

Getting the voice mail from Carson Misty smiles a little at his comment of the samwitch before hanging up the phone. Turning around to let Jason know Misty dosnt even have time to talk before Jason goes in on it with Con. Just standing there not really wanting to get in the middle she throws a glance to Rick and than back to both of the men.

Hearing the comotion again Nate jogs to the infermart just in time to see Con knock Jason out. Looking to Con and than to the passed out Jason all he can do is shake his head.

"I am guessing he deserved that huh?"

Giving a shake of his head again and a nod to Reese Nate honestly for once hated that he was put in charge of this mission. He anything happend to Katie he would only blame himself and it was hard knowing one of them was out there and not knowing if they were ok.

"Con come with me I am going back to the park to see what I can find."

Walking out the door Nate goes to Dalton and Scott's office Nate pokes his head in a look of appolgie on his face.

"Hey Scott, if you can get me those photo's that would be great. Take your time I'll be back in a few hours."

And the hours pass, and time moves fast but every tick of the clock seems so slow. For the one who is lost, who can not be found is gone, out of grasp, and for now the suffering will last.

"...who ever took her Reese didnt leave any trace. The badge and blood I think someone wanted us to fine that. Anything else there is nothing."

Nate lets out a sigh as he slumps down in the chair in Reese office. Con and himself had come up empty handed today. Nate had a horrable feeling in his gut and he was angry. This had happend again, and it hurt to just think about it.

"Hows Jase doing?"

Half cocked

"What? Jamie... what..." Con doesn't even have time to ask Jamie more details before she's already hung up.

Holding the phone lamely, Con leans against the kitchen counter, fighting the sinking feeling in his gut. God... no... take care of Katie...

Finally he hangs up the phone and starts to wander the house. He was restless... worried... He goes to the office desk and pulls open the drawer to look at his old badge. He hadn't told Jamie about Reese's offer. He'd been trying to make the decision himself... make up his mind.

Sighing, Con closes the drawer again.

Carson hears his phone ringing, and pauses his work, drying his hands on a towel. "Aerith, be right back." Out in the hall, he listens to his voicemail. But as he does, his pulse quickens, his blood running cold. Though enjoying Misty's final statement, he didn't have much time to stop and think about it.

His mind raced. He couldn't leave the restaurant yet. It was busy right now and he couldn't leave Aerith alone again. He was the cook... he was responsible. For the second time, he fought the wish that he wasn't tied down. But he was. He'd made that decision.

Dialing Misty back, Carson leaves a message on her phone in the infirmary. "Missy, it's me. I gotta stay here a while... but keep me informed. Tell Jason I can get in after hours tonight. I'll be in. Thanks. And Misty...." He bites his lip as he changes his mind. "Leave a grilled cheese sandwich for me for supper?"

Carson heads back to the kitchen, trying to get back into focus. It was hard though. Katie had been taken? Misty didn't say so, but that had to be it. Even though Carson kept on working, his cooking wasn't quiet up to par. He was worried, he was angry. His gut told him that somehow the Agency was involved in this. And tonight... tonight he'd find out the details... and he would finally meet his brother.

Jason looks up at Jamie quickly. "What? What are you talking about?" Spinning around he yanks open his desk drawer to pull out his cell phone. "I shut it off earlier," he admits. "Didn't need it when I wasn't out."

Flipping it open, he sees that sure enough there was a voice mail. Listening closely, his face pales, the anger returning to his eyes. Shutting it again, he sets it down on his desk, clenching his fists tightly. "They have her," he growls. "They have her and we have no leads."

He stands abruptly. "I'm going back to the park." Shouldering past Jamie, he's back out in the hall. "Nate!" he calls loudly. "You're coming back with me!"

Passing Scott's office, he looks in on him. "Anything yet?"

Scott looks up, his eyes wide. "It's only been a couple minutes, Jase."

"I don't care!" Jason raises his voice. "Katie's been kidnapped and I need those satellite photos now!"

Scott recoils slightly, not used to getting yelled at, let alone by Jason.

"Whoa, whoa, Jase, cool it." Reese comes up behind him. "You're not going to do anyone any good like this."

"Don't tell me to cool it," Jason hisses. "You know dang well this is teh Agency and we need to find Katie now. Or don't you care?"

