

*Kaite sets her purse down and bends down to Domino just stairing at her for a moment. Reaching to grab the toy she cringes a bit feeling the slobber. Taking aim she toss the toy down the hall and watches the small dog bound after it. This goes on back and forth for a little bit with Domino until lunch is ready.

Eating her food quietly Katie is silent for a while geting alittle lost in though but Scott's question draws her back.*

"Humm...? Oh, mmm...I'm not sure."

*Katie thinks for a moment taking a bit of her food. She was tired all she really wanted to do was sleep. Last night had taken alot out of her. But dispite how much she did maybe going into work would do her good. It would keep her mind off things and thats something she needed right now.*

"I probley will end up going into work. I have to help Jamie out as much as I can. I dont want her to get behind and with all these wedding coming up thats all thats going to happen if we dont stay on top of it."

*Wedding, marrige, what kind of life would that be for Scott. Katie always having to run away to save another mans life. Always having to take time out of there personal time. Katie dident mind, but in a sence maybe she minded more for Scott than herself. Katie new that it hurt him even though he dident say it. She could see it in his eyes. Hurting Scott was the last thing she wanted to do to someone she held dear.*

*Herb looks up as he see Carson and gives alittle wave. As Rick works around the kitchen he listens to Carson and is silent for a long moment.*

"Well I dont see any reason why I shouldent higher you. Ok, your interview is today, now. Grab an aprin and come in here so I can show you some stuff fast before the lunch rush starts."

*Herb still makes his way around the kitchen getting things ready.*

"Ok, So this here is the prep area. You have everything you need to make a burger. All the names of the burgers explain themself. We dont have anything named like funky beef battered melt or anything. Pretty much for lunch we mostly get Burgers, Chicken fingers...the fryer is there you just push the button and it will time it for you. Everything we make it fresh we dont heat anything up. Sometimes it take longer for the food to come out but its worth it and thats why people keep coming back."

*Once finished Mable puts up an order in the spinner rack. Herb takes it and read off the ticket as he throws 2 burgers in the frying pan.*

"I need you to make two set ups for lettus, tomato backen melts and drop some frys."

* As Herb finishes Aerith puts two orders up in the window and smiles when she see Carson giving alittle wave.*

"Hey Carson! I dident even hear you come in."

*Aerith than turns and goes back to help more people who piled in the door.

As the minues pass more orders fly in the window from Aerith and Mable. Keeping the boys in the back more than busy. The orders go at a slowly pace than normal as Carson continues to learn. Herb correcting him on what goes on what. Giving him quick tips when he burns sometime or mixed something up. Having to make new orders when place are dropped, but through it all Herb dosent get a rough tone in his voice as he corrects and shows Carson a few trick and though orders pile on and some people end up leaving It dosent seem to faze anyone.

The hours seem to pass fast and Carson and Herb continue to work in the back trying to stay balanced on the floor that was now a mess. Finally the orders stop coming and everything goes quiet. What a lunch rush that had been. Herb makes his way out of the kitchen and starts to head up front truning to Carson.*

"You can take the aprin off now and come up front and get a drink free of charge before you go home."

*Herb turn and makes his way up front to where Mable and Aerith are relaxing as well after such a rush.*

*Misty trys to consintrate on her work as Jason and Rick talk trying to mind her own busness But as the glass shatters into the sink for no reason it cuases her to jump looking back to Rick and Jason. Uneasy for a moment but than goes back to he work onlt to be intarupted my Rick again testing Jason's blood. Misty looks up at him a bit confused but takes them anyways.*

"Umm...ok. I'll do it now."

*Misty moves to another table and starts the test. As she waits she gives alittle smile to Jason.*

As hour pass and the test are finally done Misty rips the paper from the printer and brings it over to Rick.*

"What are you looking for?"

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