
Out of Town

Watching Reese leave Phinox's heart starts to race once again. He was going to let Brown know he was coming. There really wasnt anything he could do to stop this now. For the first time in a while Phinox gets a wave of fear the washes over him but not for himself but for Katie. Who new what The Agency would do if he was caught, and than what would happen to him when TJY found out, than for sure he wouldnt be able to help Katie.

Looking down at the report Phinox is quick to finish up knowing he really only had one paragraph left. Finishing it up he stands and takes it to Reese office. Laying it down on his desk Phinox just pases the office for a moment continplatng what to do.

He new what he had to do. Phinox had to get out and away from TJY. He couldnt let them catch him and what happend from there happend. He couldnt worry about it anymore and had to look out for himself and those who mattered.

Exiting Reese's office Phinox makes his way across the floor. Seeing Nate he gives a quick nod.

"I am going to go meet Reese and Brown now."

He hated lieing, oh how he hated lieing but it came so easy now that some times he didnt give it a second thought. Getting outside Phinox gets into his car and pulls out of the parking lot heading out of town was the best place for him.

Taking a pad of paper a smerk forms on Misty's face for a moment as she throws it at Alec boping him in the head with it.

Shaking her own head she looks down at her desk for a moment and than gets up going over to the counter to look at a few things before than returning back to her desk.

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