"Stop it!" Reese orders. "One more insubordinate comment and I'm taking you off this case completely. Do you understand me?"

He doesn't even have time to react as suddenly Jason's fist is flying at his face. A swift punch to the mouth makes him stagger backward into the wall. All he can do is put up his arms in defense as Jason steps toward him once more.

But out of nowhere, someone bigger appears, grabbing Jason from behind. "Hotshot, cut it out," Con growls. "You want to help Kat, you better not get yourself in any more trouble than this."

"Conrad, let me go!" Jason orders. "You're a civilian and I'm ordering you to let me go!"

Con remains calm, twisting both of Jason's arms behind his back. "Don't test me, Jase. I may be out of practice, but I'll still win."

Jason doesn't give in and continues to fight. Putting a foot up on the wall, he springboards backward, slamming Con against the other wall. Gaining enough freedom, he swings around, throwing this punch at his jaw.

Con's head jerks to the side, but he doesn't even stagger. His look turns into a glare and he spies Rick and Misty near the infirmary. "Get something for Hotshot's headache," he directs.

Rick frowns. "What headache?"

"This one." Con's knuckles connect with Jason's jaw squarely enough to whip his neck back. Jason staggers, then slumps to the floor, unconscious.

Con pauses to catch his breath. "Sorry, Jase."

Reese wipes his bloody lip and shakes his head. "Good grief. Thank you, Con. Nate, where are you? I want you to head up this case. Misty? Rick? Get Jason revived and if you need to sedate him, do so. I don't want him going off half-cocked like this again. That's all we need is a rogue agent to screw things up. We don't have room to error in this."

10 Min Ago

Dialing the home number Jamie new Con would be there. He hadnt mentioned he was going anywhere.

Jamie's heart reaced as she waited for Con to answer. She didnt know how she was going to tell him about Katie because no matter who she put it it was bad and she new Con would be upset.

Finally hearing Con's voice Jamie lets out a breath as there was a quiver in her voice.

"Con...something horrable has happend. Something has happend to Katie and she was cut off completely from Jason. Rick his to give him something so he didnt die. We dont completely know whats going on but Jase told me to tell and let you know."

While talking on the phone Jamie types away on her computer bringing up Katie's phone log and differnt files she was working on. Coming across something that made Jamie question a few things she prints out all of the papers.

"I'm sorry Con I got to go."

Hanging up the phone Jamie makes her way to Jason's office quick.

Steping out of the infermary and down the hall a little way where it was quiet from the hussle that was going on with the avents that happend.

Dialing Carson phone Misty gets the voicemail like she new she would. Keeping the message short but trying to fill Carson in as much as she could.

"Carson its Misty, listen something has happend real bad to Katie. Jason was cut off and Rick had to give him something. We dont really know anything that happend but Jason said he wants you in on this if you can get time away. Well I better go see if they need me. Love ya!"

Hanging up the phone Misty heads back up the hall and enters the infermary to see if anyone needed her.

"...There are phone calls home to see how Wendy was, Call to the House line, a few case calls, She called Kyle to let talk to him. She had called Brown yesterday about someone she thought was connected with a case she was working on. I believe it was the Brennen case with the man accused of killing his family she was working on last."

Looking down at the paper again to make sure she had read it right Jamie looks up at Jason holding out the phone log to him.

"And about 10 min ago it looked like Katie called you as well. Since when did she start using a phone to call you?"

Getting the voice mail was prefect, he didnt want to really talk to Jason. Giving a grunt a gruff voice on the other end speaks.

"If I were you I woulnt so searching for what happen to hard because you will never find out. That was pretty good thinking going to the park though. Kodos for that but you were to late."


It was a rare occasion that Jason would accept help without argument, but for once, when Nate approaches, he doesn't resist. Instead, he lets his friend help steady him as they walk, still trying to find his balance.

"The park. I don't know what happened. Katie started shouting at me then all of a sudden we got shut down. The connection is completely gone. We can't communicate and I don't know why." He stops at the door, letting Nate and Trooper out first, then follows after.

"Rick just developed something to knock the whole system offline, so I'm not dead, but I don't know about Katie."

He pauses at the car, looking at Nate grimly. "Either there's an outside force that shut her down like what Rick just gave me, or she's dead."

The thought alone made Jason's stomach churn. But for now he would push ahead and try not to come up with too many theories on his own. They had to look to the park first...

