

Nate's eyes become stern, as his body stiffens. He new this wasnt going to be easy but he has a glimmer of hope that maybe it would of been. Nate hated it but he new it had to be done.

His eyes darking a little bit as he trys to shut out his own emotions and feelings for his friend. Straghting in the chair a little more than casual Nate speaks again his voice taking on a harder tone.

"Scott I know you know something more than what your saying. Carson saw it and I can see it. You need to tell us what is going on or is that what this is around? You want Katie to die? You want us not to find her?"

Nate hated this, or how he hated this and it tore his heart on the inside. He only hoped when this was done and over with Scott would forgive him.

"Is that it Scott are you apart of the agency and you want Katie to wilt away and see what happens to us all. You want everyone to be in pain. DONT YOU SCOTT....."

Nate lets his frustrations out and lets them drive him clouding everything alse from his mind. Infront of him was not his friend right now but someone who might hold the key. Letting his voice grow louder he is sure anyone else outside could hear him.

"Tell us what you know Scott, tell us about Phinox....tell us about how to tell Katie or so help me I will get it out of you myself."


Scott takes a moment to look away from his computer screen. But when he did, the look on Nate's face told him that this was no casual visit.

Swallowing hard, he pauses his work. He blinks, receiving the questions. For a moment, he's completely silent. His eye glances down, around and back up again. His leg bounced nervously under the desk, while his fingers ran along the desktop. "I...I don't have any information, Nate. Carson was already in here once saying something crazy about me and the Agency and I told him the same thing."

His body language betrays him. He wasn't telling the whole truth. "Sorry, but I don't know a thing."


Listen to Reese a churning forms in Nate's stomach for more than one reason. Everything coming back up with Scott again made Nate feel sick. And him being the one that might have to push his friend hurt. Than knowing that maybe one of Katie's captures had been under there nose the whole time and they hadnt known it upset him to know end. To think someone got into TJY that was the enemy and they didnt know it and than they let maybe there only link to Katie leave made him upset even more. Standing from his chair Nate gives a small nod though he new his eyes told it all that he really hated doing this. "If I need any help I'll ask you Carson and I will watch the camras." Turning and walking down the hall Nate gives a nod to Dalton who was coming the other way offering a small smile. "I am going to go grab something to eat and some more beef jerky for Scott. I'll be back if anyone looks for me." Continuing along his way the Hulk of a man disapears out of TJY. Getting to the office that Scott was in Nate stops for a second and takes a deep breath. Giving a knock on the door he steps in and shuts the door behind him trying to offer a friendly smile to Scott. "Hey Scott I wanted to talk to you for a second." Pulling an extra chair over the the desk Nate sits down and sits across from him. Keep his eyes calm but stern Nate ment busness. "Scott, I want to try and do this the easy way first because your my friend. We need to know though, what did the Agecny feed you? Phinox is missing, and we think he is part of the Agency the only one who would know that is you? Scott please try and help us out."

Hiting the town line Phionx stops looking out over a plot of land that had a for sale sign. There was nothing of relavince to it just something inside him tugged and told him to stop.

He felt like a creep, he felt like a betrayer. What was he doing?

For a moment his mind wonders and a look once again pass in his eyes. His mind plays back to his life that was lost so long ago in Mexico. All he new, all he loved. What would they think if they saw him now? Could he really leave and let Katie suffer could he rune these people's lifes like the Agecny had runed his?

Unanswered questions

Told that Reese would be there soon for a meeting, Carson is a bit surprised. He asks no questions though… answers would come soon enough.

Looking to Nate, he shakes his head, then looks back to the monitor. His eyes were tired and bloodshot, but he would barely blink, lest he miss something. “No… nothing new. The one guy has come in and out a few times – seems to be the top dog. Then there’s that fellow, Gage. Something is a bit odd about him… he almost seems hesitant to do anything to Katie, but with no sound, it’s hard to tell.”

Jason grits his teeth, barely able to watch. His heart screamed out to him. “Does she move at all?”

“Yeah. I think she drifts in and out of sleep. I’ve seen her move all her limbs, which is a good thing – I don’t think bones are broken at this point.”

Jason looks away again, folding his arms. “Where is Reese?” he grumbles.

