
Enduring pain

*Katie givs a giggle as she watchs Scott walk away. Turning back to her paperwork she lets out a sigh. Squinting she trys to read the words only to find them going blurry. Puting down the papers Katie rubs her eyes and refocuese figuring she was probley just tired from so much paperwork.

The hours pass and Katie finally prints out her last paper. Pulling out her phone she dials Scotts number.*

"Hey Hottie...I'm just calling to let ya know I am almost done here. Need to finish a few more things and than I'll head over. Probley in about 15-20 min. Do you need me to pick anything up on the way?"

*After hanging up the phone Katie stands and shuts off her computer screen. Making her way across the quiet and dark floor twords Reese office. Placing the stack of papers she had worked on today in his in basket.

Heading into the bathroom Katie freshens up and washes her hands exiting. Slowly going back to her desk she bumps into the cubile wall on mistake. Strange she though the opening had been where she was headed. Katie always had good eyes in the dark it was unusal for her depth perseption to be off. Ah well...it had been a long day. Grabing her purse and keys Katie heads out.*

*Aerith smiles at Jason happy for the conversation to break up the dull day.*

"I'm doing pretty good. My grandmother dident harass me to much this morning she was feeling under the weather so it helped start the day good. Well not that he was under the weather but...that she dident yell to much."

*Receving Camryn's request Aerith grabs her some iced tea and sets it down. Giving alittle nod.*

"Its nice to Meet you Camryn. I'm Aerith Adams."

*For a moment Aerith studys Jason as he and Camryn bicker back and forth. A hidden smile under Jason hard outside shell braught a warm feeling to Aeriths heart. Something was differnt today but it was a good differnt.

As Camryn is about to leave Aerith gives alittle wave.*

"It was nice meeting you to. Take care."

*After Camryn had left Aerith takes her glass and puts it in the sinke. Turning back to Jason Aerith gets the sence that Jason's modd was sliping again. Trying to keep the conversation light Aerith leans on the counter looking down at Trooper again.*

"So, Trooper is a really nice dog."

*Pushing off the counter Aerith comes along side Trooper slowly and Bending down talksing to him softly. Running her hands along his legs and neck, proving once again Aerith new what she was doing.*

"No I refraze that, He's not a nice dog he is amazing. His bone structer, and posture is perfect. He's deffintly a dog trained for police work."

*Standing she smiles at Jason.*

"Did you train him yourself?"

*Misty sits straght up off the coutch as Carson yells her name. For a moment forgeting where she was. A gut wrenching pain shooting though her causing her whole body to shake for a moment. Relizing where she was she relaxes just a bit even though the horrid pain is still there. Checking on Carson and makes sure he was ok Misty leans back closing her eyes to get the pain to stop. Feeling a warm wet feeling Misty looks down to see bloodseeping through her shirt. Siting up again fighting the pain Misty rolls her eyes relizing what she did.

After geting up and checking on Carson again Misty pulling his legs up on the coutch and pulling a blanket over him. Slowly making her way into Carson room she opens his dresser and pull out on of his over sized T-shirts. Seeing a needle and thred on the top of the dresser Misty grabs it and heads slowly into the bathroom. Taking her shirt off she looks down at the bandages soked in blood. Removing them her saspitions were proved right. She had riped them clean out. Opening the medicen cabnet Misty grabs the rubbing alcohol and iodine. Taking some tolit paper Misty pats the wound of alittle blood at ghushes more. Threding the needle Misty dumps rubbing alcohol on it and the string. Griting her teeth Misty also dumps some on the bullet would. A soft screech escapes her lips as it stings more than anything. Finally when it stops Misty starts to sew herself up. Once finished she dumps more alcohol on the wound and than iodine. Taking some gawz she always found and ducktape making a mashift bandage for now.

Throwing on Carson's t-shit she makes her way to his kitchen grabing some water than heading back to the coutch to watch over Carson alittle more. As Misty watches some random crap on TV her eyes grow tired. That pain in her stomach was to great to be scrunches on the coutch again. Slowly standing Misty turns the TV off, gives Carson a soft kiss*

"GoodNight Sweetheart."

*Than heads into his bedroom leaving the door open so in case anything happend Misty could hear. Slowly siting down on Carson's bed Misty kicks her shoes off and leans back her head sinking into his pillow. Pulling the blanket up to her neck Misty is out. Sleep, exsaustion over taking her.*


Scott laughs. “Okay, I’ll relay the message to Domino. But give me a call before you leave work so I know whether or not I should make supper.” He throws Katie a wink. “I have yet to cook for you.”

Leaving her be, he turns around and heads back to his own desk, only to get stopped by a holler from Susanne’s office as she wails about her computer.

Scott throws his arms up in the air and spins around to give Katie a silly look before continuing his route.

