

Scott laughs. “Okay, I’ll relay the message to Domino. But give me a call before you leave work so I know whether or not I should make supper.” He throws Katie a wink. “I have yet to cook for you.”

Leaving her be, he turns around and heads back to his own desk, only to get stopped by a holler from Susanne’s office as she wails about her computer.

Scott throws his arms up in the air and spins around to give Katie a silly look before continuing his route.

Jason gives Mabel a grateful smile. “Thanks.” Leaning up against the counter, he takes a swig of his orange juice and nods to Aerith. “I’m alive. How about yourself?” He manages a slight grin as she pets the dog. “Aerith, meet Trooper.”

Camryn smiles. It’s obvious that Jason knows this place well, and they know him too. It was nice to see that he had somewhere to go and people to be with, even if he was resisting company.

She looks to Aerith. “Yeah, actually, some iced tea would be nice if you have some.”

Jason catches Aerith’s eye. “Let me pay for it.” Seeing a look from Camryn out of the corner of his eye, he takes another sip of his juice. “If it’ll get an annoyance off my back, it’s worth the cost.”

Camryn gives Jason’s arm a backhanded slap. “How rude.”

Jason keeps himself from smiling, and just shrugs.

Camryn purses her lips with sly humor and glances to Aerith. “Since Jason’s apparently too much of a grouch to introduce me, I’m Camryn Lane.”

…Just a short time passes and as Camryn finishes her iced tea, she sidles away from the counter, reaching for her purse. “Thank you for the tea,” she thanks Aerith and Mabel.

“Hey.” Jason shoots Camryn a disgusted look. “I said I’d pay.”

Seeing his determination, Camryn rolls her eyes. “I don’t know whether to be grateful or offended.” She grins at Aerith. “Nice to meet you. Maybe I’ll see you again.” Giving a little wave, she exits the restaurant.

Jason remains leaning against the counter, swirling the leftover juice around in his glass. He needed to head back to work, but he really didn’t want to. Despite the walk and banter with Camryn, his mind was still full and trying to revert back to things that didn’t make him feel good.

Carson starts to move, beginning to toss and turn in his sleep. Groaning a little, he starts to mumble, though his words are too garbled to understand. Suddenly he sits bold upright. “Misty!”

His blurry eyes go wide and he glances around, dazed. Just as quickly, he leans back into the couch, his head flopping down in the opposite direction in a stupor.

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