

Wyatt gives Misty a bit of a smile. “Yeah, okay…I’ll try to keep Rick from blowing a gasket. If anybody can take care of themselves, it’s you.”

He gives a little wave. “I’ll see you later. And yes…do call if you need anything. I’m sure Jason will be back after work sometime, so if he’s halfway sociable, he might help ya out.”

Wyatt aims for the door and heads back to TJY.

Carson remains motionless, except for an occasional twitch, signaling that though his body was at rest, his mind was still active with dreams.

Jason gives Katie a weary grin. “Don’t sweat it. I’ll catch you later.” Not giving too much time to converse, he starts for the exit, Trooper obediently by his side.

Hitting the fresh air felt good. Jason’s heart felt a bit heavy, and the sunshine tried to peek through, despite the shadows that covered him. There was joy that was trying desperately to break through to him…after the night before…experiencing JetStream again…talking with Katie… Jason knew there was hope. He knew it was there….somewhere. He had a start now…but didn’t know where the next step was. He was beginning to let go…beginning to open up again…slowly. But as the negative emotions had begun to be released, it had started to leave an emptiness behind. What was there to fill it? What was there to replace what was being lifted?

Ambling down the sidewalk, Jason absentmindedly heads for town. He wasn’t needed at the moment back at TJY, so he knew he could get away with taking his time. Most of the people at TJY were trying to enjoy themselves in the days before the court hearing…no one knew how life was about to change.

Just as Jason and Trooper are passing by some stores on main street, when he’s startled to a stop.

“Well, if it isn’t lead singer Jason.”

He turns quickly at the female voice to see Camryn just coming out of a gift shop. He tightens Trooper’s leash just a little and cocks his head. “If it isn’t Camryn Lane. Have you taken up stalking me?”

Camryn laughs and shakes her head, flashing him a smile. “We do live in the same town.”

“Sure, but you’re the one who apparently likes to annoy me.”

“Are you still sore about that?”

“Are you still intent on invading my space?”

“Only if you make it worth my while by keeping up the fight.”

Jason squints an eye at Camryn, finally unable to help but crack a small grin. “You don’t give up, do you?”

“Never.” Camryn shakes her head with humor. “Though I’d be willing to call a truce if you can quit scowling at me.”

“I’m not scowling.”

“No, but that’s all you did last night.”

Jason sighs. “I apologize. It was a rough night.”

“I could tell. How about today?”

Jason thinks for a moment. He didn’t know why he was even willing to talk to Camryn, but something about her forced it out of him. “I guess I’m better.”

Camryn looks down at Trooper, still smiling. “Is this beautiful beast yours?”

Jason lets a genuine grin slip out. Most people considered Trooper an unattractive dog because of his massive size and color. “Mostly.”

“Can I pet him?”

“I don’t know. Can you?”

Camryn throws him a smirk before holding out her hand. “Hey, puppy.”

Trooper stretches out his nose, giving her fingers several sniffs before stepping forward to tolerate a scratch behind the ears.

Camryn grins. “What’s his name?”


“He’s a sweety.” Camryn withdraws and heaves a sigh. “Where you headed?”

“No where.”

“Neither am I. Mind the company, or would I be “invading your space” again and making you mad?”

Jason rolls his eyes and starts forward again. “If you want to walk on a public sidewalk, who am I to stop you?”

Camryn shakes her head with an amused smirk as she starts to walk with him on the other side of Trooper. “We’ll see how it goes. But if you’re going to be a grump again, I’ll part with you on the next block.”

Jason keeps his eyes forward, unable to keep from responding, keeping up the banter. “If you weren’t so pushy, maybe I wouldn’t be such a grump.”

“If I wasn’t pushy, you wouldn’t be speaking to me at all.”

“How do you know?”

“You’re too withdrawn.”

“And you know this how?”

“Because I’ve watched you.” Camryn gives him a sidelong glance. “You’ve got a complex personality that demands close attention, and it didn’t take long to surmise that you’re a deep thinker, and as such, you can be very withdrawn.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “For someone so annoying, you seem to have a hidden intellect.”

Camryn laughs. “Maybe.”

A couple blocks later, Jason realizes he’s approaching Mom and Pop’s. The warm day had made him thirsty, and he was tempted to stop and rest. Halting in front of the door, he looks inside, seeing that there appears to be no customers at the moment. “I don’t know about you,” he turns to Camryn. “But I’m parched. I know the folks here and as long as there isn’t anybody else here, they’ll let Trooper in.”

“Are you asking me to stay outside, or inviting me in?”

Jason rolls his eyes and opens the door, holding it open. “I’ll stand here for two more seconds. If you want to come in, be my guest, otherwise, you’re on your own.”

Camryn grins and takes advantage of the open door, stepping inside to the cool interior. She frequented the café downtown, but hadn’t ever tried out this little place before. It had a nice, welcoming atmosphere, she noticed.

Jason enters behind her, keeping Trooper on a tight leash. He gives a wave to the back. “Hey, Mabel…you wouldn’t have a glass of orange juice and a bowl of water, would you?” Pausing before Mabel can answer, Aerith catches his eye and he gives a little wave. “Afternoon.”

“Don’t work so hard.” Scott leans on the top of Katie’s cubicle, his wrist in a brace, the only sign now that anything had happened before. He grins at her. “Domino asked me this morning if you’d be over again tonight. I told her I didn’t know.”

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