

Nate lets out a sigh and shakes his head. Throwing down some files Nate had become frustrated and felt at a loss.

"Because there isnt any leads here. We have been over these files over and over again. This is pointless and a wast of time but I cant think of anything else to do."

Leaning back in his chair Nate runs his hands over his face. He was lost, there was nothing to do...what now?

The ringing of his phone makes Nate jump it was his privet line. Looking down and seeing the number was blocked Nate looks to Ryder giving a shrug and than picks up the phone.


Hearing silence again on the other line Nate can hear the outside noises but the rest was silent. Looking to Ryder again he quirks an eye brow again his stomach in a knot.


"There is a package outside of TJY for you. Was no time in getting it."

Hearing the phone go dead Nate hangs his up his own heart still racing. A package outside of TJY? Nate couldnt help but think the worse.

"Ryder come with me. Someone said there was a package outside for TJY and I find that a bit strange myself."

Standing Nate goes to Reese office and knocks than enters. He needed to know about this.

"Reese, I just got a call and I dont know who from. They said there was a package outside for TJY. I wanted to inform you before I went to see what it was. I cant help but fear the worse."

Outside of the TJY building sat a small box wrapped in brown paper. TJY written on the front in a fancy lettering. Inside the package was a tiny paper that had a website written on it, along with Katie's cell phone, her watch that had blood on it, and her necklace. One could only guess what this was.

Standing at the door Phinox remains cool, and his look very normal, the emotion still blocked from his eyes. Giving no indacation that he might be here for any other reason that was he was goig to say.

Seeing the man peek through the crack Phinox can pick up a little one his voice. Hearig about the guy once or twice he new the man though he had no idea who Phinox was. Phinox speaks in a strong voice his spainish accent really showing itself as he says more than a few words.

"Mr. Reiker..."

Phinox holds up his badge.

"..I need you to come with me on some DUI charges that where ignored. If you come with me we can get this over quick and you can get back to what you were doing."

Continuing to stand strong Phinox has a certin air about him, showing his confadince in the situation but alert at the same time that anything could go wrong at any moment.

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