
Now what

Wyatt thinks for several moments and finally gives in. “Just be glad Rick isn’t here right now – he’d tie you to the bed if he had to.” He turns and holds the door open for his cousin. “But if you get to hurting or anything, you TELL me and we’re coming straight back here, is that understood? And if we run into anything suspicious, we’re getting more help.”

Moving down the hall, Wyatt spots Katie in Jason’s office. “Yo, Katie. You’re up. We need your help. Meet us out by my jeep.”

Jason raises his eyebrows as Wyatt passes with Misty. He looks to Katie. “Guess I’ll see you later.”

It doesn’t take long before Wyatt is in his jeep with Katie and Misty, heading out of the TJY parking lot. “Alright, you two. I’m lost. Do we go back to the apartment first?”

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