he can use his legs to throw Wyatt off of him. As Wyatt rolls to the curb, Jason struggles to stand, going for his phone as it continues to ring. Flipping it open, he sees it’s Katie. His eyes widen. She knew.

Too late, he has to toss the phone through the open window of the truck before Wyatt is on him again. Stumbling to the side, his knee is wrenched and he cries out in pain, as it gives way, sending him to the asphalt. Determined not to go down alone though, he swings an arm at Wyatt’s ankles, taking him down with him. Both men lay still for several moments, just panting. Jason’s the first to rise, wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. He sways unsteadily, his knee shot, but he musters up his energy to glare down at Wyatt. “Leave it be, Wyatt. Tail me again and you’ll pay.” Backing away, he climbs back into the truck and starts the engine. Pulling away, he can’t help but look in his side mirror to make sure that Wyatt is picking himself up. This whole thing was just stupid. He was madder than a hornet, but he didn’t want to hurt anyone. Looking at himself in the mirror, he grimaces. His lip is split open, and he’s got a bruise near his eye from Wyatt’s elbow. Great. Just great.
Grabbing his phone, he calls Katie back and waits.


*Katie sighs as she watching Jay.* "Thats the crappy thing about time I guess. You can turn it back. You missed so many years of my life. You dont even know who I really am. I know your sorry...its just hard." *As Katie talks to Jay a horrid feeling comes over her. Jason wasent hurt or wasent having a flashback it was something alse. Katie goes very quiet for a moment. Searching for answers Katies mind is still in a fog, not being able to pin point what is wrong.* "Excuse me a moment." *Katie picks up her phone and dials Jason's number waiting for him to answer.*

*Rosetta heads into the shower to get cleaned up for the day.*


Jason searches Katie’s eyes just for a moment to be sure she’s telling the truth, then nods. “Okay. I’ll be back in a while. I got my phone with me.” He grabs his bag and heads out, throwing one last glance over his shoulder before closing the door for their privacy.

Jay slowly sits down in a chair, finding it just a little difficult to meet Katie’s eyes. “I’m…I’m sorry, Katie. I guess I said all I thought I could in that email of mine, and then I wasn’t sure if you were really okay or if you still hated me, so…so I let the subject drop…again.”
He sucks in his breath as an unexpected tear surfaces, and he forces a short laugh, trying to regain control. “This is harder than I thought, ya know?” He shakes his head. “And it’s still all coming out wrong. I just…I just don’t know what to say…there’s nothing I can do to ever make up for what happened…I was wrong, I was stupid…and I was scared. And now…I thought I really had lost you…” He swallows hard. “And just seeing you here makes me realize just how much I’ve missed.”

Wyatt is suddenly alert as he spots Jason exiting the hospital and getting into Hal’s truck. “There you are.” He sits up straight and starts his jeep. “Where you headed, hmm?” He pulls out cautiously, keeping a safe distance away from the truck, but close enough not to lose track as they merge into traffic.

Jason heads to the edge of town, continuing to glance in the rearview mirror. He grips the steering wheel tighter. Wyatt must’ve really thought he was smart to pull a stunt like this. Was he stupid to think Jason wouldn’t have noticed he was being tailed? This was ridiculous. Did he have no rights anymore? No privacy?
Deciding to play the game, he speeds up and starts taking bogus turns.

Wyatt struggles to keep up, and loses Jason twice before gaining ground again. Where on earth was he going? Suddenly the truck disappears. Wyatt slows, looking all around, and down the side streets. Where had Jason gone?

Jason was fed up. Wyatt had no right to be following him. If he wanted to question his whereabouts he should have just asked instead of tailing him as if he were a wanted suspect of some sort of crime.
Jason dodges traffic and takes a hard right, then a left, losing Wyatt for just a moment. Hitting the accelerator, he takes a route that will swing him back around to the road he’d been heading down. Pulling out of the sidestreet, he doesn’t stop, but pulls directly out into traffic and slams on the breaks to block the right lane, risking getting t-boned.

Wyatt’s eyes widen as Hal’s truck comes out of nowhere to block his path. Breaks squealing, he applies the breaks and jerks his steering wheel around, skidding in a circle, barely missing the truck.
His heart racing, he takes just a moment to catch his breath, glad that for the moment, the street was deserted except for them.

