
One more

Scott looks over to Katie, seeing her weariness. It was almost noon by now after their long walk and drive back to town. He wasn’t the hungriest, but they both needed something to eat.

Instead of going anywhere downtown though, Scott simply drives to his own house. Parking, he nods to Katie. “If you don’t care, then Scott’s kitchen it is, if you can stand some more of my cooking. Come on.” Getting out, he leads the way inside.

Domino barks excitedly and runs around in circles, barely gaining traction on the tiled floor of the kitchen. She wiggles and jumps up on Katie’s leg, her ears back as she begs for attention.

Scott grins as he throws his jacket over a chair. “I’d say she’s missed you.”

Carson settles down on a stool at the counter an chuckles at Mabel. “Something tells me you don’t have what I’d like to drink a the moment.” He shakes his head, tapping his fingers absentmindedly on the counter. “Actually…” He hesitates. “I’m sort of…in need of a job.”

He looks at Mabel, half expecting her to turn him away. “Misty said you might have something open and…well…” his eyes lower. “I guess already being late on my rent is a good enough reason to ask about work.”

Dani opens her mailbox and looks inside, then gives a sigh. Still nothing. It had been three months. She had heard absolutely nothing. She was beginning to give up hope.

Trudging back inside her apartment, she flops down in a chair. The number she had for Carson’s cell phone no longer worked…he must have gotten a different number, or no longer had a phone at all. She’d been able to find an address, but had had no luck there either. None of her letters had been returned, but that didn’t mean he was still there. For all she knew, he had been put in jail after he’d left California before. But she’d never been called to testify or anything. Was that really how it would have worked?

Dani’s mind goes back to the short time spent with her brother. She’d had a real hope of reestablishing something with him…what had happened? She didn’t know who to ask…who to call…how would she find out if he were in jail? Or was he simply not wanting to be in contact with her? That’s what she feared more than him being in jail.

One more letter…she would try one more time.

Jason pulls his truck into the TJY parking lot, but just sits and waits for a short while. They hadn’t taken their time on the trail…Kyle had insisted they simply go straight back down so everyone could get home…so Jason could get home.

He loathed the reason. He hated it that it was his fault. He’d ruined everyone’s vacation, not to mention he’d messed up Katie’s night and day too.

Heaving a sigh, he gets out of his truck. He’d only stopped by home for a moment before coming here. Early afternoon…Rick should be in. And he’s just the person Jason needed to see.

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