

Reese lets out a long, frustrated sigh, swiveling in his desk chair. He couldn't believe this was happening. After everything that had been happening to his agents, why something else? Why now? Why Katie? Whoever had done this had done a good job - they had taken out two agents at the same time. Katie was gone and Jason was a mess.

"He's not doing well." Reese answers Nate's question about Jason. "Rick had to sedate him once he woke up from Con's punch..."He glances to Con, then back to Nate. "Though Rick thinks it's a combination of what's happening and his whacked emotional state. You'd have to talk to him more about that though - it was all Greek to me."

Con rubs his eyes wearily. "Anything from Scott?"

"Not in the last half hour. Check with him though. He just got off the phone with the FBI to gain some access codes. He's working his tail of - more serious about getting work done since I've seen in him in a long time." Reese shakes his head. "He ran into some scrambles - apparently whoever did this has done their homework. They don't want us finding that vehicle."

Con sighs. "Right. Well I'm going to stick around on this one. I'm going to go see Jamie now though."

"Fine. Report back if you plan to leave again."

"Will do."

"And Con?"

Con turns around. "Yeah?"

"Is this a one-time case?"

Con hesitates, looking to Nate, then back at Reese. He hadn't told anyone yet and knew that Nate wasn't even aware of Reese's offer. "Don't know yet." He pauses, then heads out the door.

Reese's eyes follow him. "We lost a good agent," he mutters under his breath. Bringing himself back to the task at hand, he looks back to Nate. "I'm leaving you in charge of this one. If Jason stabilizes, let him help. As long as he keeps his cool, we can use him. You guys are the best, and we need the best. If this is connected to Medridge, there might not be any sense to this thing at all, other than chaos. Let's try not to give that to them." That said, Nate is dismissed until anything else is found.

Con wanders over to Jamie's cubicle, coming up behind her chair to lean down and drape his arms over and around her. He plants a kiss on the top of her head. "Hey you," he greets softly. "This isn't how I wanted to spend my day, but at least I get to see more of you."

Grabbing a spare chair, he pulls it into the corner of her cubicle and sits down, leaning back against the wall. His eyes showed his weariness. Not because he'd been so active, but the worry was already wearing him out. Katie was like his little sister, and he couldn't imagine anything happening to her.

"I'm going to stay on the case," he tells his wife quietly. Looking down, he hesitates before glancing back up at her again. "I didn't tell you... Reese offered me a job here again. Guess maybe I'll see how this one goes and decide after that..." His eyes flood with question. "How would you feel about that?"

Jason opens one eye groggily, then the other. His head was pounding and he felt like he'd been run over by a train. Swallowing hard, he pulls himself up into a sitting position, realizing that he'd been lying on the infirmary bed. Putting a hand to his head, he mutters under his breath. "What are you guys doing to me anyway?"

Rick hears Jason and glances to Misty, grabbing the syringe off the counter. He wasn't taking any chances. Twice already, Jason had woken up out of control and Rick had the bruises on his arm to prove it. He moves cautiously towards Jason. "How do you feel?"

"Terrible." Jason manages to get both eyes open and he blinks. "What happened?"

"Do you remember anything?"

"Um... mm-hmm..." Jason swings his legs over the side of the bed, still cringing from his headache. "I remember fighting off Con, then after that it's all a blank."

"I'm not surprised."

"Have they found anything on Katie?"

"No, not yet." Rick moves to lay a hand on Jason, keeping him on the bed. "Just sit a minute. They've got it covered and you can't do any good in this state anyway."

Jason grits his teeth, but does as he's told. He eyes the syringe in Rick's hand. "What's that for?"

"That would be your third sedative should I have to use it."


"Yeah. I've been trying all day to get that EA regulated."


Rick shrugs. "Emotional Antidote."

Jason gives him a wry grin. "Nice. What was wrong with it?"

"Not sure, but I'm working on it. It masked your abilities alright, but I think it was too much of a shock for your system. When you got so upset earlier, it set off a chain reaction and you were completely out of control. So you went from having a hundred times the normal emotional charge with full control, to having a minimal emotional charge with no control at all."

"Sounds great." Jason rolls his eyes. "Now what?"

"Well for one, you're going to have to keep your temper."

Jason sighs and nods. "Alright. I'll try."

"And second... when your dosage wears off - which I don't know when that will be - I have an updated formula to give you. Hopefully it'll be better."

"Can I go now?"

"I suppose so. Nate's in charge, you should probably go talk to him."

"Alright. Thanks." Jason stands and heads to the door a little shakily. Things were still a little foggy as the sedative wore off, but he aims for Nate's desk.

Carson hadn't really wanted to close up the restaurant early again, but he didn't want to wait around all night before he could leave either. He hadn't told Herb, but he knew that if Herb knew what was happening, he would approve.

Locking up the back door, Carson makes his way around the back, stopping only a moment to throw down his cigarette and stamp it out with his foot. He hated the circumstances around him at the moment, and he was near hating himself too. But right now he had another job to do.

Getting into his car, it's a fast drive to the TJY building. It was just getting dark.

Arriving inside, Carson makes his way across the main floor, nodding to a few people. He avoids contact with Reese, or any other high-ranking agents though, and slips down the hallway. Making it to the infirmary, he enters slowly, nodding to Rick, but heading for Misty's desk. A crooked grin forms. "Hey you."

He reaches over to spin her chair around, leaning down to engage her in a passionate kiss after not having seen her all day. Pulling away, he leaves his forehead resting against hers. "Do me a favor?" he asks quietly. "Get me access to the holding cell?"

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