"There's Katie's car." Jason points to the vehicle in the parking lot. He's out of Nate's car in a flash, Trooper right behind. Getting to the car, Jason looks around. Nothing seemed out of place. Finding the door unlocked, he looks around inside, but still finds nothing.

Straightening, he looks around the park. It was big. No one was gathered anywhere. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He looks to Nate. "Something isn't right.... something is really strange here."

Ducking into the back seat of Katie's car, he retrieves a shirt that she'd left in there at some point. Pulling it out, he kneels in front of Trooper, giving him a good whiff. "Katie," he directs. "Find Katie."

Having a command to go on, Trooper's behavior shifts into work mode. On duty, he sets to work, sniffing around the car, then takes off running into the park. Jason is quick to follow, sprinting after him, even though some nausea had set in.

It takes a few minutes, but Trooper leads them to the spot where Katie's badge was lying. Jason stops and just stares at it for a moment, the churning in his stomach worsening. He looks to Nate, the worry filling his eyes.

Slowly he kneels down to pick up the badge. Seeing the blood on the ground, his worry increases. "She's not dead," he states decidedly. "If someone was just out to kill her, they wouldn't have bothered to take the body."

Trooper is still sniffing around and gives out a short woof. He trots back to the parking lot where he winds up at an empty parking space.

Still holding Katie's badge, Jason goes to the parking space, spotting traces of oil. "Whoever parked here has a minor oil leak," he comments. He knew that was a long shot. Who could tell how many cars had been there this morning. He looks back to Nate. "We have to get back to TJY and start an investigation."

Once back to TJY, Jason has grown stronger physically, and is able to lead the way back into the building. Inside, it's obvious that the word has already spread. Reese is right there to meet them.

"Jason, what happened?"

"Katie's been taking. She might be hurt." Jason doesn't stop walking.

Reese looks to Nate with question, then back to Jason. "Can you tell?"

"No." Jason stops by Jamie's desk, without missing a beat. "Jamie, I need you to track all Katie's recent correspondence with outside sources. I don't care if it's just personal phone messages - I want to know about them. And call Con. He should know about this."

Sidling past Reese, he aims for Scott and Dalton's office. "Scott?"

Scott looks up quickly, startled. "Yeah?"

"Katie's missing. I want you to retrieve satellite from the area surrounding the city park this morning up until about half an hour ago."

Though fear surges through Scott at the thought of something happening to Katie, he turns to his computer. "I'm on it."

"Good." On to the infirmary, Jason pokes his head in to see Misty. "Misty? Call Carson. If there's any way he can get away from the restaurant, have him do it. I want him on this case."

"Jason..." Reese tries to slow him down, but it's no use. He turns to look at Nate again, throwing up his arms in exasperation. He didn't even want Jason heading this up - he was too emotionally driven. But unless he wanted to hogtie him, he just needed to let Jason run at this point.

Jason is already back to his office to try and sort some things out, but a wave of dizziness makes him stop and lean on the doorway.

Badge and Blood

Hearing Rick's voice over the intercom Nate's eyes drift to where he saw Jason and Trooper walking twards the door. Jason looked like he has just been hit by a bus. Knowing Katie was in trouble made himself worry and put a fear in him.

"Alright I'm on it. Let Reese know whats going on."

Standing quickly Nate grabs his jacket and jogs after Jason putting his arm around him to help sapport him slightly as they walk out to the car.

"I'll drive, where are we heading Hotshot and what happend?'

As the park layed quit the only remints of what happend was a TJY badge and some blood spilled next to it tell its own story of what might of happend. Everyone alse uawair of the tradigy that happend today.


Dani sighs and nods. "Thank you, Dalton... for bringing me down here. I appreciate it. I'll probably want to come back again. I know Alec doesn't want to see me, but... I want to try talking to him again anyway."

She starts for the stairs, now wondering how she would tell Carson that she'd been here.

Jason gives a little laugh at Katie's comment about the ducks, but lets their conversation taper off as he gets up to go to the break room. Wandering down the hall, he enters the quiet room to grab a paper cup and fill it with water. Taking a sip, he sighs deeply. He was tired today. But lunch would perk him up, then it would only be a few more hours until he could go home.

Ambling back out of the break room, he's just taking another sip of water when suddenly all of his emotions come flying back at him like a freight train.

