
It's Katie

Ryder takes the paper from Nate, not hesitating to go down the hall to Scott. All it was now, was another waiting game - for Sapphire to get the results, for Rick to confirm the blood analysis, and for Scott to check the web address...

Scott's eyes never leave the computer screen. His eyes hurt and his head hurt from staring at the computer for so long, but he couldn't stop now. It took a while, but he was finally able to confirm security, making sure that when visiting the site given, no one would be able to hack into their own system. But when he saw what was on the screen, his heart leapt into his throat.

He chokes on his own breath, and puts a hand up to cover his mouth. "Oh no..." Shutting the screen quickly, he grabs the piece of paper again, and jogs to Nate's cubicle. His face was as pale as a ghost. "Nate..." He swallows hard and holds out the piece of paper. "It's Katie."

Jason slouches in the passenger seat, just trying to breathe for the ride back to TJY. Trooper is uncomfortable with a prisoner in the back, Jason acting strangely, and the newcomer behind the steering wheel. He gives a whine and a little groan, refraining from barking, but making his displeasure known.

He leans forward with his face over the seat, showing his teeth for a moment at Phinox. A brief but low growl follows.

"Take it easy on him," Jason manages quietly. He reaches up to set a hand on Trooper's head to calm him down. "He's on our side."

Trooper gives a little groan, but relaxes, resting his chin on the seat in front of him.

Jason sinks further down in his seat, the pain in his chest increasing. His breathing had become labored and he couldn't stop the wheezing now. Trying to think straight, he lets Phinox worry about getting them back to TJY and goes for his phone instead. Closing his eyes, he leans his head back, trying to relax. Hearing an answer to his call, he manages to speak weakly. "Rick?"

"Jason? What's wrong?"

"We're coming back... be ready for me, alright?"

"Alright, Hotshot. Hang in there, okay? How far are you away?"

"Not far. Give us another ten minutes."

"I'll be ready." Rick decides not to say now, how thins had progressed in the office. It would be best for Jason to get calm first before anything more was thrown at him.

Jason hangs up his phone, wincing as his headache worsens. He just wanted to get back.


Following Jason's direction Phinox keeps up with the pase that everything happens an almost second nature to him. As Jason comes back into the room Phinox follows swiftly behind him not saying a word but over seeing everything making sure all was well.

No consern was shone in his eyes till he saw the look on Jason's face as he asks him to drive.

"Yeah ok, I can."

Taking Jason's keys Phinox gets into the diver side and speeds down the road. Having a hint on what was happying to Jason it was a bit nerve racking and he wanted to get him back to TJY as soon as possable. Looking every now and than in the review to make sure there passanger was still there.

As Nate opens the package his heart pumps faster than he could ever remember. Seeing the the items in the box Nate is carfel not to touch anything but the paper so if there were prints they wouldnt not get covered up. Holdng the paper and looking at it Nate shakes his head slightly before looking back in the box and seeing Katies watch. His insides screamed, and he could feel his hate for the Agency knocking at the door.

Picking up the box gently Nate hands the paper to Ryder. Before moving past him.

"Take that to Scott and check to make sure the website is not something to hack our system before we go to it and see what it is."

Going into TJY Nate moves with hast not stoping at all. Making his way to Sapphire's he takes the box and puts it on her desk.

"I need you to do print tests, hair tests anything you can think of on this. Inside and out, even the paper on the box dont leave anything unturned."

Slapping on a pare of gloves that layed on her desk Nate takes the watch.

"I am gonna need it done on this as well but I need to get it over to Rick first to see if its Katie's blood."

Wearing off

Reiker's eyes narrow then widen at Phinox's badge. For several moments, he doesn't make one move, just seeming to think about his choices.

Jason waits, unable to see the man from this angle. He looks at Phinox with question. Why was nothing happening?

Reiker swallows hard. "You ain't takin' me nowhere," he growls. "Let me see your warrant."