“Easy,” Carson warns. “He’s coming.”

As promised, ten minutes later, Reese shows up. He stalks into TJY, his face showing how irritated he was. Lengthening his stride, he doesn't slow before reaching Katie's cubicle. "Alright, guys, listen up. Does anyone know where Simon Phinox went?"

Jason looks to Carson, then to Nate. No one seemed to know.

Reese reads the silence. "Does anyone know exactly where he came from?"

Carson keeps one eye on the monitor, the other on Reese. "I thought Brown sent him."

"Yeah, well apparently not."

"What do you mean?"

"I just spoke to Brown. He's never heard of Simon Phinox."

Jason frowns. "I thought you called Brown to confirm right after Phinox showed up."

"I did. I... can't explain that. But it wasn't Brown I talked to. Someone had a hold on the line."

"Now what?"

"I want to know where Phinox came from." Reese grits his teeth. He was in commander mode, not friend mode. "And I want to know soon."

Jason racks his brain. "You mean you don't assume he's from the Agency?"

"I don't want to assume anything. My first guess would be Agency, yes. He infiltrated us successfully, gained access to our databases, and passed on who knows how much information. But would I bet my life that he's Agency? No. He could be from a number of enemy organizations."

Carson stares at the computer screen for a moment, then looks back up to Nate for a moment. His eyes had something strange in them... Almost a thought that he didn't want to expose, but he knew he had to, and he was asking a friend's permission. Finally he speaks - but his words are aimed at Reese. "If he's from the Agency... I think I know who would be able to tell us."

Reese waits for a response, a bit impatiently. "Well? Who?"


Jason's eyes widen. "Scott? Why? He would have told us already if he knew Phinox."

"Not necessarily."

Reese throws up his arms. "Jason, quiet. Carson, explain."

"I think the Agency tried to assimilate Scott."

"And what does that mean?"

"Ninety-nine percent of Agency prisoners, they either kill off, or make into their own agents, by making them angry enough to join forces, or giving them reasons to retaliate against the law. They accept people... people like me." Carson swallows hard. "If the prisoner resists, they're the ones that are left to die, or killed on the spot."

Reese nods. "Go on."

Carson thinks for a moment. "The other one percent are those intelligent enough that the Agency wants them for more, and they have an assimilation program. It's a step-by-step process. First, they break the prisoner, physically and mentally, using brutality and near-starvation. Second, once the prisoner is down, they try to befriend the them by offering deals, medical help, that sort of thing. If resistance is still shown, then the third step is more torture."

"And you were at a level of the Agency privy to this information?"

"Yes." Carson pauses, his eyes shifting before returning to Reese. "I was involved in the first and third steps."

"I see. Go on."

"Once the Agency is convinced that the prisoner is totally broken, they begin to brainwash them."

"How do they know they're broken?"

Carson swallows hard. Scott had become a friend of his, and he hated putting him in this scenario. But it fit. "Usually it's when they start begging to be let go or to be killed. It's when they're at their weakest point."

Reese nods. "I see. Then what?"

"They execute brainwashing techniques using advanced technology. They want the prisoner to believe that they are on the right side and that the government and law are the enemies. At some point, they decide that the prisoner is ready for the final stage... They're convinced that the prisoner is on their side, ready to take orders." Carson pauses once more. "When they believe the prisoner is under their control and ready for the Agency cause, the final step is to feed them information from their computer database."

"Feed them? What do you mean?"

"They set the now-ally down, hook them up with some kind of electronic device that effects the brain."

Jason quirks an eyebrow, throwing a quick look at Nate then back to Carson. "Electronic device?"

"Yeah. The Agency is no idiot when it comes to technology. It's an actual computer feed and they basically transfer information from their database to the willing prisoner."

"Why would they want a man to carry the information instead of just leaving it in the computer system?"

"A couple reasons. One is a safety measure. They lose their energy source, have to pack up and leave, get raided - you name it - they have people who know that information. They also have access to files when computers are not accessible... say out in the field or on assignment. That chosen person has the information they need. They become the Agency's most valuable players, which can also guarantee their survival. Whether it's on a case for general use, or something more important, superiors can ask questions or release responses by visual triggers."

"But they can't extract the information the same way they put it in... only by verbal or visual triggers?"