Falling back against the wall, Jason gasps, his water plummeting to the floor. His eyes go wide as he mind races, trying to understand what was happening. It felt like Katie had reversed the river's flow. Cringing, he finally deciphers Katie's cry for help.

Katie… what's wrong?! What….

But he can say no more. Just as quickly as Katie had hurled his emotions back at him, she was gone. A dam had been raised, and it was secure. There were no cracks or crevices to let emotions through. There was nothing.

Jason gasps for air as he slowly slides to the floor. He puts a hand to his chest as the pressure builds, the pain increasing by the second.

Katie… what… happened… why….

Wheezing, Jason rolls over to his hands and knees, looking down the hall. Everything seemed just a bit blurry. Mustering up his energy, he cries out. "Rick! ….Rick!"

In the infirmary, Rick is working at the lab table, when suddenly he hears Jason's cry. He looks to Misty, then shoots out of the room into the hall. Seeing Jason, he sucks in his breath. "Jason… What's wrong? What happened?"

Jason continues to gasp for breath. "Katie… I don't know… I've been.. cut off."

"Come here… take it easy." Rick reaches down, helping Jason up off the floor with difficulty. Managing to get him to the infirmary, he gets Jason to the table where Jason obediently lies down.

The pain continues to increase and he rolls over onto his side, doubling up. Everything was spinning. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't escape the torture. His eyes find Misty, filling with tears from the pain.

Rick is right by his side. "Jason… Jason listen to me. Shut off your own emotions. Shut off as much as you can." No response. "Jason, come on…. It will help relieve some of the pressure. I have to be able to talk to you."

Jason tries to catch his breath, and forces himself to shut down. It's like putting a bandaid on a crack in a river's dam, but it's enough for him to make sense of what Rick was saying. "I can't hold it," he mumbles.

Rick desperately tries to figure out what's happening. "What's the difference between you shutting down and Katie shutting you out?"

"I don't… I don't know. I haven't…" Jason gasps for air. "I haven't shut down completely in a… a long time."

"You think it's evolved? You think you can't even shut her out completely anymore?"

Jason manages a nod. It felt that way. Unfortunately, it made sense. The connection had grown ever stronger. At this point, anything that severed it, whether it was by their own will or not, would kill them both.

Rick paces, throwing a desperate glance in Misty's direction, then back to Jason. "What do I do, Jason?"

"You were working on… on… something… right?" Jason winces and pulls himself in tighter as the pain shoots through his system.

"Yes, but I'm still experimenting! I developed a temporary fix just last night, but I don't know if it will work or not. I have no guarantees yet. I haven't tested it enough."

"Give it to me."

"I can't do that, Jason. It might do more harm than good. Besides that, what about Katie? If you're cut off, where does that leave her?"

Jason knew that whatever had happened, Katie had been cut off first. And whatever had caused it, would probably last a while. His greatest fear was that an accident had happened. The only thing that could truly separate them was death. But he couldn't think that way. He had to find her. But in order to do that, he had to at least be able to function. Unfortunately, he was risking cutting Katie off too soon and putting her through this same torture. But whatever happened, maybe it would give them enough time to find her before she went down too far.

Reaching out, he grabs Rick's wrist and yanks him down close. His eyes blaze. "If you don't give it to me, I'm going to die," he hisses.

Rick swallows hard, his eyes searching his young friend's. "Okay… okay. Hang on."

Jason lets him go, fighting to stay conscious. He can feel his eyes wanting to roll back into his head, but he tries so hard to fight against it. Suddenly there's a prick to his arm. And like a raging river turns into a gentle stream, the emotions evaporate. What was an ocean ten minutes earlier was now a shallow pool… an emotional collection the depth of a normal person.

The pressure is immediately released and Jason is finally able to catch his breath. His body starts to relax and he blinks. The feeling was confusing.

"Jason?" Rick moves around to see his face. "What's going on?"

Jason rolls over onto his back, trying to recover. "Nothing… I feel…" He tries to collect emotions to increase power, but it's like trying to collect air bubbles underwater. "Nothing."

Rick lets out the breath he'd been holding. "It worked?"