Jason gives Mabel a grateful smile. “Thanks.” Leaning up against the counter, he takes a swig of his orange juice and nods to Aerith. “I’m alive. How about yourself?” He manages a slight grin as she pets the dog. “Aerith, meet Trooper.”

Camryn smiles. It’s obvious that Jason knows this place well, and they know him too. It was nice to see that he had somewhere to go and people to be with, even if he was resisting company.

She looks to Aerith. “Yeah, actually, some iced tea would be nice if you have some.”

Jason catches Aerith’s eye. “Let me pay for it.” Seeing a look from Camryn out of the corner of his eye, he takes another sip of his juice. “If it’ll get an annoyance off my back, it’s worth the cost.”

Camryn gives Jason’s arm a backhanded slap. “How rude.”

Jason keeps himself from smiling, and just shrugs.

Camryn purses her lips with sly humor and glances to Aerith. “Since Jason’s apparently too much of a grouch to introduce me, I’m Camryn Lane.”

…Just a short time passes and as Camryn finishes her iced tea, she sidles away from the counter, reaching for her purse. “Thank you for the tea,” she thanks Aerith and Mabel.

“Hey.” Jason shoots Camryn a disgusted look. “I said I’d pay.”

Seeing his determination, Camryn rolls her eyes. “I don’t know whether to be grateful or offended.” She grins at Aerith. “Nice to meet you. Maybe I’ll see you again.” Giving a little wave, she exits the restaurant.

Jason remains leaning against the counter, swirling the leftover juice around in his glass. He needed to head back to work, but he really didn’t want to. Despite the walk and banter with Camryn, his mind was still full and trying to revert back to things that didn’t make him feel good.

Carson starts to move, beginning to toss and turn in his sleep. Groaning a little, he starts to mumble, though his words are too garbled to understand. Suddenly he sits bold upright. “Misty!”

His blurry eyes go wide and he glances around, dazed. Just as quickly, he leans back into the couch, his head flopping down in the opposite direction in a stupor.


*As Misty stays with Carson on the coutch the pain in her stomach starts to numb till going away. Holding Carson on hand in his arm and the other on his back Misty herselfs eyes grow tired and leans her head back falling asleep.*

*Mable smiles and waves at Jason as her enters Herb offering a wave as well.*

"Hey Hotshot."

*Mable grabs a bowl of water and puts it on the floor for Trooper and than gets a glass of OJ for Jason.

As the bell to the shop rings Aerith snaps out of her daydream. Standing she goes over to Jason and smiles.*

"Hey Jason! How are ya?"

*Looking down at Trooper Aerith smiles slowly reaching her hand out to Trooper to sniff. Showing no fear of the got giving the illustion she probley had been around big dogs alot.*

"Hey there big boy I dont think I've met you yet."

*Looking up once again Aerith gives a small smile to the woman with Jason.*

"Hi! Can I get you anything to drink?"

*Aerith was in her normal chipper mood and was intrested in meeting this new person with Jason.*

*Katie looks up from her desk at Scott's voice. She was halfway through the stack of papers on her desk and was geting alittle frustrated. She had knocked a pile of papers off her desk and they were all out of order now. Non of them have page numbers so she had to figure out on her own what ordeder they go in before typing them up.

No matter the mood Katie was in she couldent help but smile up at Scott anyways giving alittle Sigh and holding up some papers.*

"Well if I can ever get through this stuff I'll be over again you can count on it. Maybe I'll even make some dinner for us. So you tell Domino its a good chanse Mommy will be over, just not till late."

*Katie cant help but giggle.*


Wyatt gives Misty a bit of a smile. “Yeah, okay…I’ll try to keep Rick from blowing a gasket. If anybody can take care of themselves, it’s you.”

He gives a little wave. “I’ll see you later. And yes…do call if you need anything. I’m sure Jason will be back after work sometime, so if he’s halfway sociable, he might help ya out.”

Wyatt aims for the door and heads back to TJY.

Carson remains motionless, except for an occasional twitch, signaling that though his body was at rest, his mind was still active with dreams.

Jason gives Katie a weary grin. “Don’t sweat it. I’ll catch you later.” Not giving too much time to converse, he starts for the exit, Trooper obediently by his side.

Hitting the fresh air felt good. Jason’s heart felt a bit heavy, and the sunshine tried to peek through, despite the shadows that covered him. There was joy that was trying desperately to break through to him…after the night before…experiencing JetStream again…talking with Katie… Jason knew there was hope. He knew it was there….somewhere. He had a start now…but didn’t know where the next step was. He was beginning to let go…beginning to open up again…slowly. But as the negative emotions had begun to be released, it had started to leave an emptiness behind. What was there to fill it? What was there to replace what was being lifted?

Ambling down the sidewalk, Jason absentmindedly heads for town. He wasn’t needed at the moment back at TJY, so he knew he could get away with taking his time. Most of the people at TJY were trying to enjoy themselves in the days before the court hearing…no one knew how life was about to change.

