
God's Love

*Misty sits and listens to everything Rick says not saying much but taking it all in. What she was hearing was crazy in a way but yet it was what it was, and Misty thought maybe she might of hurd this before somewhere. Misty liked stuff that wasent the normal anyways, she was intrested in it. Seeing the question in Rick's eyes Misty finally speaks her own mind on the meds.*

"Depression meds, or meds for those with mentil illness dosent fix the problem, or make it go away it only covers it up locking your emotions away so you cant feel again. Its like shoving pictured of people you lost into a box when you come across them because you dont want to remember them."

*Misty lets out a sigh as she stands and paces the room alittle herself.*

"From what I've gathered if Katie will die without your emotions. So, if you take these meds to hide your feelings, you'll be making yourself feel better, and those around you that are normal wont be intarupted by you anymore but what about Katie. Locking your feelings up will hurt her. Not to mention it will hurt you too. Sooner or later that box is going to run out of room and over flow causing more damage when it comes out this time."

*Misty sits back down and looks Jason in the eye for a moment a bit of worry behind her own.*

"Make sure you think through the consaquences before jumping into this Jason. You have no idea what the affect of this can be and what it might change. Some of it might be good, but I can feel a storm in the wind."

*Misty lets out another sigh before looking to Rick.*

"So do you think Katie can break things too or something?"

*Mable nods and gets a coke for Carson. Seting it down and giving a smile. Grabing a menu her heads around the counter to greet a couple that had just walked in.

Aerith leans aganst the bar and lets out a sigh as she sits next to Carson.*

"Man it seems to get busyer and busyer by the day here. I wonder if its the end of summer thats drawing them in."

*Herb takes a swig of his drink and shakes his head.*

"I dont think thats it. Its never been like this before. I think the new help we have gotten in has been whats drawing them in. Your kind smile and respect for people Aerith is deffintly a reason to want to come back. God's light shines in you Aerith and it draws people into it as it quenches there thirst and they wonder what it is that makes them want more.

And though you have only worked today Carson, you showed that you wouldent let people have something that was half good. If you made a mistake you went back and corrected it making sure it went out the right way the way the people wanted it. That says alot. Also you attitude in the kitchen can reflect in your cooking. When you got upset you burnt more stuff, when you got nervouse you droped plates. But not once did you give up walking out that proves your changing. Though you made mistakes and got frustrated you dident lose your temper that shows your learning. I threw you into the fire, and helped you along the way, and you dident complane or get upset with me. That shows your willingness to do follow directions and thats everything I wanted to see today.

God's touched you life to Carson. He's taken a person who wouldent thing twice about some horrable things that use to be done into someone who spaired a life, and has come so far since then. You made mistakes along the way but dont we all? God loves you the same and I'm glad your sitting here and now with us. I only hope that you can continue to grow and to keep you head up knowing things work out. God's giving you so many prescuse gifts you just have to look around for them.

Anyways I cant pay you as much as what you made at TJY, but I can offer you 9.50 an hour and have to work with me for lunch and help with prep. After you have the have of it we will slip you into breakfest and dinner. All I ask is you come into work, and work your hardest. So if you accept be here tomarrow at 11 am and I will show you how to prep for lunch and a few more things around the kitchen and than we can do the lunch rush all over again."

*Herb hold his hand out to Carson. God's love and glory is an amazing thing. It can forgive and forget anyone's mistakes looking twords a better tomarrow. Yes, God's love was amazing indeed.*


Scott pauses his meal. He can see Katie’s mind at work. He can see the tension in her face…the concern in her eyes…the hesitance in her behavior. It frightened him. He wasn’t sure why, but…it did.

Shoving aside his own feelings, he quickly finishes his sandwich. “Alright then. Let me drive you home and…I might see you later at work then.”

Standing, he puts his plate in the sink, and comes back to the table to give Katie’s shoulders a brief massage before leaning down to kiss her. “I know Jamie needs your help, but don’t work too hard, alright?”

Carson’s eyes widen as Herb takes him on for the lunch hour. Hesitant at first, he takes an apron and ties it around his waist. He hadn’t planned on this, but…if it would get him a job, it would be worth it.

