

The woman throws Misty a scowl, but backs off.

Carson cringes as his head had hit the stool next to him, though he still snickers at his own stupidity. Looking up at Misty, he laughs. “Yeah, you understand me alright. Finding me here… I bet you’re thrilled! Any other woman’s always been thrilled to find me. Especially one in particular.”

He suddenly grows irritated, the alcohol reeking havoc with his emotional state. “But I don’t talk about her anymore.”

Reaching up, he somehow manages to pull himself to his feet, leaning heavily on the bar. “And I come here to forget about it, and no thanks to you, I thought of it again.” He swipes a new bottle of beer from the counter. “How about you running yourself on home where you belong and leaving me be?”

Wyatt watches from his and Katie's position, ready to intervene if necessary, but for now leaves it in Misty's hands.

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