

Mick can see that Rosetta is bothered, and only wishes he has a solution.
The party is broken up, and Con goes with Jamie, while the other three head to the hotel. Once there, Mick and Jeff claim one room, giving Rosetta the other.
The drive to Jamie’s takes just a little while, and it’s quiet. Con doesn’t offer a whole lot of small talk other than subjects of what’s been happening at TJY, as he keeps a wary eye out for anything or anyone on the way, taking his role seriously. Once they near her place, he retrieves his cell phone to call a cab.

The sun cannot be held back by the night, and slowly rises to the horizon to spread its light once more.

Wyatt tries to stretch out in his jeep, but even with the seat back, it’s difficult to get comfortable. He’s been awake all night, watching the hospital door, but nothing had happened. Today though…he had a hunch Jason would be back out again, and this time he’d find out just where he was going. Something was strange, and he’d gotten Reese’s permission to check it out. They couldn’t afford any slip ups now. Jason was smart, but he was hiding something.

Jason rolls over and groans a little, not wanting to wake up. But he sighs and forces himself to sit up, yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He heads out of the room to clean up and change clothes, and comes back still feeling drowsy. Seeing Katie awake, he grins and flops down on the bed next to her. “Is it time for a nap yet?”

Jay rolls his eyes at the cab driver and pays him with cash. It had certainly taken him long enough from the airport. This whole trip had been nothing but a disaster from beginning to end. Having only a small bag slung over his shoulder, he makes his way into the hospital, his nervousness increasing. After inquiring about where Katie is, he heads to the next level, wandering down the hall. He stops in front of the half-closed door and swallows hard. His mind had been reeling all night of what he would say, what he would do…and nothing seemed to be enough. What could he really say?
Taking a deep breath, he slowly opens the door and steps inside.

Jason sees someone entering and quickly sits up, ceasing his playfulness. Who was this man? Studying him for just a moment, he suddenly wonders if this is Katie’s father…the resemblance is definitely there. He lets his eyes fall back to Katie with question. Was this her dad? If so, did she want Jason to stay or leave?

Jay lets his bag slide off his arm and settle to the floor. He stares at Katie in the bed, his heart breaking. He hadn’t seen her in so long…why had it taken something like this for him to take the time to visit? Even if he had thought she would reject him, he should have tried. Emotions pool behind his eyes, and he forces his feet to carry him forward, stopping several feet from the bed, his hands tucked awkwardly in his pockets. He eyes Jason with slight surprise…he hadn’t known Katie had a boyfriend. Looking back to his daughter, he musters up a slight smile, unsure how he will be received. “Hi, Katie…”

Mick sets a box of donuts on the kitchenette’s counter and calls to Jeff and Rosetta. “I know, I know, I’m such a health nut when it comes to breakfast, but this is all the quickmart on the corner had. Sorry.”

Jeff laughs and takes a donut for himself. “Mm, chocolate? Apology accepted.”

Mick rolls his eyes as he grins. “You two want to go back to see Katie one more time this morning before we go, I assume?”

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