Feeling a bit awkward, he tries to grasp everything Herb tells him, trying to memorize the kitchen and tools. It’s not easy to keep everything straight though, and he finds himself out of his element, making him feel clumsy and stupid some of the time.

…A plate of food clatters to the floor. That was the second time. Carson was tempted to just walk out. But he was in over his head now, and he couldn’t. Gritting his teeth, he cleans up the mess and starts over, glad Herb doesn’t reprimand, but still feeling like an idiot.

…Another burned burger. That was intelligent. Carson throws out the bad meat, kicking himself for not paying attention.

By the time Herb exits the kitchen and tells Carson he can do the same, he’s exhausted. Tired, frustrated, and feeling more stupid than he had in a long time. Instead of leaving right away, he slowly takes off his apron and leans back against the doorframe.

Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath. This was ridiculous. Why did he even think he could work here? Why did he even think he could work anywhere? The only thing he’d ever been good at was torturing and/or killing people. Any “normal” job and he was simply out of his element and all thumbs.

Heaving a sigh, Carson straightens and slowly heads to the front. He’d take Herb up on his offer for a free drink, but after this experience, it was probably time for him to leave.

Getting to the front, he goes around the counter to sink down on a stool. Shifting his baseball cap to rub his forehead, he nods to Mabel. “Right about now a coke sounds pretty good.”

Rick performs his own analysis as Misty does as she’s asked. While the two are working, Jason sits, stands, paces, sits, stands, stretches, and paces some more.

Finally as Misty hands Rick her printout, he thanks her and takes it to compare with his own. “I’m looking for….his voice trails off. “Fascinating.”

Jason looks over Rick’s shoulder, bypassing Misty. “What?”

Rick points at the two printouts. “Look at this…they’re significantly different.”

Jason squints at the information. “How about giving it to me in English?”

Rick chuckles and swivels around on his stool. He glances at Misty, knowing she doesn’t know everything, but for the moment, he’s not going to explain. He speaks to Jason, allowing her to listen or walk away, whatever she wants.

“Alright…these represent the chemical makeup in your bloodstream. Over time, as people age, the chemicals in their bodies change slightly – that’s a natural occurrence. However, unless there is an outside factor, chemical makeup’s don’t just change overnight – it’s a gradual process.” He pauses. “Yours changed in a matter of seconds.”

Jason crosses his arms. He still didn’t understand.

Rick continues and reaches for an older printout. “This is information on you from when you first started here. Comparing it to the first blood I took from you today, you look like a totally different person, chemical wise.”

Jason raises his eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“Yeah.” Rick nods. “It’s not possible.” He glances at misty again, knowing that this was where things got a little strange. “…but it’s right here. There have been significant changes in your chemical makeup, and my guess would be it’s been changing rapidly, especially lately.”


“And then today, I took a sample of right after you broke that jar.” Rick points to the other printout. “It’s amazing the stuff that showed up – I would think I had two different people in here.” His excitement at his discovery shows in his eyes. “This is amazing…I think it makes sense though, with how your emotions are and how that can affect a body.”

Jason just didn’t see what there was to get excited about. He was royally confused. His eyes drift to Misty, then back to Rick. “I…still don’t get it.”

“Okay, um…” Rick fishes for a way to explain. “Take, um…worry, for example. What happens when someone worries too much?”

“They…get sick?”

“Sure. Studies have proven that acid in the stomach increases with worry or stress. So right there is proof that a mental state can affect the body.”

“But…we’re talking chemical makeup here…not acid.”

“Okay, okay…” Rick gestures with his hands, simply fascinated with this study. “So if a bit of worry can cause stomach problems, how about getting really upset? When you’re intensely upset, it makes you sick. You break out in a sweat, you get a fever, you throw up.”

“That’s hardly a bit of acid.”

“But we’re not talking normal here!” Rick looks Jason in the eye. “Do you feel normal?”

“Not at the moment.”

“Alright then. Take a ‘normal’ person…they have an average emotional level. They may worry or might have a hot temper, but generally speaking, their emotions would affect their bodies in a gradual manner. It might result in an ulcer down the road, but it’s gradual, and it doesn’t bring them to their knees in a matter of seconds. Now…” Rick rests his hand on the printouts. “Take you. Your emotions are off the charts. You know that, I know that, and Katie certainly knows that. You’re a…a…walking emotional time bomb.”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Thanks.”