Jason grits his teeth and exits the truck, anger flashing in his eyes. Seeing Wyatt get out of his jeep, Jason wastes no time. “What in blazes do you think you’re doing?!”

“Me?!” Wyatt throws his arms in the air. “You’re the one driving like an idiot!”

“Why were you following me in the first place?”

“Don’t I have a right to if I want?”

“Don’t I have the right to a private life?” Jason counters.

“Is that what you call it?” Wyatt stands up to him, despite needing to look up to see his eyes. “Sneaking around? Being evasive? You’re hiding something, Jase, and I want to know what it is.”

Jason’s face reddens, more from anger than embarrassment, though he feels stupid for allowing his actions to show more than intended. “I’m not hiding anything. Get off my case.”

“I want to know what’s going on! Why were you with the Houser County sheriff yesterday, huh? What’s with your roaming around without telling anyone where you’re going?” Wyatt sees the surprise in Jason’s eyes. “You should know better than to think you’re not being watched. So what is it? You in some sort of trouble? You double crossing someone? What?”

Jason’s hands tighten into fists. “Off me, Wyatt.”

“I want some answers!”

“Is this really about me?” Jason defies Wyatt’s authoritative tone. “Or are you just mad at me in general now because of Katie?”

Wyatt’s eyes narrow at the low blow. “Do I have anything to be mad about?”

“I don’t know, do you? You seem awfully bent on making me out to be the badguy all of a sudden. Ever since I got back, you’ve been breathing down my neck.” Jason pauses, not thinking before the next words fly out of his mouth. “Or is this really about Katie? You sure you’re not reliving something else? Like your infamous past with Crystal?”

Wyatt’s body weight shifts, his muscles instantaneously preparing for the thrust of his fist.


*Katie nods to Jason.* "I think I'll be ok J. Go do what you need to do. I'll be here when you get back and I have your number if I need you." *Katie looks at Jay again.* "Ok we can talk I dont plane on running away."

*Rosetta wakes and walks out into the other room. Seeing Mick and Jeff up she smiles.* " You guys were always early wakers." *Going over to the coffee pot Rosetta pours a cup of coffee.* " If you guys dont mind I'd like to go see Katie before we leave. I just want her to know again we are prayin and rooting for her."


Jay can’t help but be taken aback by Katie calling him by his name, though he knows he deserves it.

Jason can feel the tension thick in the air. He’s never forgotten the look in Katie’s eye when she’d told him about her past and what had happened. Shoving personal feelings aside, he stands up, offering Jay a cordial handshake. “Jason Stevenson. Nice to meet you.”

Jay accepts the hand and nods. “Pleasure.”

The short exchange doesn’t take up much time, and the silence is back. Jay glances to Katie, his awkwardness increasing by the second. “I…I got here as soon as I could…I didn’t…I mean…” He sighs at himself. “Can we talk?”

Jason raises an eyebrow and looks to Katie, unafraid to voice his question. “You alright?”


*Jamie smiles at Con.* "Well thank you Con." *Lingering for alittle bit.* "well I guess I will see you back at TJY."

*Katie laughs at Jason.* "Sounds good." *Kidingly she throws her head back on the pillow. Opening one eye to look at Jason she bursts out laughing. As the door opens and Katie see who is is her smile fades. She looks from Jason back to Jay.* "Jay...what...what are you doing here?" *Katie saprises herself. She just called her father by his first name. She did, but she dident feel comfortable enough to call him dad. He maybe her father but for the last several years he hasent been there for her. A new feeling over comes her. Not sure how to feel.* "Jason...this is my father Jay."


Mick can see that Rosetta is bothered, and only wishes he has a solution.
The party is broken up, and Con goes with Jamie, while the other three head to the hotel. Once there, Mick and Jeff claim one room, giving Rosetta the other.
The drive to Jamie’s takes just a little while, and it’s quiet. Con doesn’t offer a whole lot of small talk other than subjects of what’s been happening at TJY, as he keeps a wary eye out for anything or anyone on the way, taking his role seriously. Once they near her place, he retrieves his cell phone to call a cab.