"I think so." Jason manages to sit up, and puts a hand to his head. A splitting headache seemed to be the only side affect. "Give me some aspirin or something." His mind races. It felt so strange. He'd been filled with so many raging emotions for so long that having them gone… it was a strange sensation. He was normal again. He couldn't even attempt communication with Katie – there just wasn't the ingredients there anymore. "What… what happens now?"

Rick hands him some aspirin and some water. "Well, what I made up is a temporary solution. It's a bandaid. I don't know how long it will last, but it will wear off. When it does, you'll need another dose to keep it up."

"When you say you don't know how long it will last…"

"I mean it could be five minutes… five hours… five days. I don't know."

Jason slides off the table, wobbling just a little bit, heading for the door.

"Whoa, where you going?"

"Katie was at the park. We have to find her."

"You're not in a condition to go anywhere."

Jason whirls around to glare at Rick. "Katie could be dead! Now I'm going, whether you like it or not."

Seeing Jason leave, Rick grabs the phone and dials the short extension. "Nate? Jason's on his way out. Don't let him leave alone. Something's happened to Katie, but he's in no shape to drive, let alone go out there by himself."

Jason gets to his office, having to take a moment to lean on his desk and catch his breath. He felt weak all over. It was the strangest thing he'd ever felt. Going for his desk drawer, he pulls out his gun, then clips his badge to his belt. Heading out to the main floor, Trooper is on his heels. Jason staggers just a little when the room spins, but he shakes it off, continuing his route.

Yes I am

Standing across from Dani for a moment Dalton thinks about how to answer the question she asked. He new she probley wasnt exspecting one but he felt like there should be one anyways.

"Probley never. This has been going on for so long...we can only hope and keep working twords bring them down once and for all."

They said Quack.

Giving a little laugh Katie comes around the bend as two guys and a woman are coming twords her. Giving a nod and a smile Katie pass them.


Continuing to walk Katie just trys to enjoy herself.

"Hey excuse me."

Hearing someone call from behind her Katie stops and turns seeing the woman and two men have stopped. Quirking her head just a little Katie continues to smile not thinking anything.

"Yes can I help you?"

Looking to one side of her where one man stood and than looking to the other the woman gives a smile not letting her own eyes show the reason for stopping Katie.

"Me and my friends here were just wondering, we had seen you once before somewhere else and I though I had seen you at a Jetstream consert before and said you were Katie Pent the body guird but my friend here said I was wrong so, I guess I wanted to settle it and have you tell him u are."

Katie cant help but laugh as she heres the question. She'd never really been asked before about who she was or what she did but for a moment it kind of made her feel good.

"Well your right, I am Katie."

And in a moments time Katie soon dosnt feel good anymore as the two men move around her while the woman still stands in front her smile turning into more of a smerk now.

"Good, we had to make sure you where who we needed first."

In a quick moment both men come up fast behind Katie grabbing her arms behind her back. Doing her best Katie trys to fights them off and struggle as her mind races but it was no use one of the men she could take on but both of them there was no chanse.

"Quick gives her the surem before she can warn anyone do it now."

The larger man yells to the woman.

Panic taking over Katie she trys to push as many emotions as she can in Jason's direction.


But feel a prick to her are and a sharp pain than ran through her arm Katie soon calaps as the larder man throws her over his shoulder everything around her spinning and than going dark feeling almost empty as she liped into the darkend sleep.


Dani opens her mouth to argue, but feeling Dalton's hand, she knows that she needed to leave now. Sighing, she stands up, throwing Alec one last look. But there was nothing more to say.

Getting back out into the hall, suddenly it's evident that Dani indeed had been afraid. Though she had let none of it show in front of Alec, only now does her face pale slightly as she leans back against the wall, closing her eyes.

Taking several deep breaths, she looks back to Dalton, the tears glistening in her eyes. "How many more lives will the Agency ruin?" she questions. "How many more times will families be torn apart because of them?"

Jason pauses at his filing cabinet.

Mmm... don't tell me how nice it is. I wish I was there too.

Closing the drawer, he flops back down in his chair.

Say hi to the ducks for me.


Standing with his arms cross staying close to Dani he just watches the interaction. Staying quiet there was nothing really for him to say other than to just watch and make sure all went well.

Watching Dani he found it intresting that she would care so much for her half brother. He commended her for it. He has always been an only child but he often wondered if he would be the same way or not.

