

Getting the voice mail from Carson Misty smiles a little at his comment of the samwitch before hanging up the phone. Turning around to let Jason know Misty dosnt even have time to talk before Jason goes in on it with Con. Just standing there not really wanting to get in the middle she throws a glance to Rick and than back to both of the men.

Hearing the comotion again Nate jogs to the infermart just in time to see Con knock Jason out. Looking to Con and than to the passed out Jason all he can do is shake his head.

"I am guessing he deserved that huh?"

Giving a shake of his head again and a nod to Reese Nate honestly for once hated that he was put in charge of this mission. He anything happend to Katie he would only blame himself and it was hard knowing one of them was out there and not knowing if they were ok.

"Con come with me I am going back to the park to see what I can find."

Walking out the door Nate goes to Dalton and Scott's office Nate pokes his head in a look of appolgie on his face.

"Hey Scott, if you can get me those photo's that would be great. Take your time I'll be back in a few hours."

And the hours pass, and time moves fast but every tick of the clock seems so slow. For the one who is lost, who can not be found is gone, out of grasp, and for now the suffering will last.

"...who ever took her Reese didnt leave any trace. The badge and blood I think someone wanted us to fine that. Anything else there is nothing."

Nate lets out a sigh as he slumps down in the chair in Reese office. Con and himself had come up empty handed today. Nate had a horrable feeling in his gut and he was angry. This had happend again, and it hurt to just think about it.

"Hows Jase doing?"

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