The sun cannot be held back by the night, and slowly rises to the horizon to spread its light once more.

Wyatt tries to stretch out in his jeep, but even with the seat back, it’s difficult to get comfortable. He’s been awake all night, watching the hospital door, but nothing had happened. Today though…he had a hunch Jason would be back out again, and this time he’d find out just where he was going. Something was strange, and he’d gotten Reese’s permission to check it out. They couldn’t afford any slip ups now. Jason was smart, but he was hiding something.

Jason rolls over and groans a little, not wanting to wake up. But he sighs and forces himself to sit up, yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He heads out of the room to clean up and change clothes, and comes back still feeling drowsy. Seeing Katie awake, he grins and flops down on the bed next to her. “Is it time for a nap yet?”

Jay rolls his eyes at the cab driver and pays him with cash. It had certainly taken him long enough from the airport. This whole trip had been nothing but a disaster from beginning to end. Having only a small bag slung over his shoulder, he makes his way into the hospital, his nervousness increasing. After inquiring about where Katie is, he heads to the next level, wandering down the hall. He stops in front of the half-closed door and swallows hard. His mind had been reeling all night of what he would say, what he would do…and nothing seemed to be enough. What could he really say?
Taking a deep breath, he slowly opens the door and steps inside.

Jason sees someone entering and quickly sits up, ceasing his playfulness. Who was this man? Studying him for just a moment, he suddenly wonders if this is Katie’s father…the resemblance is definitely there. He lets his eyes fall back to Katie with question. Was this her dad? If so, did she want Jason to stay or leave?

Jay lets his bag slide off his arm and settle to the floor. He stares at Katie in the bed, his heart breaking. He hadn’t seen her in so long…why had it taken something like this for him to take the time to visit? Even if he had thought she would reject him, he should have tried. Emotions pool behind his eyes, and he forces his feet to carry him forward, stopping several feet from the bed, his hands tucked awkwardly in his pockets. He eyes Jason with slight surprise…he hadn’t known Katie had a boyfriend. Looking back to his daughter, he musters up a slight smile, unsure how he will be received. “Hi, Katie…”

Mick sets a box of donuts on the kitchenette’s counter and calls to Jeff and Rosetta. “I know, I know, I’m such a health nut when it comes to breakfast, but this is all the quickmart on the corner had. Sorry.”

Jeff laughs and takes a donut for himself. “Mm, chocolate? Apology accepted.”

Mick rolls his eyes as he grins. “You two want to go back to see Katie one more time this morning before we go, I assume?”

Keep Going

*Katie smiles. Just was so thoughtful at times.* " As long as you come back J I think I will be ok. We will see how I feel in the morning." *KAtie knows the meeting is about what happended with the sheriff but dosent bother Jason with the question now that he is sleeping. Katie leands her head back aganst the bed and drifts off to sleep. Katie dreams about her Aunt and Mick, and Cindy and Wes..than she comes to herself. In front of her stand 2 men, Her crossroad. The sure safe path, or the long twisted hard road. Katie shoots up from bed glancing over at Jason. He was sleeeping so peacefuly. For a long while Katie watches Jason before she drifts off to sleep again.*

*Rosetta sighs and trys to keep her smile and nods.* "Ok we go back tomarrow than. Probley should let Austin know what going on so he is on high alirt." *Rosetta's face drops a bit.*

*As Jamie stands she smiles at Con. She knows her can make it home ok by herself but would never decline Con's company.* "Sure, I'd like that Con. I have a bit of a ways to go so it might be nice to have someone come along." *Jamie stands and smiles at the group.* " It was nice meetin you all. I hope to see you all again, and are safe. I will keep praying."

Night is closing

Jason laughs. "So who's here to protect me when my own bodyguard is holding me hostage?"
As Katie moves, he lifts his arm, stretching it out as it has grown a little numb, but he doesn't mind. He turns to look at Katie for a moment, feeling more content than he has in a long time.
Though spending most of his time here lately, it had taken until tonight to realize that Katie really did want and need his presence, and that in itself was enough to keep him here.

