
God's Love

*Misty sits and listens to everything Rick says not saying much but taking it all in. What she was hearing was crazy in a way but yet it was what it was, and Misty thought maybe she might of hurd this before somewhere. Misty liked stuff that wasent the normal anyways, she was intrested in it. Seeing the question in Rick's eyes Misty finally speaks her own mind on the meds.*

"Depression meds, or meds for those with mentil illness dosent fix the problem, or make it go away it only covers it up locking your emotions away so you cant feel again. Its like shoving pictured of people you lost into a box when you come across them because you dont want to remember them."

*Misty lets out a sigh as she stands and paces the room alittle herself.*

"From what I've gathered if Katie will die without your emotions. So, if you take these meds to hide your feelings, you'll be making yourself feel better, and those around you that are normal wont be intarupted by you anymore but what about Katie. Locking your feelings up will hurt her. Not to mention it will hurt you too. Sooner or later that box is going to run out of room and over flow causing more damage when it comes out this time."

*Misty sits back down and looks Jason in the eye for a moment a bit of worry behind her own.*

"Make sure you think through the consaquences before jumping into this Jason. You have no idea what the affect of this can be and what it might change. Some of it might be good, but I can feel a storm in the wind."

*Misty lets out another sigh before looking to Rick.*

"So do you think Katie can break things too or something?"

*Mable nods and gets a coke for Carson. Seting it down and giving a smile. Grabing a menu her heads around the counter to greet a couple that had just walked in.

Aerith leans aganst the bar and lets out a sigh as she sits next to Carson.*

"Man it seems to get busyer and busyer by the day here. I wonder if its the end of summer thats drawing them in."

*Herb takes a swig of his drink and shakes his head.*

"I dont think thats it. Its never been like this before. I think the new help we have gotten in has been whats drawing them in. Your kind smile and respect for people Aerith is deffintly a reason to want to come back. God's light shines in you Aerith and it draws people into it as it quenches there thirst and they wonder what it is that makes them want more.

And though you have only worked today Carson, you showed that you wouldent let people have something that was half good. If you made a mistake you went back and corrected it making sure it went out the right way the way the people wanted it. That says alot. Also you attitude in the kitchen can reflect in your cooking. When you got upset you burnt more stuff, when you got nervouse you droped plates. But not once did you give up walking out that proves your changing. Though you made mistakes and got frustrated you dident lose your temper that shows your learning. I threw you into the fire, and helped you along the way, and you dident complane or get upset with me. That shows your willingness to do follow directions and thats everything I wanted to see today.

God's touched you life to Carson. He's taken a person who wouldent thing twice about some horrable things that use to be done into someone who spaired a life, and has come so far since then. You made mistakes along the way but dont we all? God loves you the same and I'm glad your sitting here and now with us. I only hope that you can continue to grow and to keep you head up knowing things work out. God's giving you so many prescuse gifts you just have to look around for them.

Anyways I cant pay you as much as what you made at TJY, but I can offer you 9.50 an hour and have to work with me for lunch and help with prep. After you have the have of it we will slip you into breakfest and dinner. All I ask is you come into work, and work your hardest. So if you accept be here tomarrow at 11 am and I will show you how to prep for lunch and a few more things around the kitchen and than we can do the lunch rush all over again."

*Herb hold his hand out to Carson. God's love and glory is an amazing thing. It can forgive and forget anyone's mistakes looking twords a better tomarrow. Yes, God's love was amazing indeed.*

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