
Don't know...

"Good to see you." Reese shakes Brown's hand as they both stand in the cluttered office at the police station. "Hope I'm not keeping you out too late."

"No, it was a late night for me anyway," Brown admits. "So what can I do for you? Any updates on the Pent case?"

"Unfortunately, no." Reese shakes his head in disappointment. "I was wondering if your guys got any leads after the analysis from evidence from the house."

"There wasn't much to go on." Brown leans a little on the edge of his desk. "Nothing to speak of as far as leads. One body is still unidentified. The other we found out who he is, but we haven't found any connections to anyone else that would serve as a breadcrumb trail." He cocks his head. "Why did you want to come down here instead of just asking me over the phone?"

"Can't be too careful with this. The Agency is all over the place and if there's any chance of them tapping into our phone lines or tracing calls, I want to avoid it. The less they know about what we know, the better. And, I thought I'd give Phinox a chance to come down and report in person too. He should be right behind me."

Brown furrows his brow. "Who?"

"Phinox... Simon Phinox. You know, the guy you sent over to help us."

"Sent over to... who?"

Reese blinks. "The guy from the Spanish secret service, over here after chasing down a crook. I confirmed it with you on the phone, don't you remember?"

Brown's eyes widen. "I don't know anybody by that name... And I haven't sent anyone over to the Elite. All my men have been working here. I figured if you needed help, you'd ask for it."

"You mean you didn't... you don't..."

Brown shakes his head. "I'm sorry. But I haven't done anything and I don't know the man."

Jason is once again sitting quietly, alone in his office. Trooper sat next to him, bent with his head resting in Jason's lap. Jason's fingers absentmindedly stroked the short hair and ran along the dog's ears.

God. Why that subject was heavy on his mind again, he wasn't sure. It seemed to come in spurts. One day he wanted to know more about it and really would dive into study, and the next it just didn't seem all that important. Things would happen that would make him stop and think that maybe God really was an important aspect of life. But then when things calmed down again, it always just seemed obvious that God wasn't anything Jason needed to worry about right now. Tonight though... once again, he'd swung back to the questions and the strange tugging at his heart. He was surrounded by people who had strong faiths in God. He respected all of them, and their intelligence... if God was that important to them, wasn't there really something to it? And what about what Scott had just said about after death? What if Katie was found, but Jason was killed on the mission? Where would that leave him? If he died tonight, did he know where he would be going?

His direct line ringing made him jump. His thoughts were shattered and he was brought back to reality as he reached for the phone.



"Is Phinox still there?" Reese keeps one hand on the wheel, and one on his phone as he heads across town, the street lights whizzing by.

"I don't know."

"Well find out!"

"Alright, alright!"

Reese sighs as he slows at an intersection. It seemed to take Jason forever to get back on the line.

"He's not here. Sapphire said she saw him leave a while ago. We thought he was following you to the station. What happened?"

"I don't know. Look..." Reese thinks quickly. "...get Nate and go wait with Carson since he's still on watch for the video. I'll be back in the office in about ten minutes. We need to talk."

"About what?"

"Just do it, Jason! I'll explain when I get there." Reese hangs up before Jason can ask more questions. Right now, Reese didn't have any answers.

Jason hangs up the phone, bewildered. What was going on? He would follow orders without knowing though. Standing, he heads out to Nate's desk. "Hey, Nate?" He leans on the cubicle wall. "Reese is on his way back. Wants us to wait with Carson so we can all talk. Something to do with Phinox but he wouldn't say what."

Alec flinches as the notepad hits him in the head. "Hey, what kind of treatment is that? From a doctor?" He smirks at Misty. "If that's what I get being sick and injured, remind me to stay healthy. I think it's safer down in the holding cell. ...not as exciting, but safer."

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