
Yes I am

Standing across from Dani for a moment Dalton thinks about how to answer the question she asked. He new she probley wasnt exspecting one but he felt like there should be one anyways.

"Probley never. This has been going on for so long...we can only hope and keep working twords bring them down once and for all."

They said Quack.

Giving a little laugh Katie comes around the bend as two guys and a woman are coming twords her. Giving a nod and a smile Katie pass them.


Continuing to walk Katie just trys to enjoy herself.

"Hey excuse me."

Hearing someone call from behind her Katie stops and turns seeing the woman and two men have stopped. Quirking her head just a little Katie continues to smile not thinking anything.

"Yes can I help you?"

Looking to one side of her where one man stood and than looking to the other the woman gives a smile not letting her own eyes show the reason for stopping Katie.

"Me and my friends here were just wondering, we had seen you once before somewhere else and I though I had seen you at a Jetstream consert before and said you were Katie Pent the body guird but my friend here said I was wrong so, I guess I wanted to settle it and have you tell him u are."

Katie cant help but laugh as she heres the question. She'd never really been asked before about who she was or what she did but for a moment it kind of made her feel good.

"Well your right, I am Katie."

And in a moments time Katie soon dosnt feel good anymore as the two men move around her while the woman still stands in front her smile turning into more of a smerk now.

"Good, we had to make sure you where who we needed first."

In a quick moment both men come up fast behind Katie grabbing her arms behind her back. Doing her best Katie trys to fights them off and struggle as her mind races but it was no use one of the men she could take on but both of them there was no chanse.

"Quick gives her the surem before she can warn anyone do it now."

The larger man yells to the woman.

Panic taking over Katie she trys to push as many emotions as she can in Jason's direction.


But feel a prick to her are and a sharp pain than ran through her arm Katie soon calaps as the larder man throws her over his shoulder everything around her spinning and than going dark feeling almost empty as she liped into the darkend sleep.

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