
Enduring pain

*Katie givs a giggle as she watchs Scott walk away. Turning back to her paperwork she lets out a sigh. Squinting she trys to read the words only to find them going blurry. Puting down the papers Katie rubs her eyes and refocuese figuring she was probley just tired from so much paperwork.

The hours pass and Katie finally prints out her last paper. Pulling out her phone she dials Scotts number.*

"Hey Hottie...I'm just calling to let ya know I am almost done here. Need to finish a few more things and than I'll head over. Probley in about 15-20 min. Do you need me to pick anything up on the way?"

*After hanging up the phone Katie stands and shuts off her computer screen. Making her way across the quiet and dark floor twords Reese office. Placing the stack of papers she had worked on today in his in basket.

Heading into the bathroom Katie freshens up and washes her hands exiting. Slowly going back to her desk she bumps into the cubile wall on mistake. Strange she though the opening had been where she was headed. Katie always had good eyes in the dark it was unusal for her depth perseption to be off. Ah well...it had been a long day. Grabing her purse and keys Katie heads out.*

*Aerith smiles at Jason happy for the conversation to break up the dull day.*

"I'm doing pretty good. My grandmother dident harass me to much this morning she was feeling under the weather so it helped start the day good. Well not that he was under the weather but...that she dident yell to much."

*Receving Camryn's request Aerith grabs her some iced tea and sets it down. Giving alittle nod.*

"Its nice to Meet you Camryn. I'm Aerith Adams."

*For a moment Aerith studys Jason as he and Camryn bicker back and forth. A hidden smile under Jason hard outside shell braught a warm feeling to Aeriths heart. Something was differnt today but it was a good differnt.

As Camryn is about to leave Aerith gives alittle wave.*

"It was nice meeting you to. Take care."

*After Camryn had left Aerith takes her glass and puts it in the sinke. Turning back to Jason Aerith gets the sence that Jason's modd was sliping again. Trying to keep the conversation light Aerith leans on the counter looking down at Trooper again.*

"So, Trooper is a really nice dog."

*Pushing off the counter Aerith comes along side Trooper slowly and Bending down talksing to him softly. Running her hands along his legs and neck, proving once again Aerith new what she was doing.*

"No I refraze that, He's not a nice dog he is amazing. His bone structer, and posture is perfect. He's deffintly a dog trained for police work."

*Standing she smiles at Jason.*

"Did you train him yourself?"

*Misty sits straght up off the coutch as Carson yells her name. For a moment forgeting where she was. A gut wrenching pain shooting though her causing her whole body to shake for a moment. Relizing where she was she relaxes just a bit even though the horrid pain is still there. Checking on Carson and makes sure he was ok Misty leans back closing her eyes to get the pain to stop. Feeling a warm wet feeling Misty looks down to see bloodseeping through her shirt. Siting up again fighting the pain Misty rolls her eyes relizing what she did.

After geting up and checking on Carson again Misty pulling his legs up on the coutch and pulling a blanket over him. Slowly making her way into Carson room she opens his dresser and pull out on of his over sized T-shirts. Seeing a needle and thred on the top of the dresser Misty grabs it and heads slowly into the bathroom. Taking her shirt off she looks down at the bandages soked in blood. Removing them her saspitions were proved right. She had riped them clean out. Opening the medicen cabnet Misty grabs the rubbing alcohol and iodine. Taking some tolit paper Misty pats the wound of alittle blood at ghushes more. Threding the needle Misty dumps rubbing alcohol on it and the string. Griting her teeth Misty also dumps some on the bullet would. A soft screech escapes her lips as it stings more than anything. Finally when it stops Misty starts to sew herself up. Once finished she dumps more alcohol on the wound and than iodine. Taking some gawz she always found and ducktape making a mashift bandage for now.

Throwing on Carson's t-shit she makes her way to his kitchen grabing some water than heading back to the coutch to watch over Carson alittle more. As Misty watches some random crap on TV her eyes grow tired. That pain in her stomach was to great to be scrunches on the coutch again. Slowly standing Misty turns the TV off, gives Carson a soft kiss*

"GoodNight Sweetheart."

*Than heads into his bedroom leaving the door open so in case anything happend Misty could hear. Slowly siting down on Carson's bed Misty kicks her shoes off and leans back her head sinking into his pillow. Pulling the blanket up to her neck Misty is out. Sleep, exsaustion over taking her.*

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