Jason rolls his eyes. This was going to get them no where. They didn't have time to stand here and argue. They needed to get Reiker back to TJY and get some answers. It was their only lead.

Throwing a look at Phinox, Jason doesn't wait for a nod. Spinning out in the open, his aims stretches out his handgun, pointing it at the cracked opening. "This is our warrant," he hisses. "Get out here, now."

Reiker recoils, but before anything can be done, the door is slammed shut, a deadbolt clicking.

"Dang it!" Jason aims his gun lower and fires a shot at the lock. Then giving a swift kick, the door breaks and flies open. Several figures were moving quickly inside the house. "Freeze!" he orders.

A shotgun goes off, blowing the front window to bits.

Jason doesn't flinch. "Does anybody know how to follow orders?!" he barks.

Reiker is on the floor where he dove with his shotgun. "You got not right!" he yells.

Jason knew he was right. He would probably get in trouble for breaking in here. But he could handle a slap on the wrists from the police.

The other two figures are slipping out through the back door, and Jason calls over his shoulder to Phinox. "Get a hold on this guy before he slithers out of here!" Sprinting through the house, he reaches the back door, ramming it open. But he's too late. He hears the squeal of tires and sees a blue car taking off through the alleyway. Taking aim, he fires a shot, nicking the fender. A curse slips out under his breath.

Getting back inside, he makes a quick search of the house, but there aren't that many rooms to check. It was a small house with no basement. There was nothing else here. He hadn't expected to find Katie here, but it was still a small letdown. He wanders to the living room again where Phinox and Reiker were. Leaning down he grabs the shotgun and hands it over to Phinox for safe keeping, then goes for his handcuffs. "Alright, get up."

Reiker glares at both men, but rises to his feet, having no choice. He winces as his hands are yanked behind his back. "This ain't for drunk driving," he grumbles. "But you ain't got nothing else on me. You hear? Nothing! No proof! I'll get you two for this!"

"Aw shut up." Jason gives the man a shove towards the door, and gestures to Phinox to lead him outside. He remains for just a moment behind their backs, doubling over to catch his breath before following outside.

Reiker resists Phinox, but doesn't have much of a choice but to aim for the pickup truck.

Jason follows after them, going to the green van first to give it a once-over, but finds nothing. Meeting up with them at the truck, Trooper is already barking from the backseat, after he'd spotted the stranger in cuffs.

Reiker is planting his feet on the pavement. "You're not putting me in with that dog," he warns. "Don't put me in there with that dog!"

Jason rolls his eyes. "I wasn't planning to." He lets the tailgate fall open. "Get in."

"This is inhumane!" Reiker accuses.

Jason is not amused with the delay. Yanking Reiker away from Phinox, he shoves the larger man into the back of the truck with no mercy. Swiping Phinox's handcuffs from him, he uses the second pair to lock Reiker to a tiedown ring. "Don't move," he orders, though there's no need. The prisoner was going no where.

Slamming the tailgate shut again, Jason can no longer hide his trouble. Putting a hand to his chest, he starts to wheeze, unable to catch his breath. The antidote was wearing off - quickly. Leaning against the truck, he tries to pull himself together, but it doesn't work. He knew Phinox probably had no idea what was wrong with him, but he doesn't care.

Holding out the keys to Phinox, Jason's eyes ask him to drive. "Get us back in a hurry," he directs, though his tone has dropped to more of a desperate request than an order.

Ryder is quick to follow Nate outside, he himself worried about what they might find. It could be anything, and his pulse quickens.

Reese is on his feet in an instant as Nate tells him what's going on, and doesn't hesitate to follow them out, his gun at his side just in case.

Reaching the outdoors and waiting for Nate to open the package, both men's eyes widen. Ryder withdraws a little, his eyes flooding with emotions. He hated this. He hated it that Katie was gone. He hated it that they were being taunted.

