
10 Min Ago

Dialing the home number Jamie new Con would be there. He hadnt mentioned he was going anywhere.

Jamie's heart reaced as she waited for Con to answer. She didnt know how she was going to tell him about Katie because no matter who she put it it was bad and she new Con would be upset.

Finally hearing Con's voice Jamie lets out a breath as there was a quiver in her voice.

"Con...something horrable has happend. Something has happend to Katie and she was cut off completely from Jason. Rick his to give him something so he didnt die. We dont completely know whats going on but Jase told me to tell and let you know."

While talking on the phone Jamie types away on her computer bringing up Katie's phone log and differnt files she was working on. Coming across something that made Jamie question a few things she prints out all of the papers.

"I'm sorry Con I got to go."

Hanging up the phone Jamie makes her way to Jason's office quick.

Steping out of the infermary and down the hall a little way where it was quiet from the hussle that was going on with the avents that happend.

Dialing Carson phone Misty gets the voicemail like she new she would. Keeping the message short but trying to fill Carson in as much as she could.

"Carson its Misty, listen something has happend real bad to Katie. Jason was cut off and Rick had to give him something. We dont really know anything that happend but Jason said he wants you in on this if you can get time away. Well I better go see if they need me. Love ya!"

Hanging up the phone Misty heads back up the hall and enters the infermary to see if anyone needed her.

"...There are phone calls home to see how Wendy was, Call to the House line, a few case calls, She called Kyle to let talk to him. She had called Brown yesterday about someone she thought was connected with a case she was working on. I believe it was the Brennen case with the man accused of killing his family she was working on last."

Looking down at the paper again to make sure she had read it right Jamie looks up at Jason holding out the phone log to him.

"And about 10 min ago it looked like Katie called you as well. Since when did she start using a phone to call you?"

Getting the voice mail was prefect, he didnt want to really talk to Jason. Giving a grunt a gruff voice on the other end speaks.

"If I were you I woulnt so searching for what happen to hard because you will never find out. That was pretty good thinking going to the park though. Kodos for that but you were to late."

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