"Actually... that's not true. They also have reverse technology. They can extract the information just like they put it in. But it doesn't erase it from the host - it only copies it back into the computer system."

Reese furrows his brow, setting his hands on his hips. "And you think that Scott is a host?"

"I do." Carson nods. "I've seen how triggers affect someone, an Scott's showing the signs. He says he doesn't remember, but I don't know why. That doesn't make sense."

"But if the process goes like you said... why was Scott still a prisoner?"

"I don't know." Carson purses his lips. "I've never seen the program fail. Scott should either be an Agency ally, or dead. But I still think he has information about the Agency that has yet to be unlocked."

"And you think one of the pieces is Phinox."

"It's a good possibility."

Reese heaves a deep sigh. He looks to Jason, then to Nate. At this point they really didn't have anything else to go on. "Where's Reiker?"

"Still in the interrogation room," Jason answers. "Ryder's back in there with him. Said it was a lost cause, but he didn't have anything else to do."

Reese tries to think quickly. "Okay... Carson, keep watch here on Katie just like you have been. Jason, I want you to coordinate with Jamie and Sapphire on finding out of any of our own files have been damaged or transfered out of here since Phinox arrived. Change the passwords into our systems. And Nate... you need to talk to Scott."

"It's getting late," Carson warns, "and we're all exhausted. Scott's in a vulnerable position..." He glances to Nate. "He's not going to want to talk - I don't know why, but he didn't want to talk to me earlier. But the only way to find out if he knows anything is if you put pressure on him. Now I don't know why he doesn't want to talk... there are too many reasons to speculate."

Reese hesitates. "Carson, are you sure? I don't want to pressure him for no reason. He's still not a hundred percent stable."

"I'd be willing to bet on it," Carson states flatly. "I already tried asking him about it once and I saw it in his eyes... he has information... any of it could lead us to Phinox, confirm his identity, or even help us with this case in general. I don't know why he's still alive or why he's not with the Agency now... but my gut says that's the case. The only other scenario would be that he really is with the Agency and they let him live and come back here as a mole."

"Don't even suggest that," Jason snarls.

"Jase," Reese warns. "Stand down. It's just a possibility that we're sure isn't true. But there are a lot of questions here. If its true that Scott has this information, then pieces aren't lining up - Carson is right. Scott should be an enemy or dead. If he was fed this information, the Agency wouldn't have let him live at all, let alone get back here. Something isn't right and we need to find out what."

He looks to Nate again. "You have your instructions. See if Scott knows about Phinox. If he doesn't, then drop it. We don't need to make things worse for him by interrogating him like..." His words suddenly trail off, his face paling.

Jason frowns. "What is it?"

"Um... um, nothing. I just... nothing." Reese shakes his head. "Nate, if Scott does give you information, then we know what Carson said is true. And if that's the case... then we need to figure out what really went on when Scott was with the Agency. He'll need to be isolated until we can question him thoroughly - we can't leak anything anywhere. Right now our priority is finding Katie. Scott's situation is second."


Misty cant help the small laugh that formed. To think she could laugh at anything Alec said was strange but it seemed his mood had lightened up for the moment. And if for this moment he was being calm thats really all that mattered.

"Oh give me a break. Like a little note book to the head ever killed anyone not to mention you probley hardly even felt it."

Looking up at Jason the look on Nate's face is one of a little confustion. What would Reese have to tell them that he didnt over the phone.

His heart pounds and gives a leep though. Maybe just maybe Reese and Phinox had gotten a lead.

Standing from his desk and walks with Jason over to where Carson was at Katie's desk and pulls a chair up from the empty cubicle on the other side. Looking at the live feed Nate see that all is quiet at the moment and Katie was still slumped on the floor.

"Anything new happen? Is she doing ok?"

Nate didnt know what alse to say or what else to ask. But as long as Katie looked like she was doing ok than she was.

Don't know...

"Good to see you." Reese shakes Brown's hand as they both stand in the cluttered office at the police station. "Hope I'm not keeping you out too late."

"No, it was a late night for me anyway," Brown admits. "So what can I do for you? Any updates on the Pent case?"

