

Following Jason's direction Phinox keeps up with the pase that everything happens an almost second nature to him. As Jason comes back into the room Phinox follows swiftly behind him not saying a word but over seeing everything making sure all was well.

No consern was shone in his eyes till he saw the look on Jason's face as he asks him to drive.

"Yeah ok, I can."

Taking Jason's keys Phinox gets into the diver side and speeds down the road. Having a hint on what was happying to Jason it was a bit nerve racking and he wanted to get him back to TJY as soon as possable. Looking every now and than in the review to make sure there passanger was still there.

As Nate opens the package his heart pumps faster than he could ever remember. Seeing the the items in the box Nate is carfel not to touch anything but the paper so if there were prints they wouldnt not get covered up. Holdng the paper and looking at it Nate shakes his head slightly before looking back in the box and seeing Katies watch. His insides screamed, and he could feel his hate for the Agency knocking at the door.

Picking up the box gently Nate hands the paper to Ryder. Before moving past him.

"Take that to Scott and check to make sure the website is not something to hack our system before we go to it and see what it is."

Going into TJY Nate moves with hast not stoping at all. Making his way to Sapphire's he takes the box and puts it on her desk.

"I need you to do print tests, hair tests anything you can think of on this. Inside and out, even the paper on the box dont leave anything unturned."

Slapping on a pare of gloves that layed on her desk Nate takes the watch.

"I am gonna need it done on this as well but I need to get it over to Rick first to see if its Katie's blood."

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