Just as Jason and Trooper are passing by some stores on main street, when he’s startled to a stop.

“Well, if it isn’t lead singer Jason.”

He turns quickly at the female voice to see Camryn just coming out of a gift shop. He tightens Trooper’s leash just a little and cocks his head. “If it isn’t Camryn Lane. Have you taken up stalking me?”

Camryn laughs and shakes her head, flashing him a smile. “We do live in the same town.”

“Sure, but you’re the one who apparently likes to annoy me.”

“Are you still sore about that?”

“Are you still intent on invading my space?”

“Only if you make it worth my while by keeping up the fight.”

Jason squints an eye at Camryn, finally unable to help but crack a small grin. “You don’t give up, do you?”

“Never.” Camryn shakes her head with humor. “Though I’d be willing to call a truce if you can quit scowling at me.”

“I’m not scowling.”

“No, but that’s all you did last night.”

Jason sighs. “I apologize. It was a rough night.”

“I could tell. How about today?”

Jason thinks for a moment. He didn’t know why he was even willing to talk to Camryn, but something about her forced it out of him. “I guess I’m better.”

Camryn looks down at Trooper, still smiling. “Is this beautiful beast yours?”

Jason lets a genuine grin slip out. Most people considered Trooper an unattractive dog because of his massive size and color. “Mostly.”

“Can I pet him?”

“I don’t know. Can you?”

Camryn throws him a smirk before holding out her hand. “Hey, puppy.”

Trooper stretches out his nose, giving her fingers several sniffs before stepping forward to tolerate a scratch behind the ears.

Camryn grins. “What’s his name?”


“He’s a sweety.” Camryn withdraws and heaves a sigh. “Where you headed?”

“No where.”

“Neither am I. Mind the company, or would I be “invading your space” again and making you mad?”

Jason rolls his eyes and starts forward again. “If you want to walk on a public sidewalk, who am I to stop you?”

Camryn shakes her head with an amused smirk as she starts to walk with him on the other side of Trooper. “We’ll see how it goes. But if you’re going to be a grump again, I’ll part with you on the next block.”

Jason keeps his eyes forward, unable to keep from responding, keeping up the banter. “If you weren’t so pushy, maybe I wouldn’t be such a grump.”

“If I wasn’t pushy, you wouldn’t be speaking to me at all.”

“How do you know?”

“You’re too withdrawn.”

“And you know this how?”

“Because I’ve watched you.” Camryn gives him a sidelong glance. “You’ve got a complex personality that demands close attention, and it didn’t take long to surmise that you’re a deep thinker, and as such, you can be very withdrawn.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “For someone so annoying, you seem to have a hidden intellect.”

Camryn laughs. “Maybe.”

A couple blocks later, Jason realizes he’s approaching Mom and Pop’s. The warm day had made him thirsty, and he was tempted to stop and rest. Halting in front of the door, he looks inside, seeing that there appears to be no customers at the moment. “I don’t know about you,” he turns to Camryn. “But I’m parched. I know the folks here and as long as there isn’t anybody else here, they’ll let Trooper in.”

“Are you asking me to stay outside, or inviting me in?”

Jason rolls his eyes and opens the door, holding it open. “I’ll stand here for two more seconds. If you want to come in, be my guest, otherwise, you’re on your own.”

Camryn grins and takes advantage of the open door, stepping inside to the cool interior. She frequented the cafĂ© downtown, but hadn’t ever tried out this little place before. It had a nice, welcoming atmosphere, she noticed.

Jason enters behind her, keeping Trooper on a tight leash. He gives a wave to the back. “Hey, Mabel…you wouldn’t have a glass of orange juice and a bowl of water, would you?” Pausing before Mabel can answer, Aerith catches his eye and he gives a little wave. “Afternoon.”

“Don’t work so hard.” Scott leans on the top of Katie’s cubicle, his wrist in a brace, the only sign now that anything had happened before. He grins at her. “Domino asked me this morning if you’d be over again tonight. I told her I didn’t know.”

I'll stay

*Misty looks up at the sound of someone entering and see Wyatt. Turning down the TV she smile at her cousin a look of appoligy on her face. She had forgoten he was downstairs wait.*

"Sorry Cous, I guess I got wrapped up with Carson I just lost try of time."

*Lookin down again at Carson his head on her lap as he is curled on the wrest of the coutch. One could tell he was still as drunk as a shunk but he still had a look of peace on his face as well. Most people found there peace while sleeping. Running her hand though Carson hair again softly Misty looks up at Wyatt again.*

"I'm going to stay here with him. It will be ok now. If I need anything and when I am ready to come back to TJY I'll call. Dont wait up for me ok, Oh and try to keep Rick from having a herniea as well would ya."

