

Listen to Reese a churning forms in Nate's stomach for more than one reason. Everything coming back up with Scott again made Nate feel sick. And him being the one that might have to push his friend hurt. Than knowing that maybe one of Katie's captures had been under there nose the whole time and they hadnt known it upset him to know end. To think someone got into TJY that was the enemy and they didnt know it and than they let maybe there only link to Katie leave made him upset even more. Standing from his chair Nate gives a small nod though he new his eyes told it all that he really hated doing this. "If I need any help I'll ask you Carson and I will watch the camras." Turning and walking down the hall Nate gives a nod to Dalton who was coming the other way offering a small smile. "I am going to go grab something to eat and some more beef jerky for Scott. I'll be back if anyone looks for me." Continuing along his way the Hulk of a man disapears out of TJY. Getting to the office that Scott was in Nate stops for a second and takes a deep breath. Giving a knock on the door he steps in and shuts the door behind him trying to offer a friendly smile to Scott. "Hey Scott I wanted to talk to you for a second." Pulling an extra chair over the the desk Nate sits down and sits across from him. Keep his eyes calm but stern Nate ment busness. "Scott, I want to try and do this the easy way first because your my friend. We need to know though, what did the Agecny feed you? Phinox is missing, and we think he is part of the Agency the only one who would know that is you? Scott please try and help us out."

Hiting the town line Phionx stops looking out over a plot of land that had a for sale sign. There was nothing of relavince to it just something inside him tugged and told him to stop.

He felt like a creep, he felt like a betrayer. What was he doing?

For a moment his mind wonders and a look once again pass in his eyes. His mind plays back to his life that was lost so long ago in Mexico. All he new, all he loved. What would they think if they saw him now? Could he really leave and let Katie suffer could he rune these people's lifes like the Agecny had runed his?

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