

As Gunner brings his hand up to meet hers Bree cant feel something inside her jump. It was almost like an electric jolt, with a million and one strange feelings passing thought her at once. She new what some of them ment though she had never felt them before, but she wondered if it was only in her head.

Feeling Gunner's own heart beating in seemed to be in toon with her own. Racing, and making her tremble so softly. These emotions felt nice but at the same time they startled her.

"A tire iron, that had to hurt."

Bree's words were still a soft whisper looking into Gunner's eyes it was so much differnt now. They were the same eyes but they seemed to hold so much more.

Feeling Gunner draw close to her Bree thought her heart was going to leap out of her chest. Gunner's breath brushing across her skin send chills up her spin as she anticipated what would come next even though she had no idea how to do it.

But than seeing Gunner draw away again, Bree couldnt help the small disapointment that seemed to hit her heart though she had no idea why. She didnt even know how to kiss someone. Why did it seem to disappoint her so.

Feeling a little heat come to Bree's face again She looks down at Gunner's hand on top of hers and moving just fingers just slightly on his chest Bree liked how his hand looks on her.

Looking up deep into Gunner's eyes again it still felt like all air was gone from the room but she had to speak anyways.

"I guess you probley should so your not late. Maybe we can meet up for a float later or something."

It was him, not me

Gunner's eyebrows lift a little as he sees how red Bree's face is. Then seeing her eyes move about, he suddenly realizes just what happened. And he felt stupid. He'd embarrassed her. She was probably upset and just afraid to tell him so. He hadn't meant to.... he hadn't thought... Well, that was the trouble - he hadn't thought at all. Here he was, running around not fully clothed, and hadn't even considered the fact that there was a woman in the house. He was just so comfortable with Bree that he hadn't thought a thing about it.

As his folded shirt slides off onto the couch, his brain tells him to get up, finish dressing and go to work. But he's stopped by Bree's hand. It was amazing how soft a touch she had... how light her fingers were, yet they held the power to keep him there. His pulse speeds up as an odd tingle shoots from every movement of Bree's fingers. He was sure as her hands moved over his chest that she could feel his heart beating rapidly, and his face grows warm.

He feels frozen in place, suddenly everything else forgotten. Work, what time it was, breakfast... all that he saw were Bree's eyes that gradually moved up to meet his. And suddenly, they were not the same eyes he had seen before. No... they were so much deeper... so much clearer, as if he could see the stars right through them.

Blinking, he snaps himself out of the stare, almost choking on the breath he'd been holding. These feelings were completely foreign to him... they were nothing like he'd ever had before, and they confused him. He thought he knew what they meant, but was it true?

Swallowing hard, he reaches up to place his palm over her hand, holding it in place. He could feel his own heart now, racing like mad. He knew now she could feel it too, and wondered if it frightened her as much as it did him.

"That was from a tire iron," he comments softly, his eyes still on hers. "Arresting a guy who hid in an auto shop... week in the hospital for that one."

His pulse still quickened, he feels drawn towards Bree for reasons he couldn't explain. Still holding her hand to his chest, his face moves ever so slightly until he could feel her breath on his skin. His eyes move down to her lips, then back up again and he felt just like he had the other night. But just like the other night, he felt horribly inept. Straightening again, he tries to speak, though his voice seemed to have left him. "I... I have to go to work."


Staring at Kip still trying to decided if he was ok or not Karla takes a few steps twards him as he sits on the curb. Looking to Rin who was anxtous that his master was going near a stranger she raises her hands to him signaling him to wait.

"I might be a shy person, but I dont like just leaving someone to die. Anyways Rin never would of let me just pass by without making sure you were ok."

Squaring down a little to look at Kip in the yes she could tell something was wrong. Maybe he was just having a bad day but his face was red, and he just didnt look good at all.

"You sure you dont need anything I can help with?"

"Some people are just stupid and think they own the road. Sorry they messed your bike up. Where ya headed and I will take you all the way."

Waiting for Ty to put his bike in the back and than get into the veical finally the woman drives off. Silent for a little while a few glances where stolen at her passanger. He looked about the same age as herself and he had some good looks on him two. That was always a pulse.

"Well, since your ridding with me I guess you might as well know my name right? I'm Libby."

Feeling Gunner sit down next to her Bree continues to look at the blank TV but in its reflection is was Gunner she was not still looking at. His shirt off still, and much closer now that she could feel the tingles run up her back.

Continuing to look at the reflection Bree battles with her own mind not replying to Gunner right away. This was crazy was why simply seeing Gunner without a shirt on making her feel a crazy buzz and a heart she never had before.

Turning to Gunner again Bree can feel her face is still red but she didnt want Gunner to think something really was wrong.

"No...just a hot flash."

Was all she could manage to whisper. Her eyes move from Gunner's face down to his chest maping his muscles with her eyes until she looked up back up into his eyes. Her own face still very read but her eyes held something different. Before Gunner hand been handsome to her, but now...now she thought a whole lot more that she never though her mind could ever think.

Going to look away again two scars catch Bree's eyes. One on Gunner's bicept and one on his chest. Not even relizing why she was doing it Bree reaches a shaky hand out and ran it up Gunner's arm till it reaches the scar. Her touch soft even though her fingers trembled a little. Running the tips over the scar for a moment before letting her hand go over his shoulder, and down his chest till her fingers reaches the other scar. The tips of her fingers running over the scar from left to right. Feeling the soft skin under her fingers.

Looking up at Gunner in the eyes again Bree's eyes hold wonder to what they were from but it felt like all the air had been sucked out of her to even whisper any words.

Second time

As Gunner's tying his shoes, he suddenly gets a strange feeling, not hearing Bree respond right away. Glancing up, he sees her turn and sit down, staring at a blank television. He blinks in confusion, wondering what on earth... her stammering response makes him even more confused.

Standing up, he slings his shirt over his shoulder and wanders over to where she's sitting, still clueless as to what had happened, and eases down next to her. "You... won't eat anybody out of house and home by eating breakfast," he reasons.

Cocking his head, he studies Bree's red face. "You alright?"

Kip is a little startled - usually no one approached him in this area of town. Straightening just as little, he turns his eyes to see the pretty young woman. Shaking his head a little, he waves off the water. "No... thanks though." He'd been stupid to run as hard as he had, but that's what he usually ended up doing when he was frustrated or upset. It kept him from lashing out at his friends.

Sinking down to sit on the curb, his pulse still raced, his breathing still heavy as his lungs tried to provide enough air. As sweaty as he was, he knew he needed to get moving again before he got cold, but he just needed another minute or two.

"No, I need more than a bottle of water," he comments ruefully. "Appreciate the thought though. Most people would rather watch me from a block away and call 911 if they saw me pass out."

Ty stops and turns to the strange pickup, lifting his eyebrows. Looking through the window at the young woman, he's ready to turn her offer down. He didn't usually accept offers for rides.... but come on.... she hardly looked dangerous. And he really didn't want to walk all the way back home.

Sighing, he nods. "Thanks... not much for walking today."

Getting his bike put in the back, he then slides in the passenger side. "Just taking me a few blocks is going to help. I wasn't planning on walking today." He rolls his eyes in disgust, turning his arm so he could get a better look at his long scrape. "Didn't plan on this either. That's the second time someone's pushed me off the road."