He cocks his head slightly. "You owe me no thanks, for anything, Katie...you should know that by now."
For just a brief instant, he remembers the moment out on the hotel balcony, and he bites his lip as the feelings return without warning. Swallowing hard, he sits up, trying to stop his face from reddening. Thankfully, the nurse's entrance provides a distraction, and he gives her a sheepish grin in reference to the bed. "Thanks. I've been curling up in that chair enough lately that I expected to wake up one morning and not be able to straighten out. I'll probably take you up on that bed this time."

When the nurse leaves, he's still sitting with Katie, and turns to her with an encouraging smile, setting aside any awkwardness he'd experienced just moments before. "Sounds like you're doing pretty well." Though the doctors haven't been too optimistic about Katie being able to walk again, Jason holds on to hope for her sake. "You'll be up and around in no time now." He gives her hand a squeeze and gets up, going over to the other bed and dramatically flopping down on it, his eyes already closed. "Tomorrow I got a meeting to go to" he mumbles sleepily. "But I won't go until someone else is here if you don't want to be alone." He lets his head sink into a pillow. "Night, Katie."

Mick looks at the others at the table with concern. "I don't like this..."

Con frowns. "Me either. I know you guys might want to spend more time with Katie, but if I were you, I'd get back to the ranch tomorrow. I'll have to talk to Reese about whether he wants me to stick around here for a while or not too."

Mick nods in agreement after receiving a look of approval from Jeff as well. "It won't do us any good to be scattered all over the place...not right now." He sets a hand on Rosetta's shoulder. "We should probably head to the hotel now just in case someone is close by."

Con tosses Mick the keys to the car. "Go ahead and take the car. I'll get a cab to take me to my place and I'll use my own car until I know whether or not I'm staying." He turns to Jamie. "Or if because of this, you want company on the way home, I can come along, and get a cab from your place. I don't want anyone from the Agency mistaking you as part of this gang."


*As Katie stays snuggled with Jason the time seems to pass so fast. Dinner comes and goes the new movie playing. Hating to see the night end Katie thinks for a moment.* " I think I will hold you hostage. Its more fun that way." *Giving a silly grin Katie sits up a bit to let Jason move his arm.* "J, thank you." *Katie sits back.*

*As Katie sits back a nurse walks into the room.* "Well Miss, tomarrow you start your tharipy if your up to it. The Doc said you grained alot of your strength back fast. But be warned your gonna feel alot more pain befor this gets better. But it will be ok. Seem to me you have a good friend who is helping you as well. That always makes things easyer." *The nurse smiles at Jason than nods to the other bed in the room.* " That bed has fresh sheets on it. Your more than free to sleep in it if you like. More comfortable than that chair and because f the situation here we wont put another pashent in here. So its all yours." *The nurse checks Katie's charts than heads out of the room.*

*Rosetta sits down slowly and looks around the room.* " I...I dont know who it was but I can guess. All they said was " The war has started. The end is near, are you prepaired?" and than they hung up. My hunch says its the Agency."


Jason chuckles as he takes the menu. "There's just so many choices, I don't know if I can pick." He grimaces. "I think you're right...the chicken sounds the best."
With his free arm he calls down to have their food brought up, and it's not long before their meal is there.

With a movie playing on tv, talk is minimal, but the atmosphere is peaceful. Once supper is through, Jason winds up kicking off his shoes and settling back with Katie again, his arm once again around her in an attempt to keep away her fears, only moving when the nurse comes in to check on Katie or readjust anything.

As the evening becomes late and another movie comes on, Jason finds his eyelids growing heavier and heavier. He rubs Katie's arm gently. "Psst...if I don't go claim that chair in the corner here pretty soon I'm gonna fall asleep right here." He offers a drowsy grin. "Think I can have my arm back, or are you going to hold me hostage?"

Mick looks up as Rosetta comes and sits down, and he can immediately see that something is wrong. "Rosetta, what is it? Who just called?"