“Well it’s true. So…when you’re walking around day-to-day, your emotions don’t affect you all that severely… You’ve certainly got a lot more going on than a normal person, but you’re calm, without a lot of stress. Then something happens…take one of your attacks. And boom! Your emotions explode. They go haywire. We know this because of Katie’s reactions. So then…that’s like a normal person multiplied by a hundred in a hundred years all packed in to one instant. Take that combination and what do you get? An instant chemical reaction that results in a physical reaction – you sweat, you get a fever, you vomit.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. Maybe this was starting to make a little sense. “Okay…”

“You get what I’m saying?”

“I think so. So…instead of gradual effect on my body like a normal person’s worry would do, when I have an attack, or anything that sets my emotions reeling, it’s so much that it happens much more quickly.”


Jason leans back against the counter, still pondering. “Alright…but what about this chemical thing? I don’t get it.”

Rick knows this is hard for Jason, but to him, it was too intriguing not to be a little excited about it. “Your emotions are so strong…they form such a force that you can actually break things, right?”


“Okay…so those same emotions are locked inside unless you let them out. What do you think they’re doing to your body?”

“So you’re saying that not only do my emotions in general affect my body and might make me sick, but they’re actually strong enough that they’re manipulating my actual…makeup?”

Rick sees the disbelief and tries to explain more. He knows all of this probably sounds utterly crazy to Misty, but he stays at an even keel, behaving as though this were nothing to be worried about or anything to cause alarm. “Yeah, I think so. If your emotions can manipulate matter, why not? They’re stirring around inside of you, building up, gaining power, they’re going to move things around.”
He pauses, thinking. “The only way I came to the conclusion that your emotions were what were actually making you sick when you have an attack, is seeing this chemical imbalance. It’s a vicious cycle too, because when an imbalance comes along, that just feeds emotions even more – usually negatively. And…” Rick holds up a finger. “Here’s something else to think about. You’re not a diabetic. But what do you have a problem with?”


“Right. All studies on your body would conclude that your pancreas is working just fine. You’re a very healthy individual. You just have a tendency to get low on sugar. But if I didn’t know you, I’d say you were a diabetic on insulin. You shouldn’t have such severe nosedives. Oh, get a little lightheaded maybe, but not like what you have. That’s always been a mystery. But get this…when do you have the most trouble with it?”

“When I’m upset?”

“Exactly. Your emotions are shifting your chemical makeup, just like these printouts show. If they can break objects, surely they can work on your own body. They attack your one physical weakness. A chemical shift like this could cause anyone’s body to do weird things.”

Jason frowns. “So you’re telling me that it’s not my pancreas that causes the problem, it’s my emotions.”


Jason straightens a little, unable to swallow all of this. “You’re kidding me, right?”

“Do I look like I’m kidding?” Rick shakes his head. “It makes sense, Jase. Now, the problem didn’t start with the emotions, but it wouldn’t be as severe otherwise. But with the emotions in the mix, you have to watch it as much as a diabetic does.”

Jason gives a deep sigh. This was unreal. It shouldn’t be possible. But…it was happening. What about his attacks in general though? Did the stem from his rampant emotions or were they just amplified by them? “What about my nightmares? Do you have a theory now?”

“What’s the most traumatic emotional experience you’ve ever had?”

“Being abducted.”

“And that’s your nightmare, right?”

“Yes. But it had been so long! I was doing well!”

Rick nods. “A volcano will lay quiet for years before it explodes.”

“A volcano…”

“It HAD been a long time since you had an attack. I think that’s why this was so severe. See, this emotional thing you have attacks your one physical weakness, naturally. Why not your one mental weakness? All those emotions…all that you’ve been feeling has been building…just building pressure inside. Finally something triggers a memory and wham! There’s its chance to erupt. It latches on and drags you down, feeding off that traumatic memory. In turn it just makes itself more powerful by creating even more emotions and needs to be released. It’s…it’s a poison that kills you when it attacks.”