Seeing Alec become agitated and wanting Dani out he knows its probley good to cut this short now before anything could get out of hand. Placing his large hand as lightly as he could on her shoulder Dalton prompts her.

"Come on Dani, its time to go now."

Walking through the park Katie takes in a deep breath. The air felt good in her lungs and it helped clear her mind.

Mmm...I wish you where hear with me its so nice. Saprisingly the park is pretty quiet too. I am gonna take one more trip around the pond and than I will be heading back.

It was so handy being able to talk to Jason this way. She liked it alot, and it had just become normal to her now where once before it was almost alienated.


Alec looks up with little interest as the holding cell door opens. He recognizes Dalton, but had no idea who the young woman was. Still sitting on the floor, he eyes the visitors skeptically.

Dani enters slowly behind Dalton, glancing down at the still, solemn figure. "Hello, Alec."

His eyes narrow suspiciously. "Who are you?"

Dani moves to ease down into the chair. She glances at Dalton for reassurance, then back to the prisoner. "My name is Danielle, though friends call me Dani."

"Guess I'll be calling you Danielle then."

Danie shrugs. "Suit yourself. Though I'd like to think of most of my family as friends."

Now she had Alec's attention. "What do you mean?"

"Who was your father, Alec?"

Alec straightens, bristling a little. "I thought the interrogations were over."

"I'm not interrogating. I'm just asking a few questions."

"Alright. I'll bite." Alec shrugs apathetically. "I didn't know him personally. I was an 'accident' you see." He gives a wry grin. "The guy was married to someone else, and wound up paying off my mom so she'd stay quiet about my arrival. I guess she did. End of story."

Dani cocks her head. "Yet you carry his name, not hers."

Reese folds his arms, watching the monitors. "Turn the volume up," he requests.

Hal nods and does as he's told. Reese continues to watch with interest.

After a moment though, Hal speaks. "You sure you want the girl down there?"

"Why not?"

"I don't know... it's not the most emotionally friendly atmosphere. Alec's a tough case."

"Don't worry... Dani is a Banks."

Alec squints one eye. "I don't know how you know that, or why it matters, but yeah. My mom did it that way so I'd be a stark reminder to him that I was still around."

Dani sighs, feeling a little sorry for him. There was a strange pull on her heart though, knowing they shared the same blood. "Did you ever know anything about him?"

"No, but I don't get why you're asking me all this." Alec's tone grows testy. "Why don't you just tell me what you want?"

"I want to tell you about your father." Dani doesn't give him time to respond. She'd given a lot of thought to what she'd say, and wasn't going to stop now. "He started out a good guy. He had a family... a wife, two daughters and a son. They were pretty happy. But then he started getting in with the wrong kinds of people. He changed... he wasn't such a nice guy anymore. He worked for the same Agency you do, and got into some rough deals. He had several women no one knew about until later. He started drinking and took his frustrations out on his family. While his son had started working for the Agency too, at home, the son protected his sisters from abuse - especially the youngest."

Alec sighs, trying to show he didn't care, even though some things stirred inside of him.

Dani continues. "Your father was misguided, but in the end, he proved there was still some good left. He refused a certain deal with the Agency. Their response was to call in him and his family. He, his wife and oldest daughter were murdered in cold blood, right in front of the son."

A slight surprise flashes in Alec's eyes and Dani nods. "Yes, he died many years ago. His son was recruited to work more heavily in the Agency, and he became a ruthless killer - a bloodthirsty womanizer and alcoholic, even worse than your father."

Alec shows some interest for the first time. "What?"

"You've probably heard of him. He was the Agency's number one assassin."

Alec recoils in defense. "No... no... no, it was just a coincidence that Carson and I had the same name."

"No... that's not true." Dani's voice remains soft and calm. "They lied to you, probably to avoid personal feelings."

"Carson's a traitor," Alec mutters. Though the pangs in his heart increased, he tried to ignore them. "Brother or not, I don't give a rip."

Dani ignores the comment and keeps talking. "Carson was captured by TJY and later realized how much better a life he could have away from the Agency. He's turned his life around and is living quite well."

"Look, what's your point?"

"He and his little sister were the only survivors of the Agency."

"So? Where'd she end up? The gutter?"

"No... she wound up with a loving family who adopted her. She lived in California, later met up with her brother again, and then moved here to Nevada."