"Unfortunately, no." Reese shakes his head in disappointment. "I was wondering if your guys got any leads after the analysis from evidence from the house."

"There wasn't much to go on." Brown leans a little on the edge of his desk. "Nothing to speak of as far as leads. One body is still unidentified. The other we found out who he is, but we haven't found any connections to anyone else that would serve as a breadcrumb trail." He cocks his head. "Why did you want to come down here instead of just asking me over the phone?"

"Can't be too careful with this. The Agency is all over the place and if there's any chance of them tapping into our phone lines or tracing calls, I want to avoid it. The less they know about what we know, the better. And, I thought I'd give Phinox a chance to come down and report in person too. He should be right behind me."

Brown furrows his brow. "Who?"

"Phinox... Simon Phinox. You know, the guy you sent over to help us."

"Sent over to... who?"

Reese blinks. "The guy from the Spanish secret service, over here after chasing down a crook. I confirmed it with you on the phone, don't you remember?"

Brown's eyes widen. "I don't know anybody by that name... And I haven't sent anyone over to the Elite. All my men have been working here. I figured if you needed help, you'd ask for it."

"You mean you didn't... you don't..."

Brown shakes his head. "I'm sorry. But I haven't done anything and I don't know the man."

Jason is once again sitting quietly, alone in his office. Trooper sat next to him, bent with his head resting in Jason's lap. Jason's fingers absentmindedly stroked the short hair and ran along the dog's ears.

God. Why that subject was heavy on his mind again, he wasn't sure. It seemed to come in spurts. One day he wanted to know more about it and really would dive into study, and the next it just didn't seem all that important. Things would happen that would make him stop and think that maybe God really was an important aspect of life. But then when things calmed down again, it always just seemed obvious that God wasn't anything Jason needed to worry about right now. Tonight though... once again, he'd swung back to the questions and the strange tugging at his heart. He was surrounded by people who had strong faiths in God. He respected all of them, and their intelligence... if God was that important to them, wasn't there really something to it? And what about what Scott had just said about after death? What if Katie was found, but Jason was killed on the mission? Where would that leave him? If he died tonight, did he know where he would be going?

His direct line ringing made him jump. His thoughts were shattered and he was brought back to reality as he reached for the phone.



"Is Phinox still there?" Reese keeps one hand on the wheel, and one on his phone as he heads across town, the street lights whizzing by.

"I don't know."

"Well find out!"

"Alright, alright!"

Reese sighs as he slows at an intersection. It seemed to take Jason forever to get back on the line.

"He's not here. Sapphire said she saw him leave a while ago. We thought he was following you to the station. What happened?"

"I don't know. Look..." Reese thinks quickly. "...get Nate and go wait with Carson since he's still on watch for the video. I'll be back in the office in about ten minutes. We need to talk."

"About what?"

"Just do it, Jason! I'll explain when I get there." Reese hangs up before Jason can ask more questions. Right now, Reese didn't have any answers.

Jason hangs up the phone, bewildered. What was going on? He would follow orders without knowing though. Standing, he heads out to Nate's desk. "Hey, Nate?" He leans on the cubicle wall. "Reese is on his way back. Wants us to wait with Carson so we can all talk. Something to do with Phinox but he wouldn't say what."

Alec flinches as the notepad hits him in the head. "Hey, what kind of treatment is that? From a doctor?" He smirks at Misty. "If that's what I get being sick and injured, remind me to stay healthy. I think it's safer down in the holding cell. ...not as exciting, but safer."

Out of Town

Watching Reese leave Phinox's heart starts to race once again. He was going to let Brown know he was coming. There really wasnt anything he could do to stop this now. For the first time in a while Phinox gets a wave of fear the washes over him but not for himself but for Katie. Who new what The Agency would do if he was caught, and than what would happen to him when TJY found out, than for sure he wouldnt be able to help Katie.

Looking down at the report Phinox is quick to finish up knowing he really only had one paragraph left. Finishing it up he stands and takes it to Reese office. Laying it down on his desk Phinox just pases the office for a moment continplatng what to do.

He new what he had to do. Phinox had to get out and away from TJY. He couldnt let them catch him and what happend from there happend. He couldnt worry about it anymore and had to look out for himself and those who mattered.