*Standing Katie look out across the floor hearing movment. Seeing Jason geting ready with Trooper Katie remember she was to talk a walk with them both. Looking back at her desk she sighs at the piles of paper work she needed to do still before she could leave tonight. Having to go after Carson with Misty and Wyatt this morning had set her back she was now behind. Steping out of her cubicle she makes her way over to Jason and Trooper.*

"Hey! I know I said I would go for a walk with you guys, but I am behind having to go after Carson this morning. I have a crap load of paper work to do and its probley going to take me till night already to do it. So I am going to have to pass on the walk. I'm sorry."

*A look of disapointment pass Katie's eyes. She was looking forward to going with Jason today and was alittle bit irratated she wouldent be able to now. Giving a smile though she gives Jason's arm a friendly pat.*

"Maybe tomarrow we can go, cuz I really would like that."

*Banging and pounding can be hurd from the backyard as Wes hammers, nails, and glues bored together carfely, delictly forging an item with the greatest care. Sanding down poles, and fiting them into place.

As the hours pass and the item is put together, Wes takes a woodcarving tool and gently starts to engrave flowers on one side, and a sun, moon, and stars on another. Finally finishes he takes a step back and smiles at the finished baby crib. On one side was a notch where a mobeal could go. and a deep center for a soft matress to rest. Yes, Wes was proud of his work and only hoped Cindy would like the gift he made for her and his child.*

*Aerith slowly walks from table to table filling the salt and paper shakers. Mom and Pop's was unusaly slow today. The weather was nice out so it wasent to much of a saprise. Most people wanted to be outside, on picnics, and just enjoying the weather.

As Aerith fills the salt in one of the shakes her cant help but look out the window and start to day dream sinking down in the booth.*

Stay or leave?

Carson doesn’t have any awareness of being moved around at all, and continues to sleep as he’s settled on the couch.

Wyatt waits in his jeep for a long while, finally becoming just a little concerned. He knew his cousin could handle herself okay…and Carson hadn’t been violent earlier at all…but he still didn’t feel completely comfortable not checking on Misty.

Getting out of the vehicle, Wyatt makes his way inside and up the stairs. Pausing at the door, he can just make out the sounds of the television, and carefully opens the door, glancing around before he enters fully.

Seeing into the living room, he realizes what has happened, and relaxes. Ambling over to the couch, he sighs deeply at seeing Carson so out of it. “You staying or going?” he asks Misty quietly.

It was afternoon by now, and Trooper was getting restless. Jason looks at the clock. He needed to go for that walk before the dog got himself into trouble.

Standing up, Jason grabs the leash off one of the chairs and clips it to Trooper’s collar. He didn’t really need a leash, but he’d get in trouble if he didn’t use one.

Heading out into the hall, Jason stops for just a moment. Katie had offered to walk with him…but she’d been gone quite a while today already going to look for Carson…surely she had better things to do today than leave work again.

Opting just to leave quietly, Jason aims for the main floor, then the exit.

Mick sits in the quietness of an empty room downstairs, a phone to his ear. “Yeah…I’m pretty sure of it.”

Jim’s shocked voice is on the other end, and Mick continues.

“I don’t know…he’s been here for a while… Yeah…no, I said something the other day but didn’t explain. This fellow Carson, drew a connection pretty quick, but it wasn’t quite the right one, and no one has questioned me since…. No…he’ll be on trial like the rest of us. He’s been here long enough now…yeah… Okay, Jim. No, I won’t say anything yet. Alright…talk to you soon. Bye.”

Not our time

*Misty keeps her arm around Carson as he continues to talk. Running a hand through his hair just leting him talk. Misty know liquer can have a strange power over someone. For some its differnt for others and for Carson and his emotional state it was reking havoc over his body.*

"Your not going to die Carson. You dont have to worry about that. Wyatt's not gonna die eather. Neather am I. Its not our time. We got some good people watching our backs."

*As Carson's words start to drift off and his eyes shut proving he was alseep Misty gently repositions herself so her back is leaning aganst the arm of the coutch in the courner placing a pillow on her stomach Misty gently pulls Carson down so he lays along side her with his head in her lap. Wincing just alittle Misty ignores the small amout of pain she was feeling. Still running her hands through Carson's hair she smiles down at him watching him sleep.*

"I might do fine without you, but I dont want too..."

*Misty's voice becomes soft..*

"..like I told you before your stuck with me."

*Misty kepts running her hand through Carson's hair as he sleeps. Reaching over she grabs the remote and turns the tv on softly finding something to watch as Carson sleeps.*


Carson sinks lower in his seat, leaning against Misty as she talks. With no control of his emotions in his inebriated state, his lower lip quivers again. "Nobody's evr lved me before," he slurs.

Trying to register and understand what Misty is saying, he furrows his brow, feeling in a daze. "I didn't want to die...Wyatt...he's a good bloke, you know...he told me she was there so I wouldn't die..." He nods. "He's a good bloke, you know."

He takes a swipe at his eyes with the back of his hand. "I didn't want you to die neither...cuz I like you too much." Another unwanted tear escapes. "And you're nice to me." He pats her leg. "Yes, you're nice to me, very nice."