Reese swallows hard, then lets out a long breath. "They're making contact... that's a good thing. Sometime they'll slip up... they will." Though he tried to be confident, his voice wavered. "Nate... take these things to Sapphire and have her start checking for fingerprints. Then lets see what this web address is from a secure computer."


Nate lets out a sigh and shakes his head. Throwing down some files Nate had become frustrated and felt at a loss.

"Because there isnt any leads here. We have been over these files over and over again. This is pointless and a wast of time but I cant think of anything else to do."

Leaning back in his chair Nate runs his hands over his face. He was lost, there was nothing to do...what now?

The ringing of his phone makes Nate jump it was his privet line. Looking down and seeing the number was blocked Nate looks to Ryder giving a shrug and than picks up the phone.


Hearing silence again on the other line Nate can hear the outside noises but the rest was silent. Looking to Ryder again he quirks an eye brow again his stomach in a knot.


"There is a package outside of TJY for you. Was no time in getting it."

Hearing the phone go dead Nate hangs his up his own heart still racing. A package outside of TJY? Nate couldnt help but think the worse.

"Ryder come with me. Someone said there was a package outside for TJY and I find that a bit strange myself."

Standing Nate goes to Reese office and knocks than enters. He needed to know about this.

"Reese, I just got a call and I dont know who from. They said there was a package outside for TJY. I wanted to inform you before I went to see what it was. I cant help but fear the worse."

Outside of the TJY building sat a small box wrapped in brown paper. TJY written on the front in a fancy lettering. Inside the package was a tiny paper that had a website written on it, along with Katie's cell phone, her watch that had blood on it, and her necklace. One could only guess what this was.

Standing at the door Phinox remains cool, and his look very normal, the emotion still blocked from his eyes. Giving no indacation that he might be here for any other reason that was he was goig to say.

Seeing the man peek through the crack Phinox can pick up a little one his voice. Hearig about the guy once or twice he new the man though he had no idea who Phinox was. Phinox speaks in a strong voice his spainish accent really showing itself as he says more than a few words.

"Mr. Reiker..."

Phinox holds up his badge.

"..I need you to come with me on some DUI charges that where ignored. If you come with me we can get this over quick and you can get back to what you were doing."

Continuing to stand strong Phinox has a certin air about him, showing his confadince in the situation but alert at the same time that anything could go wrong at any moment.

Who is it

Ryder sighs and shakes his head as he flips through files. "No... unless you count Katie messing with guys' minds and Jason blowing things up as strange."

Pausing his work, Ryder rubs his hands over his eyes. "We went in, went for the lab... Katie and Jason went in alone while Carson and I watched the hall. They took a while, my brother showed up and shot me, Carson blew a hole in his head and we ran." He shrugs. "We came back here. End of story."

Though he tried to hide it, there was obviously still a twinge of bitterness there that showed through when he spoke of his brother and Carson.

"I still can't figure out why the Agency would come shoot up the house after they already had Katie though. I know they're random and built around chaos because of Medridge, but still..." He shakes his head. "I don't know. I just feel like there aren't any leads here at all."

Jason slides out of the truck, motioning Trooper to stay put. Shutting the door, he moves around and falls into step beside Phinox on the sidewalk, heading for the targeted house. Several other cars were parked nearby. Jason gestures to them, signaling that they might have more company than just Reiker.

Getting to the porch, Jason approaches the door cautiously, moving to lean his back against the wall. "Let him see you first," he directs quietly. "Flash your badge and tell him you're here to take him to court about the ignored DUI charges. See if you can get him to come out."

Reaching over, he rings the doorbell and waits, knowing that anyone inside would have to step out on the porch before seeing him, and by that time, he could already have taken him from behind. It wasn't protocol, but at this point, they needed to get answers and fast. Katie's life was at stake.

Waiting a couple moments, Jason winces as a new pain surges through his skull. His chest starts to tighten, and he knows they need to hurry with this thing. He rings the doorbell again.

Steps are heard inside and a burly man finally comes to the door, but only opens it a crack, barely peering out. "Who is it? Who's here?"