Exiting Reese's office Phinox makes his way across the floor. Seeing Nate he gives a quick nod.

"I am going to go meet Reese and Brown now."

He hated lieing, oh how he hated lieing but it came so easy now that some times he didnt give it a second thought. Getting outside Phinox gets into his car and pulls out of the parking lot heading out of town was the best place for him.

Taking a pad of paper a smerk forms on Misty's face for a moment as she throws it at Alec boping him in the head with it.

Shaking her own head she looks down at her desk for a moment and than gets up going over to the counter to look at a few things before than returning back to her desk.


Reese is a little surprised that Phinox isn't finished with his report yet, but there isn't much he can do about it.

"Well alright then. I'll go on ahead and let Brown know you're coming. Don't take too long though - I don't want to keep him too late at this hour."

Reese turns around and heads for the exit, hitting the fresh air.

Alec doesn't flinch, and doesn't look away either. The grin remains. "My brother catches me in here watching you, he'll have to get your permission, as the doctor, to hurt me again. For some reason, I bet you wouldn't let him punch me. But even if you did, that would just give me one more reason to stay up here longer. I can stand a little more pain."

He settled into his pillow, but keeps his eyes on Misty. "Besides... I hate reading books."

It had been a while. Carson wanted another break. This time though, it wasn't so he could go outside. He accepts Wyatt's offer, and leaves the cubicle once more.

He wanders down to the hallway, then into Scott's office and pauses in the doorway. Dalton was there. He'd prefer Scott alone. But the big man seemed to be engrossed in work. "Scott?"

Scott looks up. He peered at Carson through his one eye, the other still covered and masked by his contact. "Yeah?" Strange that Carson was back again.

Carson moves in closer and hooks his hands in his pockets, leaning against the wall. He keeps his voice in a low tone. "They fed you, didn't they?"

Scott's face pales slightly and he swallows hard. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Carson persists. "Why didn't you put it in your report about your abduction?"

"Put what in it?"

"About them trying to assimilate you."

Scott's eyes look down, then back up again. "I still don't know what you're talking about."

"You see the information, don't you?" Carson tries another tactic. "That's why you don't like looking through the pictures, because it's triggering all that data... isn't it?"

Scott shifts his weight nervously. "I said I don't know what you're talking about. There's as lot I don't remember."

Carson backs off a little. Was Scott telling the truth? Did he really not know what the Agency had done to him? Carson knew. But if it had been traumatic enough, maybe Scott truly didn't remember. "Alright," he relents. "But when you start seeing that information again... you shouldn't fight it. You need to tell somebody about it."

Watching Carson leave, Scott can feel the tension in himself. He didn't want to remember. He didn't want things to surface. He didn't understand this, but was afraid to face it. He knew Hope had been right... if there was something here that could help him, he shouldn't resist it. But whatever this was, it frightened him. For some reason, he knew Carson was right, even if he was trying not to remember it.

Swallowing hard, Scott tries to work again. He can almost feel Dalton's eyes, and wonders if he can get away with this whole thing going ignored.

Go ahead

Giving a roll of her eyes Misty cant help the faint grin the forms on her lips. He was related to Carson. Smooth talker and all.

"Don't flatter yourself."

Looking down at her paper work Misty can feel the eyes that are still on her. Giving a sigh she puts her pen down and looks up seeing Alec still looking at her. Raising an eyebrow she shakes her head.

"I cant work with you staring at me you know. Do you want a book or something to look at to keep you busy and not looking at me? Your brother catchs you doing it he might pop you one again."

Being lost in thought for the moment Phinox is startled by Reese voice but quickly recoves looking up at his current employer.

He had about three paragraphs written and still had much more he needed to do. And now the though of going to see Brown made his heart race again. time was not on his side and was closing in quickly. It almost felt like he was suffacating. Being pulled one way, and than another. Right and wrong, wrong and right.

"I dont have the report done yet. It is almost done though. I just have a little more to write so if you wanna go ahead without me I as soon as I am done here I will drive over there to meet you. That was I can get this done and wont hold you up."

Phinox offers Reese a small smile. He only hoped he would take what he said and go. That would buy him some more time and he would figure the rest out later.