He sniffs, his head leaned back against the couch as Misty's hand runs over his face. A laugh breaks out. "You don't want me to leave eh? I thought so...I didn't make it out of town, did I? No..." He shakes his head. "I stopped and figured I'd forget all this...all this nonsense that's running through my brain." He tapes his head with a finger. "Before I hated myself any more."

Carson's eyes drift shut, the effects of his day starting to take over. He gestures with his hand. "You..go on...with your life...ain't no good havin' somebody like me 'round causin' trouble all the time, even if ya love me, 'cause you'll be fine, I know it...yes..." his head starts to tilt to the side. "I...know....it...." His voice suddenly drops off, his breathing going quiet as drunken sleep takes over.


*Misty's heart goes out to Carson. The pain he was in was great. Misty culd see it in his eyes and in voice as he talked. Keep her arm around him Misty thinks for a moment before speaking.*

"Well...I guess I came back cuz I...love ya, and I care to much to let you deal with this on your own."

*Hearing about Ashlyn hurt, but Misty knows its the truth weather she wants to believe it or not. Once a heart cared for someone no matter what the reason, or what was behind it, it was hard to let go of it.*

"Shooting someone is a hard thing in itself, let alone someone you care about..."

*Misty leans her head aganst Carson's for a moment as the tears escape from his eyes.*

"...but if you hadent you's be the one dead. I know it dosent make it any easyer."

*Leting out a sigh Misty turns Carson's head twords her looking into his glazed eyes Misty could still see the little boy curled up in a courner scaired, lost and alone. He blamed himself for what happend to her as well. Misty brings her other hands to the side of Carson's showing much emotion in her face.*

"I dont blame you for what happend to me, and you shouldent blame youself eather. To be honnest I am happy it was me. I new enough to keep myself alive untill you guys relized what happend. I had to knowlage to know what to do. If it had been Katie or Jason, they might not be alive cuz they lack the knowlage I know.

I know you were trying to protect me Carson and I thank you for that. I could of been standing anywhere and I could of been shot. It dident matter where you put me, the situation we were in I could of been shot and I new that when i said I was going to help. I new the danger and I dident care cuz I was doing what I thought was right."

*Misty runs her thumb alone Carson's cheek bone as she smiles softly.*

"You certinly dident mess up my life Carson Banks. You made my life better, and gave it meaning. You did anything but mess up my life. As for you not being able to leave good....I dont want you to."

Loosened Tongue

Carson doesn’t even move as Misty enters his apartment and sits down next to him. The alcohol had done a good job of making him numb to the world. But even so, it couldn’t take away the pain.

Misty’s arm around him seems to go ignored as he doesn’t respond. But finally when she speaks, he keeps his eyes forward, not looking at her. “Dang you, Misty….why didjyou haff to come back?”

His tongue and emotions loosened by the liquor, unwanted tears rise to the surface that he would never allow had he been sober. His voice cracks as he speaks. “I shot ‘er, Misty…shot her dead. Right there. Din’t matter….all that bad stuff in the past…she looked at me…. Those eyes…” A tear runs down his cheek. “I couldn’t stop it….she died…right there… ‘cause of me.”

Carson shakes his head, his words still slurring together. “Then you got shot…. ’nother score for me – I’d put you there, did you know that? It’as my choice. You wanna know why? ‘Cause I’s trying to keep you safe. Didn’t work….you got hurt. So whatsthe point an’more? I can’t even leave when I want to.”

He throws a hand up in the air. “Lookat this mess I’m in…can’t do nothin’ right…just messin’ evrybody’s else’s up lives.”

A shoulder

*Misty looks up leting Wyatt know it was ok to enter. Now being back at TJY a sad tired look enters her eyes. Dispite the words she had said to Carson and the choise she left in his hands she did still want to go see him. Misty knows what happend at the bar today was dew to the intoxacation and if Carson had been sober those words he threw at her would never has been spoken. Slowly Misty stands oce again making her way to the door.*

"I want to go see him Wyatt."

*Making her way out of TJY and to the Jeep once again it takes them no time to get to Carson's apartment building. Once parked outside Misty turns to Wyatt.*

"Please wait here. I'll be ok I promise. I just think I need to be alone with him right now."

*Slowly Misty gets out of the jeep and heads inside and up the steps leting herself into Carson's apartment. Seeing him siting on the coutch Misty slowly makes her way over and gently sits down placing her arm around Carson weather he wanted it there or not. For along moment Misty dosent say anything and lets the silence speak for its self till finally it is broken.*

"I'm sorry Ashlyn died Carson. I wish it had turned out differntly for you."

*Misty grows silent again just keeping her arm around Carson as long as he will let her. She wanted to be his shoulder. She just wanted to be there for him.*


Carson’s eyes narrow as Misty talks, remaining silent as he’s hit with her words. He almost visibly tries to process them, though it’s slow going, and only proves to irritate him more, the emotions churning behind his eyes.