Jason has a difficult time wrapping his mind around all of this. There were so many pieces…was Rick really putting them together correctly? “Okay, so…first, my everyday spikes in emotions, such as worry or anxiety are enough to bring my sugar down because that’s a weak spot, and the chemical disruption is enough to push it over the edge. We didn’t notice this because that can be controlled by food, which is what I’ve been doing.” He counts on his fingers. “Second, when I have an attack, it’s enough to actually make me sick on the spot. My emotions are severe enough that they actually disrupt my whole body. And third, the attacks are actually brought on by pent-up emotions themselves, simply triggered by a traumatic memory.”

“Right.” Rick nods with decision. Maybe he was crazy, and maybe after this Misty would recommend he be taken to a loony bin, but as far as he was concerned, he was on the right path. “That’s what I think it’s all about.”

“So why aren’t I dead? If a normal person’s worry can cause ulcers, why hasn’t my emotional rampage caused all sorts of problems?”

“That I can’t answer. But my guess would be that your body somehow compensates for it. When you have an attack, it’s too quick and your body can’t handle it. But afterward, and on a normal basis, it’s able to heal itself from the chemical reactions going on, and…I guess that’s just part of this whole thing.”

Jason thinks for several long moments. He was confused, he was frustrated…this all was just a lot to process. He did feel one step closer though to understanding. Rick had put some pieces together, and it helped. “So if I can get my emotions under control and to a normal level, I’ll have this thing licked.”

Rick hesitates. “I don’t know if that’s possible, Jason.”

“It has to be.”

“You’ve got to stop thinking of yourself as a normal person,” Rick reminds. “This…thing… this… power… gift…. Whatever you call it, is inside of you, and it’s there not because you put it there yourself. It was something you were born with.”

“So you’re saying I can’t control it.”

“I’m saying I’m not sure.” Rick purses his lips. “Even though you let your emotions flow, you let them out now and again, and you’ve figured out how to control them quite well, these attacks….I think they’ll still come. Take the volcano illustration. There’s magma flowing all the time under the surface. It moves freely. Gas and steam is released through cracks in the earth’s surface, letting out pressure. For the most part, it’s under control. But eventually, that volcano gets to a point where that’s just not enough and…”


“Yep.” Rick nods again.

“So there’s nothing I can do. No matter what, I’ll always fall eventually.”

Rick searches his young friend’s eyes. He wished a solution was as easy to find as the evidence. “I don’t know. You’re one big ball of emotion…I’m not convinced you can help that.”

“So how come Katie can calm me down?”

Rick shrugs. “If I had a chance to do an analysis on her like I just did you, it might make a little more sense. But as far as I can tell, that’s the unexplainable connection. She has a gift too, and apparently, that’s drawing out emotions. You use the emotions, they overtake you…she draws them out. It’s been proven she can’t survive without them. And it’s been proven that you can’t survive without her drawing them out. Your emotions are a poison that kills you and a medicine that keeps her alive. If you can’t get rid of it, it takes you down. If she gets none it takes her down – and give her an overdose, and it takes her for quite a ride as well.”

It was a paradox. A circumstance that could be dissected, studied and explained mathematically. But in the end, it still could not be fully understood. The way Jason’s and Katie’s minds were connected…how they could communicate…there was no way to explain that, and it couldn’t be put on paper. To some it might sound exciting…it was a scientific phenomenon. But to Jason…it wasn’t something he was excited about. “Why? Why, Rick? Why is this happening? Why me? Why Katie?”

“I don’t know, Jason…I don’t know.”

Jason looks down, ironically finding it hard to control his feelings right now. “I want to get rid of it.”

Rick lifts his eyebrows. “We’ve just concluded that it’s not that easy.”

“You mentioned meds once.”

Rick is hesitant. He didn’t like that idea. “I did mention it, but…”

“Look, I’ll try anything, Rick.” Jason sets his jaw with determination. “I’m tired of being a burden to other people. I’m tired of disrupting other people’s lives.”

“What about your own?” Rick’s question hits hard. “What are you willing to sacrifice?”

Jason’s desperation runs deep. “Anything if it will stop the pain.”

Rick takes a breath and lets it out slowly. “I’ve got some stuff you can try to balance your body’s chemicals. It’s…usually used for someone with a mental problem…someone with an imbalance. If your emotions make things out of balance, it might….numb the effects.” His eyes move to Misty again, question in his gaze. She knew as much as anyone now after all of this…what were her thoughts?