Scott slides in behind the steering wheel and starts the engine. He glances over to the other parking space where Hope's car was for just a moment, before pulling out. He didn't like driving at night anymore... he wanted to get back to TJY as quickly as possible.

As he drives, his mind wanders. That had been enjoyable. He enjoyed talking to Hope... he enjoyed listening to her... he enjoyed her smile.

He shakes his head at himself as he stops at an intersection. She was a counselor. She had been, still was kind of his counselor. Didn't that complicate things a bit? Or was spending time together as friends really that simple? He didn't know.

Jason sits at his desk, staring at the photo in his hand. Those who knew it existed had no idea how many times he got it out just to look at it. He runs his thumb over the still image of Katie's wind-blown hair. She meant so much to him. She was his lifeline... his reason to live... his hero. And right now, he couldn't feel more alone. All he could do was sit here and wait. There were no leads. There was nothing to trace. The Agency was too smart for their own good.

Movement catches his eye, and he looks up to see Scott passing in the hall on the way back to his office. Jason glances at his clock. He knew Scott had stepped out for a bit a while ago, but he didn't like it that he'd been gone for so long.

Rising from his desk, Jason leaves the picture behind and exits his office to follow Scott. He stops at the door of Scott and Dalton's office. Scott was already seated, getting back to work on the profiles. "Scott?"

"Yeah?" Scott looks up quickly.

"Have a nice time?"

Scott can feel a sinking sensation in his stomach. "Um... yeah."

"Good. I hope you realize that while you were out, those data files have been sitting there, waiting to be gone through."

Scott's eyes widen slightly. "We all need a break, Jase."

"I don't care!" Jason snaps. "Katie's life is on the line, don't you get it?! Have you see the live feed? Do you realize that if we don't find her, they might kill her? We're running out of time, Scott!"

Scott blinks. Any amount of peace that he'd gained from the short outing was wiped away in an instant. It was a harsh reality check. But he knew that none of this was his fault. He remains silent, waiting for the tongue-lashing to pass. He lowers his eyes back to his computer.

Jason just stares at him for several moments. He seemed to have no reaction to what Jason was saying. He folds his arms. "Don't you care?"

Scott's head snaps up. "Of course I care. I can't believe you asked me that."

"Well you don't act like it."

"What do you want me to do?" Before Scott can stop them, tears flood his eyes. "Do you want me to walk around showing my scar and wearing it all on my sleeve?" His voice wavers. "Do you want to hear about each time I just want to sit and cry for Katie? Or every time I think I'm gonna throw up, just thinking about what she's going through?"

Jason swallows hard. He'd spoken hastily and without thinking first. He calms down a little, his tone softening. But his confusion remains. "How do you stay sane?"

Scott doesn't hesitate. "Because I know she's not alone."

"What are you talking about?"

"She's not alone, Jase." Though Scott's voice was strained with emotion, there was a peaceful strength that was untouchable. "God never leaves his children."

"Yeah? Well how come He let this happen?"

"I don't know. But He didn't cause it, and He will bring good from it."

"What if He doesn't?" Jason's anger surfaces again. "What if we don't find her in time?"

A silent tear rolls down Scott's face, but he doesn't blink or lower his gaze. "Then I know that I'll see her again soon."

A chill runs down Jason's spine. The Truth was being laid out in front of him, whether he liked or expected it or not. "You really believe that?"

"I've wagered my soul on it." Scott's hands tremble as he speaks, the strength and passion for his faith having been bottled inside, waiting for the right time. He'd encouraged Jason in his farewell letter - now he had one more chance. "God is my Father and Katie's too. He will never let us down or forget or abandon us. And the end result far outweighs the trials before we get there."

"Father," Jason scoffs. "That hasn't really been a great department for me."

"God's not Derek," Scott counters boldly. "God listens... God cares... God nourishes the spirit and gives peace. God is taking care of Katie, even while she suffers. And He wants to take care of you too, if you'll just let Him."

"I've studied and still don't think it's worth the hassles."

"Hassles? What hassles?" Scott shakes his head. "That's an excuse and you know it. You've tried it on your own... you've tried doing everything yourself. Isn't it about time you leaned on God? Isn't it about time you had the assurance that no matter what, in the end you will be okay and will live forever with those who have also believed?" He takes a deep breath, studying Jason's eyes. "Someone else should never be the deciding factor for your own faith. But wouldn't you like the peace of knowing that no matter if anything happened to Katie or you, that in the end, you both will be in the same place?"

