
Night is closing

Jason laughs. "So who's here to protect me when my own bodyguard is holding me hostage?"
As Katie moves, he lifts his arm, stretching it out as it has grown a little numb, but he doesn't mind. He turns to look at Katie for a moment, feeling more content than he has in a long time.
Though spending most of his time here lately, it had taken until tonight to realize that Katie really did want and need his presence, and that in itself was enough to keep him here.

He cocks his head slightly. "You owe me no thanks, for anything, Katie...you should know that by now."
For just a brief instant, he remembers the moment out on the hotel balcony, and he bites his lip as the feelings return without warning. Swallowing hard, he sits up, trying to stop his face from reddening. Thankfully, the nurse's entrance provides a distraction, and he gives her a sheepish grin in reference to the bed. "Thanks. I've been curling up in that chair enough lately that I expected to wake up one morning and not be able to straighten out. I'll probably take you up on that bed this time."

When the nurse leaves, he's still sitting with Katie, and turns to her with an encouraging smile, setting aside any awkwardness he'd experienced just moments before. "Sounds like you're doing pretty well." Though the doctors haven't been too optimistic about Katie being able to walk again, Jason holds on to hope for her sake. "You'll be up and around in no time now." He gives her hand a squeeze and gets up, going over to the other bed and dramatically flopping down on it, his eyes already closed. "Tomorrow I got a meeting to go to" he mumbles sleepily. "But I won't go until someone else is here if you don't want to be alone." He lets his head sink into a pillow. "Night, Katie."

Mick looks at the others at the table with concern. "I don't like this..."

Con frowns. "Me either. I know you guys might want to spend more time with Katie, but if I were you, I'd get back to the ranch tomorrow. I'll have to talk to Reese about whether he wants me to stick around here for a while or not too."

Mick nods in agreement after receiving a look of approval from Jeff as well. "It won't do us any good to be scattered all over the place...not right now." He sets a hand on Rosetta's shoulder. "We should probably head to the hotel now just in case someone is close by."

Con tosses Mick the keys to the car. "Go ahead and take the car. I'll get a cab to take me to my place and I'll use my own car until I know whether or not I'm staying." He turns to Jamie. "Or if because of this, you want company on the way home, I can come along, and get a cab from your place. I don't want anyone from the Agency mistaking you as part of this gang."

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