*Kaite sets her purse down and bends down to Domino just stairing at her for a moment. Reaching to grab the toy she cringes a bit feeling the slobber. Taking aim she toss the toy down the hall and watches the small dog bound after it. This goes on back and forth for a little bit with Domino until lunch is ready.

Eating her food quietly Katie is silent for a while geting alittle lost in though but Scott's question draws her back.*

"Humm...? Oh, mmm...I'm not sure."

*Katie thinks for a moment taking a bit of her food. She was tired all she really wanted to do was sleep. Last night had taken alot out of her. But dispite how much she did maybe going into work would do her good. It would keep her mind off things and thats something she needed right now.*

"I probley will end up going into work. I have to help Jamie out as much as I can. I dont want her to get behind and with all these wedding coming up thats all thats going to happen if we dont stay on top of it."

*Wedding, marrige, what kind of life would that be for Scott. Katie always having to run away to save another mans life. Always having to take time out of there personal time. Katie dident mind, but in a sence maybe she minded more for Scott than herself. Katie new that it hurt him even though he dident say it. She could see it in his eyes. Hurting Scott was the last thing she wanted to do to someone she held dear.*

*Herb looks up as he see Carson and gives alittle wave. As Rick works around the kitchen he listens to Carson and is silent for a long moment.*

"Well I dont see any reason why I shouldent higher you. Ok, your interview is today, now. Grab an aprin and come in here so I can show you some stuff fast before the lunch rush starts."

*Herb still makes his way around the kitchen getting things ready.*

"Ok, So this here is the prep area. You have everything you need to make a burger. All the names of the burgers explain themself. We dont have anything named like funky beef battered melt or anything. Pretty much for lunch we mostly get Burgers, Chicken fingers...the fryer is there you just push the button and it will time it for you. Everything we make it fresh we dont heat anything up. Sometimes it take longer for the food to come out but its worth it and thats why people keep coming back."

*Once finished Mable puts up an order in the spinner rack. Herb takes it and read off the ticket as he throws 2 burgers in the frying pan.*

"I need you to make two set ups for lettus, tomato backen melts and drop some frys."

* As Herb finishes Aerith puts two orders up in the window and smiles when she see Carson giving alittle wave.*

"Hey Carson! I dident even hear you come in."

*Aerith than turns and goes back to help more people who piled in the door.

As the minues pass more orders fly in the window from Aerith and Mable. Keeping the boys in the back more than busy. The orders go at a slowly pace than normal as Carson continues to learn. Herb correcting him on what goes on what. Giving him quick tips when he burns sometime or mixed something up. Having to make new orders when place are dropped, but through it all Herb dosent get a rough tone in his voice as he corrects and shows Carson a few trick and though orders pile on and some people end up leaving It dosent seem to faze anyone.

The hours seem to pass fast and Carson and Herb continue to work in the back trying to stay balanced on the floor that was now a mess. Finally the orders stop coming and everything goes quiet. What a lunch rush that had been. Herb makes his way out of the kitchen and starts to head up front truning to Carson.*

"You can take the aprin off now and come up front and get a drink free of charge before you go home."

*Herb turn and makes his way up front to where Mable and Aerith are relaxing as well after such a rush.*

*Misty trys to consintrate on her work as Jason and Rick talk trying to mind her own busness But as the glass shatters into the sink for no reason it cuases her to jump looking back to Rick and Jason. Uneasy for a moment but than goes back to he work onlt to be intarupted my Rick again testing Jason's blood. Misty looks up at him a bit confused but takes them anyways.*

"Umm...ok. I'll do it now."

*Misty moves to another table and starts the test. As she waits she gives alittle smile to Jason.*

As hour pass and the test are finally done Misty rips the paper from the printer and brings it over to Rick.*

"What are you looking for?"

Figuring it out

Domino races down the hall to Scott's bedroom where she emerges a few minutes later with a squeaky chew toy, bounding back to Katie. Dropping the slobbery plastic at her feet, she looks up at her with anticipation, tensed to chase it should Katie decide to join in the play.

Scott watches as he prepares lunch, a grin forming. He loved having Katie here...it wouldn't be too long now until she would be here all the time. That thought alone was enough to keep him from dwelling on last night's events.