Jason's jaw muscles tighten as a feeling stirred inside of him. Scott would say it was God working on his heart. But Jason didn't recognize what it was. It felt strange... like a pulling towards what Scott was saying. Like a longing he hadn't known he had.

Scott speaks again. "That's why I have hope, Jase. That's why even though I'm torn up inside thinking about Katie, that I still have a peace, knowing that it will be okay."

Jason is quiet for several moments but finally turns and leaves, going back to his office to be alone. He didn't know what to think or how to feel.

Scott watches him leave, then sighs deeply. He'd done all he could...

...Scott watches the faces come and go on the screen, one after the other. His finger was poised over his keyboard to stop the process whenever one image was similar enough to the man he was looking for, to put into the "maybe" file.

Click.... click... click. The task wore on. Scott wasn't sure how long he'd even been at it. All at once, one of the faces flashes in front of him, jolting his mind like a trigger. The unwanted sensation returns of pictures and faces he didn't know, names, information he didn't want to recall. Everything spun before his eyes.

Giving a shove to the desk, Scott pushes away in his chair and stands up abruptly, taking his eyes away from his task. His pulse was racing.

Seeing a shadow on the floor he looks up quickly, scared out of his state. "Carson," he breathes. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Just for a second." Carson cocks his head. The second had been long enough for him to see Scott's strange behavior. "What are you looking at?"

"Um... photos. Trying to tag one of the guys who has Katie."

"Oh. What records are you using?"

"It's a combination of files from the police, FBI... some of our own stuff collected from the Agency."

Carson gives a little nod, his eyes still studying Scott's face. "I bet you recognize a few of them ay?"

"No." Scott's response is quick, and he shakes his head. "I... I don't remember many faces."

"Oh." Carson pauses as if thinking there was more, but Scott doesn't offer anything. "Just wanted you to know that Reese wants an update when you've got one."

"Yeah, okay." Scott says no more, just watching until Carson leaves. Letting out a sigh, he sinks back down in his chair. He had an update to prepare for Reese.

Carson wanders back down the hall, finding Katie's desk once more, again taking his place after Wyatt had watched for him. He'd taken a short break outside to calm his nerves with another smoke before coming back inside, regrouping, and heading to Scott for an update. Now it was back to his task of watching the video of Katie. He still hadn't said much about it... he still continued to keep up his wall. He was numb and he liked it that way. He felt nothing.

After a few minutes though, he keeps the video feed to one side, opening some files on the other. Part of his mind was still on Scott. He continues to watch what he was supposed to, while at the same time begins a brief search. It doesn't take him long. The file wasn't buried deeply - there was no reason for it to be.

Reading on down through the document, Carson sees information that he had assumed would be there. But reaching the end, something was missing.

He leans back in the chair and thinks for a moment, recalling Scott's behavior. Carson knew the signs. He'd seen them before. But why.... He shakes his head. He would find out later.

Alec quirks a grin. "Don't pull any punches, do you? Even you order me around. Alright... fine." He pushes off the desk and ambles back to the bed where he sinks down once again. "You think I'm really going to tell you that I feel great so you can throw me back downstairs? I think I'll stay up here for a while. At least the scenery is nicer." He turns his head, his grin turning into a sly one. "And I'm not referring to Rick."

Reese looks at his watch. He'd called Brown. Half an hour had passed. He needed to leave his paperwork and go. Though he wanted to stay in case anything happened, he really did need to see Brown, give him a face-to-face update and see if the police knew anything as well.

Getting up from his desk, Reese wanders out of his office. Susanne's desk was dark - he'd told her to go home an hour ago and get some sleep. She hadn't resisted.

He heads across the main floor, passing Nate, then stopping where Phinox was working. "Simon?" He taps on the wall. "Heading out. You with me?"

Laura stirs on the bed, opening her eyes wide. She really hadn't intended on falling asleep... but it had felt so good. She tries to get up, but her body just doesn't want to cooperate. Her eyes were so heavy...... she was still so tired. Maybe five more minutes?