He’s silent until Misty walks away and he downs several more swallows of beer from his bottle. “Happiness? Ha!” His voices raises. “Yeah, I deserve a third time. Walk away…just walk on out of here and go back to your life without the likes of me to make you miserable!”

Wyatt inwardly cringes at the words he knows Carson doesn’t mean. He nods to Misty. “Let’s get out of here. Katie, you come with. He doesn’t need anybody here. I have a feeling he’s not going anywhere. I’ll grab Jason to come back with me and we’ll get him out of here ourselves.”

Leaving, Wyatt makes it back to TJY quickly, dropping off Katie and Misty, and going straight for Jason.

Jason is less than enthusiastic to go pick up Carson, but relents, and goes with Wyatt…

It’s an hour before Wyatt and Jason finally return. Wyatt heads to the infirmary and stops at the door, knocking, and remembering quite well to wait for Misty’s voice before entering. Opening the door, he gives her a little nod. “We got him back to the apartment, Misty. We didn’t think we should bring him here. He’s started babbling about you and about Ashlyn and a whole lot of other stuff…I don’t know if you want to try going and talking to him or not. Jason was too fed up to stay with him.”

Can you stay

*Misty lets out a sigh and shakes her head. Carson words cut her deep. Like a knif through butter. But in order to come to this place to start with she had to close the door. Let the pain come but pay no attachen to it. A bit of anger rises in Misty voice at the mention of Ashlyn. Ya Carson could be sad, he had cared about her, but he was living in the past, in a lie he thought was real.*

"Dang it Carson. Ashlyn is dead and you cant do anything to change that. Stop living in the past, what you guys had wasent real, it was fake an illustion build on one thing and one thing only. Why cant you be happy with that you have now. Something thats real and runs deeper than a quick one night stand.Drinking isent going to take away the pain its only going to make it worse.Talking to you friends is what will make you feel better as they heal you deal."

*Misty can feel her anger grow even more and decieds its time to go. Pushing slowly away from the counter she leans into Carson once again for but a moment.*

"You know how it felt to lose me once, only to get a second chanse, than almost lost me again to get another chanse. Are you really willing to feel that pain a third time, and let all your happyness walk out of your life Carson."

*Misty moves herself away from Carson and starts slowly back twords Katie and Wyatt. Stoping in front of them.*

"I'm ready to leave now. Katie cant you stay here and watch over him for me? We will get Jason or someone to come and help you bring him back to TJY."

*Misty slowly pushes back both of them as Katie gives a nod she would stay. Eveything inside Misty tells her to stay with Carson but she couldent. He needed to make this desition on his own. She couldnet do it for him. This was up to Carson.*


The woman throws Misty a scowl, but backs off.

Carson cringes as his head had hit the stool next to him, though he still snickers at his own stupidity. Looking up at Misty, he laughs. “Yeah, you understand me alright. Finding me here… I bet you’re thrilled! Any other woman’s always been thrilled to find me. Especially one in particular.”

He suddenly grows irritated, the alcohol reeking havoc with his emotional state. “But I don’t talk about her anymore.”

Reaching up, he somehow manages to pull himself to his feet, leaning heavily on the bar. “And I come here to forget about it, and no thanks to you, I thought of it again.” He swipes a new bottle of beer from the counter. “How about you running yourself on home where you belong and leaving me be?”

Wyatt watches from his and Katie's position, ready to intervene if necessary, but for now leaves it in Misty's hands.

Your Husband

*Misty throws a look at the bartender her face still showing little to no emotion.*

"No he dosent have a vehicle cuz the last time he got drunk he wraped it around a tree."

*Misty dosent feel one bit of remorse for telling a fip in this place. Most bars were filled with lies anyways.*

"Thats funny Carson, cuz I see it if I dident understand you I wouldent have found you now would I have. Not to mention stick with you though alot of stuff many people wouldent have. If thats not understanding than I dont know what it is."

*As the woman behind Misty throws her comment Misty snaps her head back to look at her.*

"This dosent consirn you so make you should just but out. I hate to have you go home with a black eye and have your husband...."

*Misty nods to the womans finger that held a ring on it.*

"...wonder why you were at a bar."

*As Carson makes a commotion next to her and falls Misty looks over the stool and down at him.*

"Did that hurt?"

*Misty gives alittle nod by the look on his face.*

"Good, I hope it knocked some sence into you but I'm not counting on it."


Carson swings his head around and eyes Misty suspiciously. “Hey…I know you…” He squints and points a finger at her, quirking an eyebrow. “And you shouldn’t be in a like…a this…place like this.”

The bartender throws a look at Misty, conveying his annoyance. “I serve who I want to, Miss. Around here we don’t have a limit, and he ain’t driving no vehicle.”