It doesn't take long before Scott and Katie are enjoying a light lunch in the kitchen. "I called in to Reese," Scott comments before taking a bite of his sandwich. "Told him I'd be in late and I didn't know if you'd be in or not. What are you planning to do today?"

Carson raises his eyebrows, a little surprised at Mabel's response. He'd half expected to be thrown out. But she didn't seem to mind one bit, the thought of having him around.

Thanking her, he goes to where she has directed, and winds up in the kitchen. The strong smell of garlic and onions hits his nose, the sound of sizzling meat making his mouth water.

Spotting Herb, he gives a little wave. "Mabel said I could come back. I, um...was wondering if you needed any help around here. I'm...I'm looking for work."

Jason enters TJY with one goal in mind - get past the main floor without being bombarded with questions. He wasn't supposed to be back to work yet...most everyone knew he should be out camping.

"Hey, Jason." Laura smiles and gives a wave from her cubicle, but then stops. "What are you doing here?"

Jason just keeps on walking and returns a short wave. "Long story." Heading for the hall, he sees Nate, but just offers a nod without stopping to chat. Making it to the hall, he almost runs into Reese.

"Whoa, Jason. Hey, you're supposed to be out of town."

"Yeah...well, things changed."

Reese quirks an eyebrow. "Anything wrong?"

Jason forces a smile even though he didn't mean it. "Nothing I can't handle. Just a rough night."

"Rough night, huh? Must be going around." Reese shakes his head. "That's what Scott said on the phone this morning, so he's coming in late and Katie may not be in at all."

"Oh?" Jason can feel his stomach turn.

"Yeah." Reese studies Jason for a moment, getting a strange feeling. "You wouldn't..."

"Nope, don't know a thing." Jason sidles past him and continues his route. "I don't know how long I'll be here today," he calls over his shoulder. "Pretend I'm still gone."

Reese's eyes follow him and he shrugs. "Alright..."

Jason rolls his eyes and finally opens the door to the infirmary, slipping inside. Seeing Misty at her desk, he almost changes his mind about this, but knows he can't. Finding Rick, he goes to him, keeping his voice low. "I need your help."

Rick's eyebrows rise. "You're supposed to be gone. What's wrong?"

Jason looks down for a moment, swallowing hard. "I...I had an attack."


"Yeah." Jason looks back up at him. "It was bad, and...Katie had to come."

"It didn't wear off?"

"No." Jason's eyes plead with Rick. "I have to figure this thing out...it's disrupting lives...I can't keep doing this."

Sensing the desperation, Rick sets a hand on his shoulder. "Alright...just take it easy. Go on to the table and sit down. I'll be right there."

Jason nods and obeys, going to sit down, rubbing his sore knee. He doesn't dare to look over at Misty. Whether he liked it or not, she'd probably find out everything, but for now he'd just as soon avoid that conversation.

Rick finishes up what he was doing, and returns quickly sitting down to ask Jason about what really happened. Hearing about the night, he gives a deep sigh, his mind reeling with questions that there might just not be answers to. When Jason is finished, Rick stands and starts to pace a little, trying to fit all the pieces together. "Do you always get sick when this happens?"

"Um...I usually always break out in a cold sweat...they say I shake pretty bad...I don't know that I've ever had a fever like I did last night...then sometimes when it's all over I end up throwing up, but not always. Just when it's been bad."

"Hmm." Rick rubs his forehead. "There's a connection there somewhere." Heaving a deep sigh, he retrieves a syringe and preps Jason's arm to draw some blood. "I don't know what this will tell us, but there seems to be a clash between your mental state and your physical state, and since we can't figure out the mental end of it, we might as well try to figure out the physical end of it." After drawing the blood, he questions Jason further, retrieving yet another syringe. "Are you still breaking things?"

Jason raises an eyebrow. "What?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

Jason looks down. "I've...experimented a little."



"Hmm." Rick points to a jar that's in the sink a short ways away. "How about it?"

"What?" Jason's eyes widen. "You want me to...."

"Yes." Rick holds his syringe ready. "I have a hunch."

"But what about..." Jason glances in Misty's direction.

Rick shrugs. "You can trust her. And we might need her help anyway. So come on...can you do it?"