Alec heaves a sigh. "Okay...?"

"She later found out that a half-brother existed, and that he'd been sucked into the Agency too. And now caught, he didn't even know that he wasn't alone."

Reese is still watching, his eyes studying Dani's tactics. "Interesting... very interesting.

Alec blinks. He stares at Dani and suddenly he knows the truth. "You."

Dani nods. "Me. I'm your half-sister, Alec."

Alec's mind whirls. He searches Dani's eyes, looks up to Dalton, then back down again, his pulse quickening. Then he stops. "No." He shakes his head. "No... none of this is true. You're just saying it to make me break even more than I already have. I'm not buying it."

"You have to, Alec," Dani emphasizes. "It's the truth. They already have proof through blood samples from you and Carson."

Alec's eyes drift down, his frown creating a type of glare. He didn't know what to think or what to feel. He wouldn't have thought that this kind of information would ever have stirred anything inside of him. But it did... He'd always felt so alone. He'd always figured he simply didn't have family and he'd learned to not care. But this young woman... he had a sister? He could remember as a boy, he'd always wanted siblings. Someone to hang out with... someone to talk to. Now he was finding out he had two. They weren't full siblings, but being half still created a blood bond that no one could deny or break. "So what do you want now?" he asks coolly. "Did you just want to rub all of this in when I'm sitting here helpless or what?"

"No of course not." Dani shakes her head. "I just wanted to meet you... and I wanted you to know. I don't know how long you'll be here or where you'll go after this. But I hope we can talk more... I'd like to see you again... I'd like to get to know my brother."

Alec looks up, gritting his teeth. He glares at Dani, not even knowing how to respond. He didn't like the feeling of vulnerability this evoked. He didn't like her knowing more than he did about the past. He didn't like not being in control. "Go away," he mutters. "Leave me alone."

Though sad, Dani keeps her chin high as she stands again. "I'll see you again. And I'm sure Carson will want to meet you soon too."

"Yeah? Well tell him not to bother. He can buzz off before he even gets this far."

"You can be as stubborn as you want... but that will never remove the fact that you do have family. Think about that one."

Alec scoffs and looks up at Dalton. "Get her out of here," he mutters.


Turning around and looking at Reese Dalton was a little scepticule of letting Dani go there.

"I really dont think thats a good idea....I.."

Shaking his head Dalton new better than to argue with the boss no matter what he though.

"Alright I will, but I am going to stay in the room with her. I dont trust him alone no matter what kind of camras we have in there."

Turning Dalton almost seems to take out a whole new air as her stands a bit taller and his face becomes just a little bit harder now.

"Ok, follow me."

Moving past Reese Dalton leads Dani down the long hall and two where Alec was. Hesatation for a moment Dalton just stands there before unlocking the door and opening it for Dani before follow in after her.


Jason pauses his typing, a small grin forming.

Well I doubt Hal would want to clean your brains off the wall, so go take that walk. Take one for me too. I'd come along but Reese has me swamped in paperwork. Lunch sound fantastic. Just let me know when.

Dani looks down, but manages a nod to Dalton. "Alright. I understand. Protocol and all. I just thought..." Glancing back up, she shakes her head. "Never mind." She's about ready to leave, but a new voice interrupts them. None had seen Reese in the doorway, nor did they know how long he'd been there.

"Dalton, you may take her to see Alec. He hasn't caused trouble the last couple days, and Hal has the monitors covered." He nods decisively. "Besides, I'd like to see how he reacts."

"Really?" Dani looks back to Dalton with some hope.

Reese nods again, his glance of approval pointed at Dalton.


Watching on with Dani Dalton feels a strange feeling makes its way up in him. He felt no remorse for Alec and though he got what he deserved, but his heart went out to Dani as she watched on the screen.

"I'm sorry, I cant. You will need to talk with Reese. I really am sorry if anything was to happen when I did, it would be my job not to mention I would feel horrabl."

Letting out a sigh Katie sits at her desk her head in her hands. Today she felt frustrated it felt like in her work she was hitting wall after wall. She wasnt sure if it was just the day or not.

Giving a frusted grunt Katie stands and takes her jacket from the back of the chair she needed some air before she exploded.

Hey you, I need to go out for a walk before my brain exploded. Work is just getting to me. I wont be long and maybe we can do lunch or something.