“That’s dang well right!” Carson’s palm slams down onto the counter. “A man who understand me – I like it!” He swivels the barstool back and forth, his nervous energy showing through his drunken state. “Ain’t nobody else who understands me, so I found my place, I did!”

“Of course you did.” The woman behind Misty downs a shot of liquor. “You fit right in here, Aussie.”

A grin plays at Carson’s mouth and he looks back to Misty, his eyes holding their glazed stare. “What did I tell ya? I bet you forgot I said once not to get involved with the likes of me, but I think you did, so here I am!” Throwing out both arms, he loses his balance again, and once more tumbles off onto the floor in a fit of laughter.

Last Time

*Misty lets out a long sigh as she is far enough away from Carson to not be noticed but closed enough to hear and see EVERYTHING. As she see the woman kiss Carson an angel bubbles inside of her. Looking at Wyatt and than Katie Misty shakes her head trying to keep her anger calm. Keeping her arm wrapped around her stomach Misty walks closer to Carson slipping in between him and where the woman that kissed him was siting. Misty's face is almost emotionless as she talks.*

"Ya know Carson, last time I checked I wasent dead."

*Misty looks at the bartender who is abour to pour Carson another drink and shakes her head.*

"I think he's had enough."

*Kaite watches Misty, than turns alittle to Waytt wondering if they should go over as well or wait to see what happens and let Misty do her thing.*


“Alright…” At this point, Wyatt is game to try anything to locate Carson, and the bars had been one of the first things he’d thought of, so he’s willing to try. If Carson had packed his bags, Wyatt’s not completely convinced they’ll find him at a bar, but it’s worth a try.

Getting back into the jeep, Wyatt tries to think of the bars in town. There were several.

The first one is across town, and there are people there, but no sign of Carson. Moving on, they get the same thing at two other locations. Though not having gone far, it takes long enough to drive that time is slipping away.

Wyatt sighs as they head back to the other side of town. “There’s one more to check…there’s one that’s open ad weird hours and I see specials all the time and people there at all hours instead of just at night. It’s worth looking.”

Upon arriving, Wyatt pulls up to the curb, noting that there are many cars around, just as he had thought. This was a popular stop for anyone who didn’t have to work during the day.

Wyatt wants to go in himself, but he knows better than to tell Misty that, so he relents before even asking her, and helps her out of the jeep. Getting to the door, he lets her in first and stays close behind her.

The room is noisy and smoke-filled. Loud music plays while men and women raise their voices, hollow laughter filling in the lulls.

A sweeping glance around the room finally reveals the one searched for. At first there is relief, then a wave of strong irritation for finding him here.

Carson sits on the barstool at the counter, just downing a shot of whiskey. Slamming the shotglass down, he raises a hand in the air, retrieving a cheer from the others who were sitting around him. Their boisterous behavior egging him on as he speaks with slurred animation. “Another round gone down! Another cheer for those with no fear!”

Hands bang on the counter and shouts erupt.

A woman sidles up behind Carson, putting her arms around him. He takes a swig of beer and throws her a glazed sidelong glance. “Can I help you, miss….missy?”

A whispered something in his ear makes his eyebrows raise and a dry laugh comes out. “Ha! You wish, don’t you now? Nope.” He shakes his head with over-emphasis. “I’m through with sheilas. Yep.” He switches to nodding vigorously. “They’re bad for the health.” He gestures with his hand, almost hitting the guy next to him, and reaches for another swig of beer.

Carson’s head is brought back around as the woman, who herself has had one too many, plants a kiss on his lips. Pulling away, Carson puts her in a headlock from the side, somehow managing to remain balanced on the stool. “Now I told ya…no more…sheilas who try it with me…” He grabs his beer bottle again to finish it off in several swallows. “…wind up dead, and then this heart of mine gets broke aaaallll over again.”

He lets the woman go and turns back around to wave to the bartender. “Set me up, Ted! I’m thirsty!”

Cheers rise up again along with his own and he leans over to the guy next to him, slinging an arm around his shoulder. Miscalculating the distance though, he slips off his seat, falling to the floor with a thud.

Laughter follows, his own face wearing a drunken grin as he tries to pick himself back up, but can’t quite get there. Another man reaches down to pull him up, setting him back on his chair. “A little tipsy, partner?”

“I’m not partner anybody’s,” Carson corrects backward. “I’m the loner on a walkabout! The lone Aussie without no one to hold him back or down him drag!”

Back to the....

*Misty enters slowly moving from room to room looking for anything out of place.

Katie enters as well and look around but not to much not really know what to be looking for.

As Misty enters Carson's room Katie is close behind. yelling into the other room so Wyatt can hear.*

Misty: "His shoes, backpack, and a few cloths are gone."

Katie: "It looks like the bed hasent been slept in eather."

*Misty holds her stomach as she walks out of the bedroom and sits down in one of the chairs*

"So, what this tells us is...Carson had no intention on coming to work. He had planed on leaving sometime last night. But where was he going to go to?"