Jason sighs deeply and finally nods. "Okay." Looking at the jar a distance away, he digs down deep for the negative emotions that he could emit. Anger was the strongest and he pulls it out, letting the pressure build and intensify. Concentrating on the jar it takes about twenty second for silence, and suddenly the jar bursts, sending shards of glass clattering in the sink, some flying out onto the floor.

A prick to his skin startles him and he sees Rick drawing more blood. "What..."

Rick gives a nod. "Thank you."

Jason is just a bit confused...Rick wasn't even surprised anymore at what was happening...Jason himself was weirded out more than Rick was about this whole thing.

Rick finishes drawing blood and give another satisfied nod. "Alright. I want you just to sit back and relax a while, eh? I'm going to do some research." Taking both small vials of blood, Rick approaches Misty and hands one to her. "Sorry to interrupt your work, but I need you do a chemical analysis on this right now and give me a printout of the results."

Talk to Herb

*Kaite smiles as the pull into Scott's driveway. It felt good to be home already, maybe she would be able to get alittle bit of rest. Getting out of the car Katie follows Scott inside.*

"I love your cooking Scott. Your so good at it."

*As Domino jumps on Katie's leg she cant help but laugh bending down and giving her a pat on the head.*

"Aww...I missed you to little girl. Where's your toy huh? Go get it."

*Katie points into the other room.*

*Mable dosent miss a beat or hesatate one bit, to someone who dident know they past they wouldent know anything even happend with Mable and Herb's daughter and Carson. No tention, no expression change except for the smile crossed Mable's face.*

"One sec let me get Herb."

*Mable dissapears into the backroom to only emerge again and give a nod to Carson.*

"Just go through those door's there and and take a left into the kitchen. Herb knows your coming back just let him know your looking for a job."

*Mable continues to smile and greets customers as they start to pile in for the lunch rush.*

One more

Scott looks over to Katie, seeing her weariness. It was almost noon by now after their long walk and drive back to town. He wasn’t the hungriest, but they both needed something to eat.

Instead of going anywhere downtown though, Scott simply drives to his own house. Parking, he nods to Katie. “If you don’t care, then Scott’s kitchen it is, if you can stand some more of my cooking. Come on.” Getting out, he leads the way inside.

Domino barks excitedly and runs around in circles, barely gaining traction on the tiled floor of the kitchen. She wiggles and jumps up on Katie’s leg, her ears back as she begs for attention.

Scott grins as he throws his jacket over a chair. “I’d say she’s missed you.”

Carson settles down on a stool at the counter an chuckles at Mabel. “Something tells me you don’t have what I’d like to drink a the moment.” He shakes his head, tapping his fingers absentmindedly on the counter. “Actually…” He hesitates. “I’m sort of…in need of a job.”

He looks at Mabel, half expecting her to turn him away. “Misty said you might have something open and…well…” his eyes lower. “I guess already being late on my rent is a good enough reason to ask about work.”

Dani opens her mailbox and looks inside, then gives a sigh. Still nothing. It had been three months. She had heard absolutely nothing. She was beginning to give up hope.

Trudging back inside her apartment, she flops down in a chair. The number she had for Carson’s cell phone no longer worked…he must have gotten a different number, or no longer had a phone at all. She’d been able to find an address, but had had no luck there either. None of her letters had been returned, but that didn’t mean he was still there. For all she knew, he had been put in jail after he’d left California before. But she’d never been called to testify or anything. Was that really how it would have worked?

Dani’s mind goes back to the short time spent with her brother. She’d had a real hope of reestablishing something with him…what had happened? She didn’t know who to ask…who to call…how would she find out if he were in jail? Or was he simply not wanting to be in contact with her? That’s what she feared more than him being in jail.

One more letter…she would try one more time.

Jason pulls his truck into the TJY parking lot, but just sits and waits for a short while. They hadn’t taken their time on the trail…Kyle had insisted they simply go straight back down so everyone could get home…so Jason could get home.

He loathed the reason. He hated it that it was his fault. He’d ruined everyone’s vacation, not to mention he’d messed up Katie’s night and day too.

Heaving a sigh, he gets out of his truck. He’d only stopped by home for a moment before coming here. Early afternoon…Rick should be in. And he’s just the person Jason needed to see.