The Phone Call

*Katie smiles as Jason hopes in the bed next to her and puts his arm around her. Katie always felt so safe in Jason's arms. He could chase away her fears in a blink of an eye. No matter his faults or how Katie felt sometimes, Jason was perfect. Katie looks at her little menu.* " So what wonderful hospetal food should we have tonight." *Katie rolls her eyes.* " Actully the fryed chick and corn with bread sounds good to me. How about you?" *Katie hands the menu over to Jason and she leans her head aganst his shoulder. Katie was happy to have Jason near. She was truly happy to have him as a friend.*

*The chatter at the restront is light and cheerful dispite the morbit feeling at the hospetal. Rosetta was happy to have seen Katie and known she was ok. The laughing, joking and storytelling play on late into the evening. Rosetta cell phone rings. Decieding it could be someone from the ranch she excuses herself and heads to the front of the restront Answering her phone.* "Hello?" *As Rosetta listens to the caller on the other end her smile fades and face goes pale.*" Who is this? Hello? Hello?" *Rosetta closes her phone and walks slowly back to the table siting down.*

The day isn't over yet

Jason immediately sees the fear in Katie’s eye and is taken aback for just a moment by her pleading. He honestly hadn’t thought his presence meant that much. He enjoyed being here with her, no doubt…but he hadn’t known it was that important to Katie.
His heart breaks all over again as he sees her tears. How could he have been so selfish? So what that he had an unresolved situation to deal with? So what that his mom was getting married? They were his problems, and he had no right to let them create a negative mood swing when he was supposed to be here for Katie.

As she looks away from him, he frowns. She should know better than to hide herself like that. She was going through something that no one should have to, and if anyone had a right to cry, she did.

He approaches silently, and reaches down with a gentle hand tucked under her chin to turn her face back to him. He gazes at her for a moment, before brushing away the tear with his thumb. “A promise is a promise…I’m not going to leave you alone.”

After several quiet seconds, he makes up his mind. A quirky grin forms and he reaches down to place his arms underneath Katie, and gently moves her over in her bed. Claming the now-empty space, Jason slides in next to her on top of the sheets, letting one leg hang off the edge, and slinging an arm around her shoulders for her to lean back against. “Now…” he grabs the television remote. “We’re going to find a movie to watch and…” he picks up the room phone as well. “…we’re going to get supper brought in here for the both of us, because I’m not near ready to give up on this day yet.”


* once again as Jason mentions not staying a look of fear pass in Katies eyes.* "No Jason...please you promised you wouldent leave me." *Desparation plays in Katie's voice. There was an unvoiced fear. One of the last times she had been in a real hospetal was when her mother and brother passed away. This braught a fear to Katie that she couldent explain.* " I care for you even when I am here to cover up my own fears. I do need you Jason." *Katie looks down at her hands, and down at her lower body in a cast a single tear forming in her eye.* " I'm really not that strong you know. Your not the only one who can put masks on." *Katie turns her head away from Jason. Embarssed that she was crying over nothing. But the truth was she was scaired, lonly, and dident know what was going to happen in her life. Everything was so messed up right now.*


Jason slowly enters Katie’s room, not settling down into a chair just yet. Why he suddenly felt awkward, he wasn’t sure. It just seemed he was the outsider, and if everyone else was there, was his presence really wanted?
He offers a slight grin and shakes his head. “No…I haven’t eaten since lunch, but I was just thinking about it. I bet you’ll be brought your supper soon. I should go down to the cafeteria and get something for myself.” He stops and looks at he for a long moment. “Here you are, the one in the hospital bed, and you’re still taking care of me. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?” He glances downward, smirking at himself. Katie was so strong in any situation…and he continually failed at staying on top of things…if anything made him feel just a bit worthless, that would do it, let alone wondering if he was really even needed here. “I don’t have to stay the night here if you don’t want me to,” he mentions casually as he goes to retrieve some money for supper from his bag.


"Oh wow...thats great about Wes and Cindy. Jason never mentioned it to me." *Katie looks to the door wondering if Jason even new. The sicking feeling she has in her tummy told her he hadent but does now.* "Wish them the best for me." *Katie smiles.*

*Katie gives everyone a hug and a kiss as they leave and tells them she will see them in the morning. Jamie acepts the invitation and heads out with the others.*

*Look up at Jason in the doorway Katie nods.* " You can come in and sit down so we cant talk." *Katie smiles.* " They maybe my family, but I have always felt strange around them. Ohh..have you had anything to eat J? You need to remember what Rick said! For me?"