*Katie sits down in on of the chairs at the table across from Misty.*

"Maybe he could handle it and he ran off with the Agency again."

*Misty shoots Katie a look that could kill.*

"NO! After everything that he's been through with Mick, and after all this time he's changed. He might not be perfect but he wouldent go back to the Agency."

*Katie raises her hands in defence.*

"Sorry I was just saying."

*Misty brings a hand to her head as she slowly stands. trying to think. Than a thought come to her.*

"Ok lets get out of here."

*Misty turns to Wyatt.*

"Lets check out the bars that are close enough to walk to run to he might be there."

*Slowly Misty makes her way to the door for a moment the sharp pain jabing her but she trys to ignore it not wanting Wyatt to take her back to TJY yet.*

Have at it

“Okay… it’s the apartment then.” It only takes a moment to make the short distance to the apartments, and Wyatt helps Misty up the stairs as much as she’ll let him. He uses Jason’s key again and lets Misty and Katie go first.

Entering, he glances around again, still seeing nothing but the phone out of place. “Well…have at it, Misty.”


*Misty rolls her eyes at Wyatt humoring him but know she really wouldent.*

"Ya I'll let you know if I need to come back here. Come on we are wasting time."

*Misty heads out slowly with Wyatt not stoping as he talks to Katie but keeps heading for the elavator.

Katie turns to Wyatt and nods than looks bad a Jason. A hint of disapointment in her eyes, but maybe stoping to think about it It was a good thing.*

"I guess I'll have to take a rain check on that walk."

*Smiling and biding her goodbyes to Jason Katie turns to head out stoping by Scott's desk next leaning on the wall.*

"Hey Hun. I just wanted to let you know I was steping out. Wyatt and Misty needed me for something. I'm not sure how long it will take so..dont wait up for me."

*Katie laughs alittle and enters Scott's cubicle and gives him a quick kiss than exits geting into Wyatts Jeep.

Misty thinks for a long moment. Checking Carson's place again would be the smart thing to do. Some clue had to be left behind. That was where to start.*

"First we head to Carson's again. I know him alittle better than you do Wyatt..."

*Misty throws her cousin a glance.*

"..Maybe I can notice something you dident."

*Katie sits in the backseat a tad bit confused.*

"So whats going on Carson is missing again?"

Now what

Wyatt thinks for several moments and finally gives in. “Just be glad Rick isn’t here right now – he’d tie you to the bed if he had to.” He turns and holds the door open for his cousin. “But if you get to hurting or anything, you TELL me and we’re coming straight back here, is that understood? And if we run into anything suspicious, we’re getting more help.”

Moving down the hall, Wyatt spots Katie in Jason’s office. “Yo, Katie. You’re up. We need your help. Meet us out by my jeep.”

Jason raises his eyebrows as Wyatt passes with Misty. He looks to Katie. “Guess I’ll see you later.”

It doesn’t take long before Wyatt is in his jeep with Katie and Misty, heading out of the TJY parking lot. “Alright, you two. I’m lost. Do we go back to the apartment first?”

Change of heart

*Misty is a bit saprised about the news of Ashlyn. A suddon sadness comes over her. If anyone had asked her a week ago if Ashlynn had died would she be happy she would of said yes. But now that it was actully true Misty was sad.

The new of Carson not taking it to well sends Misty to worry even more. Replying the conversation in her mind of what Carson had told her Misty he there wasent a love with Carson and Ashlyn, but once along time ago there was a bond and no matter how you get over someone, sometimes a bond cant be severed.

Misty's own voice grows soft with alittle less irratation but still the stern fact she was going.*

"Come on Wyatt. Lets tell Reese know we are leavinh. I am pretty sure Nate isent into so maybe Katie can come with us."

*Slowly Misty continues her rout to the door.*

*Katie smiles back at Jason. As far she she new her day was free.*

"Nothing planed today."


“Look, Misty…” Wyatt’s tone lowers to a slightly softer, but still serious tone. “There’s something we didn’t tell you…we didn’t think you needed to be thinking about it, and we figured Carson would tell you eventually, but as far as I know, he hasn’t.” He pauses, unsure how to word it. “The day you were shot, before Carson found you, someone almost killed him…he fired on them and killed them first. It…it was Ashlyn. And…I don’t think Carson took it too well.”

Wyatt shakes his head. “I just…I think it might have finally gotten to him, and he took off, but I don’t know where to start looking. He took off the last time things got tough and it was all the way to Australia. I hope this isn’t connected, but if it is…look, I just don’t want you getting hurt is all. But if you’re that determined, you can come along. We need to tell Reese we’re going, and maybe we should recruit Nate or something too.”

Jason looks up quickly at Katie. She’d gotten way too good at reading him. “Um…alright…I guess. As long as….” He bites his tongue, the awkwardness returning. “As long as you didn’t have plans with Scott or something.”